Penambahan Limbah Domestik sebagai Co-Substrate pada Pengolahan Anaerobik Limbah Cair Industri Batik

Ardiansyah, Fadhil (2024) Penambahan Limbah Domestik sebagai Co-Substrate pada Pengolahan Anaerobik Limbah Cair Industri Batik. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Keberadaan sektor industri batik turut memberikan dampak negatif akibat dihasilkannya limbah cair. Beban pencemaran dari limbah industri batik, seperti COD dan warna, memiliki konsentrasi tinggi yang telah melebihi baku mutu. Upaya pengolahan limbah tersebut perlu dilakukan, salah satunya dengan pengolahan anaerobik. Namun, rendahnya kandungan organik biodegradable pada limbah cair batik dapat menghambat proses pengolahan biologis, sehingga diperlukan penambahan co-substrate untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat efisiensi penurunan konsentrasi pencemar serta perbedaan respons yang terjadi pada pengolahan anaerobik limbah cair industri batik dengan adanya penambahan limbah domestik sebagai co-substrate. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan reaktor anaerobik sistem batch. Digunakan 2 jenis variabel pada penelitian ini. Variabel pertama adalah rasio campuran limbah domestik dengan limbah cair batik (v/v), yaitu 0:100, 20:80, 35:65, dan 50:50. Variabel kedua adalah jenis limbah cair batik, yaitu limbah dari tahap pewarnaan dan perebusan. Pengambilan sampel efluen hasil pengolahan dilakukan pada rentang waktu 7, 10, dan 14 hari. Parameter utama yang diukur adalah kandungan COD dan warna sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pengolahan. Sementara itu, parameter pendukung yang digunakan adalah kandungan BOD dan tingkat pH.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tingkat efisiensi penyisihan COD limbah pewarnaan mencapai rentang 76,6% - 94%, dengan efisiensi tertinggi pada penambahan 50% co-substrate dalam waktu tinggal 10 hari. Sementara efisiensi penyisihan warna tercapai hingga 21,8% setelah penambahan 50% co-substrate dalam waktu tinggal 10 hari. Untuk limbah perebusan, efisien penyisihan COD mencapai rentang 35,8% - 69,5%, dengan efisiensi tertinggi terjadi pada penambahan 50% co-substrate dalam waktu tinggal 14 hari. Untuk efisiensi penyisihan warna dapat tercapai hingga 58,9% setelah penambahan 35% co-substrate dalam waktu tinggal 14 hari. Penerapan pengolahan anaerobik limbah pewarnaan batik berjalan kurang optimal dibandingkan dengan limbah perebusan, yang mana dapat terlihat pada perubahan nilai pH dan efisiensi penyisihan parameter pencemar masing-masing jenis limbah.
The existence of batik industry can have the negative impacts because of the wastewater produced. The pollutants in batik wastewater, e.g. COD and color, have high concentration value that exceed the quality standard. Therefore, treating the wastewater needs to be conducted by applying anaerobic treatment. However, low biodegradable organic content in batik wastewater can potentially inhibit the biological treatment process. Therefore, co-substrate is needed to increase the process efficiency. This study investigated the removal efficiency and different responses to the application of anaerobic treatment for batik wastewater with the addition of domestic wastewater as a co-substrate.
This study has been carried out on laboratory scale in the anaerobic batch system reactor. Two variables were examined during the research. The first variable was the mixture ratio of domestic and batik wastewater (v/v), i.e. 0:100, 20:80, 35:65, and 50:50. The other variable was the type of batik wastewater, which came from both dye-coloring and boiling process. The effluent samples were taken after 7, 10, and 14 days. The main parameters measured in this study were the COD and color value of treated and untreated wastewater. The additional parameter were BOD and pH value.
Based on the research findings, the COD removal efficiency of dye-colored wastewater reached up to 76,6% - 94%, with the highest value achieved after adding 50% co-substrate in 10 days of treatment. Additionally, the color removal efficiency reached up to 21,8% after adding 50% co-substrate in 10 days of treatment. For boiling wastewater, the COD removal efficiency reached up to 35,8% - 69,5%, with the highest value achieved after adding 50% co-substrate in 14 days of treatment. In addition, the color removal reached up to 58,9% after adding 35% co-substrate in 14 days of treatment. It is also known that the application of anaerobic treatment of dye-colored wastewater is less optimal compared to boiling wastewater, which can be seen in changes of pH value and removal efficiency of pollutant parameters in each type of wastewater.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pengolahan Anaerobik, Co-Substrate, COD, Warna, Limbah Cair Batik, Limbah Domestik, Anaerobic Treatment, Color, Batik Wastewater, Domestic Wastewater
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD420 Water pollution
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD756.45 Anaerobic treatment
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Theses
Depositing User: Fadhil Ardiansyah
Date Deposited: 26 Jul 2024 06:54
Last Modified: 23 Aug 2024 08:32

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