Perencanaan Klasifikasi Suku Cadang Menggunakan Risk Matrix dan Analytical Network Process di Industri Minyak dan Gas

Intansari, Winda Raisa Oktora (2023) Perencanaan Klasifikasi Suku Cadang Menggunakan Risk Matrix dan Analytical Network Process di Industri Minyak dan Gas. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Industri minyak dan gas khususnya di bidang pengolahan minyak memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menjaga ketahanan energi nasional. Dalam menjaga keberlangsungan operasi, diperlukan pengelolaan persediaan suku cadang sebab tidak tersedianya suku cadang dapat mengakibatkan peralatan breakdown sehingga berpotensi operasi tidak dapat berjalan normal serta menimbulkan biaya atas adanya waktu henti peralatan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan metode klasifikasi suku cadang yang efektif berdasarkan criticality. Dalam penelitian ini, pengembangan metode perencanaan klasifikasi dilakukan melalui penggunaan risk matrix untuk klasifikasi berdasarkan fungsi suku cadang terhadap peralatan serta dampaknya terhadap operasi, kesehatan & keselamatan, dan lingkungan. Selanjutnya menggunakan Analytical Network Process (ANP) untuk menentukan klasifikasi berdasarkan faktor logistik dengan kriteria unit price, lead time, number of potential suppliers, dan storage, kemudian faktor pemeliharaan dengan kriteria equipment availability dan probability of failure. Dari kedua metode tersebut dilakukan analisis menggunakan diagram keputusan untuk mendapatkan tingkat criticality akhir suku cadang. Hasil penerapan pengembangan metode klasifikasi pada 20 sampel suku cadang didapatkan 8 suku cadang klasifikasi High yang merupakan prioritas utama tersedia dan harus dalam pengawasan rutin, 4 suku cadang klasifikasi Medium yang dipersyaratkan tersedia namun mempertimbangkan keuangan perusahaan dan tempat penyimpanan, serta 8 suku cadang klasifikasi Low yang mana tidak dipersyaratkan untuk disediakan. Hasil analisa lebih lanjut diketahui 6 suku cadang klasifikasi High dan 2 suku cadang klasifikasi Medium belum memiliki persediaan, sedangkan 4 suku cadang klasifikasi Low memiliki persediaan di gudang yang mana perusahaan dapat menghemat biaya persediaan apabila suku cadang klasifikasi Low tidak disediakan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengembangan metode klasifikasi suku cadang menggunakan risk matrix dan ANP dapat diterapkan di industri minyak dan gas.
The oil and gas industry, especially in the field of oil refining, has a very important role in maintaining national energy security. In maintaining the continuity of operations, it is necessary to manage spare parts inventory because the unavailability of spare parts can cause equipment breakdown so that potentially operations cannot run normally and incur costs for equipment downtime. The purpose of the study is to obtain an effective method of classification of spare parts based on criticality. In this study, the development of classification planning methods was carried out through the use of a risk matrix for classification based on the function of spare parts on equipment and their impact on operations, health & safety, and the environment. Furthermore, it uses the Analytical Network Process (ANP) to determine the classification based on logistics factors with criteria of unit price, lead time, number of potential supplierss, and storage, then maintenance factors with criteria of equipment availability and probability of failure. From both methods, analysis is carried out using decision diagrams to obtain the final criticality level of spare parts. The results of the application of the classification method development on 20 spare parts samples obtained 8 spare parts with High classification which are the top priority to be provided and must be under routine supervision, 4 spare parts with Medium classification are required to be provided but considering company finances and storage areas, and 8 spare parts with Low classification which is not required to be provided. The results of the further analysis found that 6 spare parts with High classification and 2 spare parts with Medium classification did not have inventory, while 4 spare parts with Low classification had inventory in the warehouse where the company could save inventory costs if Low classification parts were not provided. The results of this study show that the development of spare parts classification methods using Risk matrix and ANP can be applied in the oil and gas industry.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: criticality, spare parts classification, multi-criteria, material management, inventory, klasifikasi suku cadang, multi criteria, pengelolaan material, persediaan.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD108 Classification (Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects )
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD55 Inventory control
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT)
Depositing User: Winda Raisa Oktora Intansari
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2023 06:02
Last Modified: 28 Jul 2023 06:02

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