Analisa Highest And Best Use Pembangunan Properti Di Lahan Tower 2 PT XYZ

Arifin, Isnani (2024) Analisa Highest And Best Use Pembangunan Properti Di Lahan Tower 2 PT XYZ. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kebutuhan akan hunian di tengah kota sebagai efek pertumbuhan penduduk dan melesatnya arus investasi di kota besar berdampak pada pengembangan khususnya di bidang properti, Menjawab kebutuhan segmen hunian perumahan dan apartemen di tanah air yang setiap tahun selalu meningkat dan belum terpenuhi pasokannya baik oleh pengembang swasta maupun BUMN, PT XYZ dalam upaya mendukung pemerintah, bertekad untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam menyediakan kebutuhan hunian bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Penundaan pembangunan apartemen akibat tidak stabilnya cashflow menjadi tantangan besar perusahaan. Untuk mendukung keberlanjutan finansial, landbank proyek X yang mengalami idle perlu dilakukan analisa pemilihan properti terbaik yaitu metode Highest and Best Use (HBU) untuk menganalisa lahan kosong dengan kriteria diperbolehkan secara hukum, memungkinkan secara fisik, layak secara finansial dan nilai investasi tertinggi yang memungkinkan dicapai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi Student Apartment dan Service Apartment diperoleh nilai IRR setelah pajak sebesar 11,60% dan nilai Net present value (NPV) sebesar Rp 153.556.343.474,66 serta nilai Discounted Payback period (DPP) selama 19 tahun dari total periode investasi 50 tahun dengan produktivitas maksimum sebesar 355%. Sehingga pemilihan alternatif investasi pada penelitian ini yang mendukung keberlanjutan finansial proyek X pada perusahaan PT XYZ dengan produktivitas maksimum adalah Kombinasi Student Apartment dan Service Apartment.
The need for housing in the middle of the city as an effect of population growth and the rapid flow of investment in major cities has an impact on development, especially in the property sector. In order to fulfill the increasing residential segment of housing and apartments needs each year which has not been covered by both private and state-owned developers, PT XYZ contributes in providing residential property for Indonesian citizen. Delays in apartment construction due to unstable cash flow were a big challenge for the company. In order to support financial sustainability, the vacant land of X project needs to be analyzed for selecting the best property using the Highest and Best Use (HBU) method. This method has analyzed vacant land with criteria that are legally permissible, physically possible, financially feasible and the highest investment value possible. The results showed that the combination of Student Apartment and Service Apartment obtained an IRR value after tax of 11.60% and an NPV value of Rp 153,556,343,474.66 and a DPP value for 19 years from a total investment period of 50 years with a maximum productivity of 355%. So that the selection of investment alternatives in this study that support the financial sustainability of the X project at the company PT XYZ with maximum productivity is the combination of Student Apartment and Service Apartment.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: highest and best use, efektivitas landbank, properti, landbank effectiveness, property
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD1391 Apartment houses
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT)
Depositing User: Isnani Arifin
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2024 06:45
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2024 06:45

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