Studi Numerik Pengaruh Rasio Diameter Runner & Basin Dengan Variasi Sudut Stagger 0°, 5° Dan 10° Terhadap Performa Water Turbine Vortex

Putri, Shafira Aninggar (2023) Studi Numerik Pengaruh Rasio Diameter Runner & Basin Dengan Variasi Sudut Stagger 0°, 5° Dan 10° Terhadap Performa Water Turbine Vortex. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Energi terbarukan menjadi salah satu sumber energi yang digencarkan untuk dapat berkembang secara massif. ETB dinilai dapat diperkirakan berkontribusi mengurangi emisi karbon (CO) mengingat pembangkit listrik tenaga fosil menjadi penyumbang emisi karbon terbesar. Dari beberapa potensi sumber energi terbarukan yang ada, pemanfaatan energi air memiliki potensi cukup besar sebagai sumber daya pembangkit listrik. PLTMH menjadi salah satu potensi pembangkit yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Gravitation water vortex power plant atau turbin vortex merupakan turbin yang memanfaatkan tenaga pusaran air akibat adanya perbedaan ketiggian yang beroperasi pada head rendah yaitu 0,7 m - 3 m, sehingga menimbulkan gaya gravitasi untuk memutar turbin. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa numerik menggunakan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) yang bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh rasio diameter runner terhadap sudut stagger pada performa turbin vortex. Permodelan desain dilakukan pada software solidworks, sedangkan simulasi dilakukan di software ansys fluent 2021 R2.
Langkah pertama dilakukan simulasi CFD turbin vortex dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan validasi hasil simulasi terhadap hasil eksperimen. Selanjutnya, variasi dilakukan untuk menemukan performa turbin vortex terbaik dengan memvariasikan diameter runner yang akan disimulasikan. Dari perbandingan tersebut, didapatkan bahwa pada sudut stagger 0o diameter runner 350 mm memiliki nilai daya turbin yang lebih tinggi dari pada sudut stagger 0o diameter runner 450 mm dan 250 mm pada 40 rpm , sehingga dilakukan simulasi dan analisa diameter 350 mm dengan variasi sudut stagger 0°, 5°dan 10° pada variasi kapasitas mulai dari 400 dan 500 lpm. Pada hasil simulasi dan analisa tersebut didapatkan bahwa turbin vortex sudut stagger 10° merupakan variasi yang memiliki performa paling optimum pada kapasitas 500 lpm, yaitu putaran 40 rpm yang menghasilkan torsi sebesar 1,56 Nm, daya 13.06watt dan efisiensi yatiu 30.78% serta mampu menghasilkan koefisien power maksimal sebesar 0,31 pada tip speed ratio 1,58.
Renewable energy is one of the energy sources that is being intensified to be able to develop massively. ETB is considered to be expected to contribute to reducing carbon emissions (CO), considering that fossil power plants are the largest contributors to carbon emissions. Of the several potential sources of renewable energy that exist, the utilization of water energy has considerable potential as a source of power generation. PLTMH is one of the potential generators that has not been widely utilized. A gravity water vortex power plant, or vortex turbine, is a turbine that utilizes whirlpool power due to the difference in height and operates at a low head of 0.7–3 m, causing the force of gravity to rotate the turbine. In this research, numerical analysis was carried out using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), which aims to analyze the effect of the ratio of runner diameter to stagger angle on the performance of vortex turbines. Design modeling is carried out in Solidworks software, while simulations are carried out in Ansys Fluent 2021 R2 software.
The first step is to simulate the CFD vortex turbine by first validating the simulation results against the experimental results. Furthermore, variations were made to find the best vortex turbine performance by varying the diameter of the runner to be simulated. From this comparison, it was found that at a stagger angle of 0°, the runner diameter of 350 mm had a higher turbine power value than at a stagger angle of 0°, the runner diameter was 450 mm and 250 mm at 40 rpm, so simulation and analysis of the diameter of 350 mm were carried out with a variation of the stagger angle of 0°, 5°, and 10° at various capacities ranging from 400 and 500 lpm. Based on the simulation and analysis results, it was found that the vortex turbine with a stagger angle of 10° is the variation that has the most optimum performance at a capacity of 500 lpm, namely 40 rpm rotation, which produces a torque of 1.56 Nm, a power of 13.06 watts, and an efficiency of 30.78% and is capable of producing a maximum power coefficient of 0.31 at a tip speed ratio of 1.58.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Turbin Vortex, Computational Fluid Dynamics, dan Runner, runner, computational fluid dynamics, and vortex turbine
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ266 Turbines. Turbomachines (General)
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ808 Renewable energy sources. Energy harvesting.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 24305-Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology
Depositing User: Shafira Aninggar Putri
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2024 08:25
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2024 08:25

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