Analisis Persebaran Intensitas Bunyi Pada Panel Uji Sistem Pengujian Rugi Transmisi Bunyi Bahan

Al Mahdani, Mokhammad Mehdi (2023) Analisis Persebaran Intensitas Bunyi Pada Panel Uji Sistem Pengujian Rugi Transmisi Bunyi Bahan. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pengukuran sound transmision loss dapat dilakukan dengan metode pressure dan intensity. Pada metode pressure, pengukuran dilakukan tanpa memperhatikan persebaran bunyi yang ditransmissikan oleh panel uji. Pada metode intensity, dapat diketahui pola persebaran intensitas bunyi dan juga indikasi adanya gangguan yang dapat mempengaruhi nilai sound transmission loss. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengukuran sound transmission loss dengan metode intensity dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan metode pressure. Hasil pengukuran tersebut digunakan juga untuk menentukan nilai sound transmission class dari panel uji. Pengukuran dilakukan di ruang reverberation sebagai ruang sumber dan ruang semi-anechoic sebagai ruang penerima. Panel uji yang digunakan memiliki luas permukaan 1 m2, yang berupa Panel Sandwich 60,2 mm, Panel Kalsiboard 3,5 mm, dan Panel Atap Bergelombang 10 mm. Pengukuran metode intensity dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 microphone yang dipndahkan di setiap titik dalam mesh berukuran 10x11. Sumber bunyi yang digunakan berupa tone dengan frekuensi 63-800 Hz dengan filter 1/3 oktaf. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa intensitas bunyi cenderung menyebar dari tengah pada frekuensi rendah dan semakin merata pada frekuensi tinggi. Kurva sound transmission loss dari kedua metode memiliki selisih yang cukup besar. Selain itu, kurva metode pressure mengalami lonjakan dan penurunan pada frekuensi tertentu, sedangkan metode intensity memiliki bentuk kurva yang lebih stabil. Hasil sound transmission class yang didapatkan pada Panel Sandwich adalah sebesar 31 dB untuk metode pressure dan 47 dB untuk metode intensity. Sementara pada Panel Kalsiboard sebesar 20 dB untuk metode pressure dan 31 dB untuk metode intensity. Dan pada Panel Atap Bergelombang sebesar 11 dB untuk metode pressure dan 32 dB utnuk metode intensity.
Measurement of sound transmission loss can be done by pressure and intensity methods. In the pressure method, measurements are made without regard to the distribution of sound transmitted by the test panel. In the intensity method, the pattern of sound intensity distribution can be known and also an indication of disturbances that can affect the sound transmission loss value. In this research, sound transmission loss measurements were made using the intensity method and the results were compared with the pressure method. The measurement results are also used to determine the sound transmission class value of the test panel. Measurements were taken in a reverberation chamber as the source chamber and a semi-anechoic chamber as the receiver chamber. The test panels used have a surface area of 1 m2, which are 60.2 mm Sandwich Panel, 3.5 mm Caliboard Panel, and 10 mm Corrugated Roof Panel. The intensity method measurement was performed using 3 microphones placed at each point in a 10x11 mesh. The sound source used is a tone with a frequency of 63-800 Hz with a 1/3 octave filter. The results obtained show that the sound intensity tends to spread from the center at low frequencies and is more evenly distributed at high frequencies. The sound transmission loss curves of the two methods have a considerable difference. In addition, the curve of the pressure method spikes and drops at certain frequencies, while the intensity method has a more stable curve shape. The sound transmission class results obtained on the Sandwich Panel are 31 dB for the pressure method and 47 dB for the intensity method. While the Kalsiboard Panel is 20 dB for the pressure method and 31 dB for the intensity method. And the Corrugated Roof Panel is 11 dB for the pressure method and 32 dB for the intensity method.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Flanking Transmission, Intensitas Bunyi, Sound Transmission Class, Sound Transmission Loss; Flanking transmission, Sound Intensity, Sound Transmission Class, Sound Transmission Loss
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC221 Acoustics. Sound
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Physics > 45201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mokhammad Mehdi Al Mahdani
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2023 06:52
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2023 06:52

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