Studi Keberadaan Senyawa Kafein dan Total Organic Carbon (TOC) pada Sungai Surabaya

Farizianty, Lulu (2024) Studi Keberadaan Senyawa Kafein dan Total Organic Carbon (TOC) pada Sungai Surabaya. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Emerging pollutants adalah polutan yang kurang diperhatikan meskipun zat ini berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Sungai Surabaya dengan panjang 42 km menerima limbah dari berbagai sumber, termasuk limbah senyawa kafein yang termasuk ke dalam emerging pollutants. Sumber yang paling berpotensi untuk mengirimkan senyawa tersebut ke dalam sungai adalah limbah domestik yang terus mengalir ke sungai. Limbah domestik tersebut tidak hanya menghasilkan senyawa kafein tetapi juga menghasilkan karbon organik yang juga dikenal sebagai parameter pencemar tidak langsung. Limbah yang dapat menyumbang senyawa kafein tidak hanya limbah domestik tetapi juga terdapat limbah dari sumber lainnya. Namun, sampai saat ini belum terdapat identifikasi khusus mengenai keberadaan senyawa kafein di Sungai Surabaya serta identifikasi potensi sumber pencemarnya. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian terkait keberadaan senyawa kafein serta pemetaan potensi sumber pencemarnya. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Data sekunder didapatkan melalui literatur dan instansi terkait, sementara untuk data primer didapatkan melalui pengambilan sampel dan kuesioner. Parameter yang dihitung pada penelitian ini adalah emerging pollutants (senyawa kafein) dengan metode SPE-HPLC serta TOC yang dianalisis menggunakan TOC Analyzer. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada hilir Sungai Surabaya saat dua cuaca berbeda dengan hari yang berbeda di 4 lokasi dengan waktu pengambilan sampel (pagi dan sore) yang sama setiap harinya. Pengambilan data dan analisis data tersebut dilakukan pada Bulan Februari sampai dengan Juni tahun 2024. Rata-rata kadar TOC pada musim hujan di hilir Sungai Surabaya sebesar 4,3 mg/L dan musim kemarau sebesar 6,3 mg/L. Kadar tersebut melebihi standar baku mutu TOC untuk air baku di British Columbia, yaitu 4 mg/L. Kemudian, saat musim hujan rata-rata kadar senyawa kafein yang terdeteksi sebesar 1,66 ppm dan pada musim kemarau sebesar 2,83 ppm. Potensi sumber pencemar senyawa kafein pada hilir Sungai Surabaya antara lain terdiri dari warung atau toko kopi, pemukiman (rumah warga), pasar, dan fasilitas kesehatan. Masing-masing sumber pencemar dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi pencemar berat, sedang, rendah, atau pun minim pencemar berdasarkan beberapa aspek, yaitu jarak pencemar ke sungai, kepemilikan tangki septik, rata-rata penjualan, kebiasaan aktivitas dan konsumsi, rata-rata penjualan serta interval penjualan minuman ber-kafein, tempat pembuangan sisa minuman, serta kepemilikan IPAL fasilitas kesehatan.
Emerging pollutants are pollutants that are less noticed even though they are harmful to the environment. The Surabaya River with a length of 42 km receives waste from various sources, including caffeine compound waste which is included in emerging pollutants. The most potential source for sending these compounds into the river is domestic waste that continues to flow into the river. This domestic waste not only produces caffeine compounds but also produces organic carbon which is also known as an indirect pollutant parameter. Waste that can contribute caffeine compounds is not only domestic waste but also waste from other sources. However, until now there has been no specific identification of the presence of caffeine compounds in the Surabaya River and identification of potential sources of pollution. Therefore, research was conducted related to the presence of caffeine compounds and mapping of potential sources of pollution. Data collection carried out in this study were secondary data and primary data. Secondary data was obtained through literature and related agencies, while primary data was obtained through sampling and questionnaires. The parameters calculated in this study were emerging pollutants (caffeine compounds) using the SPE-HPLC method and TOC which was analyzed using a TOC Analyzer. Sampling was carried out in the downstream of the Surabaya River during two different weather conditions on different days at 4 locations with the same sampling time (morning and evening) every day. Data collection and analysis were carried out from February to June 2024. The average TOC level during the rainy season in the downstream of the Surabaya River was 4,3 mg/L and the dry season was 6,3 mg/L. This level exceeds the TOC quality standard for raw water in British Columbia, which is 4 mg/L. Then, during the rainy season, the average level of caffeine compounds detected was 1,66 ppm and in the dry season it was 2,83 ppm. Potential sources of caffeine compound pollution in the downstream of the Surabaya River include coffee shops or stalls, settlements (residents' houses), markets, and health facilities. Each source of pollution can be classified into heavy, moderate, low, or minimal pollutants based on several aspects, namely the distance of the pollutant to the river, ownership of septic tanks, average sales, activity and consumption habits, average sales and sales intervals of caffeinated drinks, places to dispose of leftover drinks, and ownership of wastewater treatment plants in health facilities.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Emerging Pollutants, Kafein, Lingkungan Perairan, Sungai Surabaya, Total Organic Carbon, Aquatic Environment, Caffeine, Emerging Pollutants, Surabaya River
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD420 Water pollution
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Lulu Farizianty
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2024 02:30
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2024 02:30

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