Ruang Renung Interaktif: Membangun Impresi Karakter Melalui Arsitektur

Alisyah, Nurma Fathia (2023) Ruang Renung Interaktif: Membangun Impresi Karakter Melalui Arsitektur. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Keberagaman karakter mempengaruhi ekspresi bagaimana seseorang berinteraksi dan beraktivitas, sehingga perlu menghadirkan pengalaman spatial pada perancangan bangunan arsitektur. Permasalahan perancangan berkaitan dengan kebutuhan generasi saat ini terhadap sebuah ruang yang tenang di tengah padatnya kesibukan. Maka, usulan rancangan adalah ruang renung interaktif yang mewadahi aktivitas kontemplasi dan ekspresi karakter. Ruang renung interaktif sebagai ruang publik dibangun pada konteks lingkungan yang mudah diakses oleh generasi produktif. Untuk merespon tujuan ini, perancangan menggunakan pendekatan desain interaktif dengan melakukan eksplorasi definisi aktivitas dan fungsi bangunan, serta suasana yang akan dihadirkan. Metode riset dan perancangan mencakup menentukan definisi aktivitas kontemplasi, dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur dan kolase aktivitas. Eksplorasi rancangan formal dan spasial dibantu dengan domain transfer dan respon terhadap parameter desain dan design forces.
Kriteria dalam proses eksplorasi rancangan mencakup penghadiran suasana, sirkulasi, dan penataan spasial berdasarkan aktivitas hening, eksploratif, kolaboratif, dan kreatif. Penghadiran suasana pada rancangan diterapkan pada elemen ruang luar seperti walkway, sirkulasi, vegetasi, dan material. Elemen penghubung bukan hanya menjadi akses bagi pengguna, melainkan juga menjadi force dalam penataan spasial serta mewadahi aktivitas kontemplasi. Bangunan ruang renung yang interaktif, secara keseluruhan mengeksplorasi aktivitas dan karakter pengguna untuk memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda. Hal tersebut guna mewujudkan kualitas spasial dengan pertimbangan penggunaan warna, material, dan teknologi interaktif untuk membentuk integrasi dalam rancangan.
Characters diversity affects the expression of how a person interacts and moves, so it is necessary to represent spatial experience in the design of architectural buildings. The design problem is related to the needs of the generation today for a quiet space in the midst of a hectic life. Therefore, the proposed design is an interactive contemplation space that accommodates contemplation activities and character expressions. Interactive contemplation space as a public space is built in the context of an environment that is accessible for the productive generation. In response to this intention, the design used an interactive design approach by exploring the definition of activities and functions of the building, as well as how the atmosphere would be presented. The method of research and design includes determining the definition of contemplation activities, using literature study and activity collage methods. The exploration of formal and spatial design was supported by domain transfer and response to the design parameters and design forces. The criteria in the design exploration process include the presence of atmosphere, circulation, and spatial arrangement based on silent, explorative, collaborative, and creative activities. The atmosphere in the design is applied to outdoor elements such as walkways, circulation, vegetation, and materials. The connective element is not only an access for users, but also a force in spatial arrangement and accommodates contemplation activities. The interactive contemplation space explores the user's activities and character to provide a different experience. In order to achieve spatial quality, the use of color, material, and interactive technology is considered to create integration in the design.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: character, contemplation, interactive design, spatial quality, desain interaktif, karakter, kontemplasi, kualitas spasial.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2750 Architectural design.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Nurma Fathia Alisyah
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2023 04:57
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2023 04:57

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