Arahan Pengendalian Kawasan Sekitar Kampus ITS yang Terdampak Studentifikasi dengan Konsep Defensible Space

Billah, Tiara Hikmata (2023) Arahan Pengendalian Kawasan Sekitar Kampus ITS yang Terdampak Studentifikasi dengan Konsep Defensible Space. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kawasan permukiman padat penduduk di sekitar Kampus ITS Sukolilo yang disertai pertumbuhan jumlah mahasiswa yang menetap pada wilayah tersebut mengakibatkan fenomena studentifikasi. Fenomena ini selanjutnya menimbulkan permasalahan baru yang menyebabkan permukiman sekitar Kampus ITS rawan kriminalitas. Defensible space merupakan konsep ketahanan ruang terhadap kejahatan melalui intervensi fisik dan sosial dalam desain perancangan lingkungan yang dikemukakan pertama kali oleh Oscar Newman pada tahun 1972. Rawannya kawasan permukiman sekitar Kampus ITS terhadap kriminalitas menandakan karakter fisik dari lingkungan permukiman di sana belum mampu berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan tingkat keamanannya. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengendalikan kriminalitas di kawasan sekitar Kampus ITS yang terdampak studentifikasi dengan konsep defensible space. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan arahan pengendalian kawasan sekitar Kampus ITS yang terdampak studentifikasi dengan konsep defensible space. Tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai melalui sasaran: (1) merumuskan kriteria defensible space sekitar Kampus ITS; (2) menilai tingkat defensible space sekitar Kampus ITS berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat; serta (3) merumuskan arahan pengendalian kawasan sekitar Kampus ITS yang terdampak studentifikasi dengan konsep defensible space. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara primer dan sekunder melalui observasi, wawancara, penyebaran kuesioner, studi literatur, serta survei instansi. Metode analisis yang digunakan: sasaran 1 analisis delphi, sasaran 2 analisis service quality, dan sasaran 3 deskriptif kualitatif.
Hasil analisis delphi menetapkan 15 kriteria defensible space sekitar Kampus ITS yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat indikator yakni territoriality, natural surveillance, image, dan milieu. Adapun penilaian tingkat defensible space kawasan sekitar Kampus ITS berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat berada pada kategori sedang dengan rata-rata nilai gap sebesar -1,07 diikuti dengan tujuh kriteria yang perlu diprioritaskan peningkatannya (ruang publik, paguyuban, kerapatan dan ketinggian tanaman, alat keamanan elektronik,
pengawasan penduduk, fasilitas keamanan, dan alur khusus pendatang). Arahan pengendalian kawasan berfokus pada ketujuh kriteria tersebut sesuai dengan tipologi permukiman. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan masukan ataupun alternatif perlakuan yang tepat untuk mencegah tindak kejahatan melalui penataan desain keruangan pada Rencana Detil Tata Ruang (RDTR) Kota Surabaya sehingga kualitas substansi pada RDTR Kota Surabaya juga diharapkan dapat meningkat.
Densely populated residential areas around the Sukolilo ITS Campus, accompanied by a growth in the number of students living in the area, have resulted in the phenomenon of studentification. This phenomenon creates new problems that cause settlements around the ITS Campus to be prone to crime. Defensible space is a concept of spatial resistance to crime through physical and social intervention in environmental design that was first proposed by Oscar Newman in 1972. The vulnerability of residential areas around the ITS Campus to crime indicates that the physical characteristics of the residential environment there have not been able to contribute to increasing the level of security. Therefore, it is important to control crime in the area around the ITS Campus which is affected by studentification with the concept of defensible space.
This study aims to formulate strategies for controlling the area around the ITS Campus that is affected by studentification with the concept of defensible space. These
objectives can be achieved through: (1) formulating criteria for defensible space around the ITS Campus; (2) assessing the level of defensible space around the ITS Campus based on
public perceptions; and (3) formulating strategies for controlling the area around the ITS Campus that is affected by studentification with the concept of defensible space. Methods of data collection were carried out on a primary and secondary basis through observation, interviews, the distribution of questionnaires, literature studies, and institutional surveys. The analytical methods used are: target 1 is Delphi analysis, target 2 is service quality
analysis, and target 3 is descriptive-qualitative.
The results of the Delphi analysis determined 15 criteria for defensible space around the ITS Campus, classified into four indicators: territoriality, natural surveillance, image, and milieu. As for the assessment of the level of defensible space in the area around the ITS Campus based on public perception, it is in the medium category with an average gap value of -1.07 followed by seven criteria that need to be prioritized for improvement (public space, community, vegetation's density and height, electronic security devices, resident surveillance, security facilities, and special flow for comer). Area control directives focus on the seven criteria according to the typology of each settlement. The results of this study can be used as input or alternative treatment for preventing crime through spatial arrangement and design in the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) for Surabaya City so that the quality of the substance in the RDTR for Surabaya City is also expected to increase.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Defensible Space, Studentification, Crime, Areas Around ITS Campus, Studentifikasi, Kriminalitas, Kawasan Sekitar Kampus ITS,
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races > HT166 City Planning--Environmental aspects
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9053 City planning
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Regional & Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Tiara Hikmata Billah
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2023 03:05
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2023 03:05

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