Analisis Perbandingan Hasil Pengukuran Resistivitas 2d Menggunakan Elektroda Batang Dan Plat

Yuangga, Najib Ramanda (2024) Analisis Perbandingan Hasil Pengukuran Resistivitas 2d Menggunakan Elektroda Batang Dan Plat. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pengukuran geolistrik di daerah perkotaan semakin sulit dilakukan karena banyaknya permukaan keras seperti aspal, beton, dan paving. Untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang struktur bawah permukaan, tidak memungkinkan menggunakan elektroda batang karena dapat merusak permukaan yang sudah ada, penting untuk melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan elektroda plate. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan instrumen geolistrik MAE resistivity meter dan menggunakan metode resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger, dengan fokus pada perbandingan elektroda batang dan plate. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan tiga kondisi permukaan yang berbeda, dan metodenya melibatkan inversi hasil pengukuran menggunakan metode least-square. Selain itu, eksplorasi elektroda tempel dengan cairan elektrolit digunakan untuk mengatasi kendala pengukuran di area tertutup, seperti permukaan keras atau sulit dicakup oleh elektroda batang. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kinerja elektroda batang dan plate dalam metode geolistrik, dengan fokus pada kemampuan eksplorasi di permukaan yang tidak dapat dicakup dengan elektroda batang. Penelitian dilakukan di kampus ITS Surabaya, lebih tepatnya di sekitar Gedung Forensik, dengan menerapkan metode geolistrik 2D menggunakan elektroda batang dan plate pada enam titik pengukuran. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak RES2DINV dan 3 variabel elektroda yakni elektroda batang, elektroda plat dengan bentonit, dan elektroda plat dengan spons yang sudah di rendam cairan elektrolit. Pengukuran dilakukan di 3 lintasan dimana lintasan 1 membandingkan antara tanah dengan permukaan keras berupa aspal, selanjutnya lintasan 2 membandingkan antara tanah dengan permukaan keras berupa beton, dan lintasan 3 membandingkan antara tanah dengan permukaan keras berupa paving. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tingkat RMS Error yang tinggi pada elektroda plate pada lintasan 1, mengindikasikan nilai yang tinggi. Namun, lintasan 2 menunjukkan RMS Error yang dapat diterima, sementara lintasan 3 menunjukkan ketidakakuratan yang tinggi, dari ketiga lintasan pada elektroda plate. Berdasarkan interpretasi hasil data perbandingan elektroda batang dan plate, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari ketiga pengukuran yang cocok menggunakan elektroda plate yakni di lintasan 2 dari perbandingan antara tanah dengan permukaan keras berupa beton menunjukkan masih dapat diterima
Geoelectric measurements in urban areas are increasingly difficult to carry out due to the large number of hard surfaces such as asphalt, concrete and paving. To obtain information about the subsurface structure, it is not possible to use rod electrodes because they can damage the existing surface. It is important to carry out analysis using plate electrodes. The research was carried out using the MAE resistivity meter geoelectric instrument and using the 2D resistivity method with the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration, with a focus on the comparison of rod and plate electrodes. The measurements were carried out with three different surface conditions, and the method involved inverting the measurement results using the least-squares method. In addition, patch electrode exploration with liquid electrolyte is used to overcome measurement obstacles in closed areas, such as hard surfaces or difficult to be covered by stick electrodes. The main objective of this research is to compare the performance of rod and plate electrodes in geoelectric methods, with a focus on exploration capabilities on surfaces that cannot be covered with rod electrodes. The research was carried out at the ITS Surabaya campus, more precisely around the Forensics Building, by applying the 2D geoelectric method using rod and plate electrodes at six measurement points. Data processing was carried out using RES2DINV software and 3 variable electrodes, namely rod electrodes, plate electrodes with bentonite, and plate electrodes with sponges that had been soaked in electrolyte liquid. Measurements were carried out on 3 tracks, where track 1 compared the ground with a hard surface in the form of asphalt, then track 2 compared the ground with a hard surface in the form of concrete, and track 3 compared the ground with a hard surface in the form of paving. The analysis results show a high level of RMS Error on the electrode plate on track 1, indicating a high value. However, trajectory 2 shows acceptable RMS Error, while trajectory 3 shows high inaccuracy, from all three trajectories on the electrode plate. Based on the interpretation of the results of the comparison data between rod and plate electrodes, it can be concluded that from the three measurements that were suitable using plate electrodes, namely on track 2, the comparison between soil and a hard surface in the form of concrete showed that it was still acceptable

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Elektroda Batang, Elektroda Plate, Spons, Bentonit, Aspal, Beton; Paving,Rod Electrodes, Plate Electrodes, Sponge, Bentonite, Asphalt, Concrete, Paving
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC100.5 Measuring instruments (General)
Q Science > QC Physics > QC665.E38 Electric fields.
Q Science > QE Geology > QE471 Sedimentary rocks. Sedimentology
Q Science > QE Geology > QE601 Geology, Structural
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geophysics Engineering > 33201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Najib Ramanda Yuangga
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2024 08:38
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2024 08:38

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