Penggunaan Metode Skoring dan Pembobotan Dalam Pemetaan Potensi Rawan Bencana Tanah Longsor (Studi Kasus: Sangasanga, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur)

Mahendra, Muhammad Dafa (2023) Penggunaan Metode Skoring dan Pembobotan Dalam Pemetaan Potensi Rawan Bencana Tanah Longsor (Studi Kasus: Sangasanga, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Indonesia memiliki tingkat kerawanan tinggi terhadap tanah longsor akibat pembukaan lahan baru, terutama di daerah lereng bukit dan gunung. Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, khususnya Kecamatan Sangasanga di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, termasuk wilayah paling rentan terhadap bencana gerakan tanah, terutama di daerah tambang. Data statistik mencatat bahwa antara tahun 2005 hingga 2011, terdapat 809 lokasi tanah longsor di seluruh Indonesia, menyebabkan 2484 korban jiwa. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi longsor meliputi iklim, topografi, vegetasi, jenis tanah, serta faktor lain seperti geomorfologi dan tekstur tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan daerah rawan tanah longsor di Kecamatan Sangasanga dengan mempertimbangkan tutupan lahan, DEM (Digital Elevation Model), jenis tanah, dan curah hujan menggunakan metode skoring dan pembobotan. Hasil analisis membagi tingkat kerentanan terhadap tanah longsor menjadi rendah, sedang, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi, yang diwujudkan dalam peta kerawanan dan risiko lingkungan di Kecamatan Sangasanga. Kelurahan Jawa mendominasi tingkat kerawanan rendah (58% luas kecamatan), juga tingkat kerawanan sedang (37% luas kelurahan). Kelurahan Sangasanga Dalam di daerah pegunungan memiliki tingkat kerawanan tinggi (15% luas kecamatan). Akan Tetapi Kecamatan Sangasanga tidak punya tingkat kerawanan sangat tinggi. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan korelasi kuat (0,8) antara kerawanan tanah longsor dan kejadian. Kerentanan lingkungan dibagi menjadi rendah, sedang, dan tinggi, termasuk dalam kecamatan ini. Sekitar 54% (12,564.090 Ha) dari total luas kecamatan memiliki risiko kerentanan lingkungan sedang, sementara 38% (9,000.310 Ha) memiliki risiko tinggi, dan hanya sekitar 8% (1,775.590 Ha) memiliki risiko sangat tinggi. Di tingkat kelurahan, Kelurahan Jawa memiliki risiko sedang terbesar, mencapai 57,85% (7,179.610 Ha), sementara Kelurahan Pendingin memiliki risiko tinggi terbesar, mencapai 41,44% (2,590.220 Ha), dan Kelurahan Sangasanga Muara memiliki risiko sangat tinggi sebesar 14,6% (137.730 Ha).
Indonesia is highly susceptible to landslides due to the opening of new lands, particularly in hillside and mountainous areas. East Kalimantan Province, specifically the Sangasanga District in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, is among the most vulnerable regions to landslide disasters, especially in mining areas. Statistical data indicates that between 2005 and 2011, there were 809 landslide locations across Indonesia, resulting in 2484 fatalities. Various factors influencing landslides include climate (rainfall), topography (slope and slope length), vegetation (land use), soil (soil types), and other factors (geomorphology/landform, soil texture, soil moisture, and geology). This study aims to map landslide-prone areas in Sangasanga District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, considering land cover acquired through Landsat 8 satellite imagery, slope using Digital Elevation Model data, soil types, and rainfall levels using scoring and weighting methods. The analysis of environmental vulnerability to landslides in Sangasanga District and its surroundings is also conducted. The landslide vulnerability levels are categorized as low, moderate, high, and very high, resulting in the final outcome of landslide vulnerability maps and environmental vulnerability risk maps in Sangasanga District. The Jawa sub-district dominates the low vulnerability level (58% of the district's area) as well as the moderate vulnerability level (37% of the sub-district's area). The Sangasanga Dalam sub-district in the mountainous region has a high vulnerability level (15% of the district's area). The Sangasanga sub-district does not have a very high vulnerability level. Correlation analysis indicates a strong correlation (0.8) between landslide vulnerability and occurrences. Environmental vulnerability is categorized into low, moderate, and high levels within this sub-district. The entire sub-district falls into the high vulnerability level due to factors such as the extent of natural forests and shrublands. Approximately 54% of the sub-district's area has a moderate vulnerability level, 38% has a high vulnerability level, and 8% has a very high vulnerability level. At the village level, Jawa Village dominates with a moderate risk, reaching 57.85% of the entire village area. Pendingin Village has the highest level of risk, reaching 41.44% of the entire village area. Meanwhile, at the very high risk level, Sangasanga Dalam Village has a percentage of 14.6% of the entire village area.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Landslide, DEM, Scoring, Weighting, Tanah Longsor, Pembobotan, Skoring
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G70.212 ArcGIS. Geographic information systems.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geomatics Engineering > 29202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhammad Dafa Mahendra
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2023 06:33
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2023 06:33

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