Analisis Terjadinya Friction Trolley Wheel Pada Rubber Tyred Gantry PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya

Setya Darma, Putri Febyanti (2024) Analisis Terjadinya Friction Trolley Wheel Pada Rubber Tyred Gantry PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya. Project Report. [s.n.], [s.l.]. (Unpublished)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengalaman mahasiswa selama Magang Industri di PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (PT TPS) dan manfaat yang diperoleh. Magang ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang diperoleh selama perkuliahan, memberikan pengalaman kerja nyata, dan menjalin hubungan antara perguruan tinggi dan perusahaan. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah memahami sistem kerja dan pemeliharaan Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) di PT TPS, yang meliputi deskripsi komponen, mekanisme kerja, dan prosedur maintenance. Metode Fault Tree Analysis digunakan untuk menganalisis penyebab deformasi pada trolley wheel RTG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa magang ini berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan teknis dan soft skills mahasiswa, memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang lingkungan kerja dan alat pelabuhan, serta memfasilitasi perbaikan produktivitas perusahaan melalui saran dan rekomendasi. Implementasi Preventive, Corrective, dan Breakdown Maintenance di PT TPS efektif dalam menjaga performa dan umur alat. Dengan demikian, magang ini memberikan manfaat signifikan bagi mahasiswa, perusahaan, dan departemen teknik mesin industri, menciptakan kolaborasi yang saling menguntungkan.
This study aims to evaluate students' experience during Industrial Internship at PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (PT TPS) and the benefits obtained. This internship aims to apply the knowledge gained during lectures, provide real work experience, and establish relationships between universities and companies. The main focus of this research is to understand the work and maintenance system of Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) at PT TPS, which includes component description, work mechanism, and maintenance procedure. The Fault Tree Analysis method was used to analyze the cause of deformation on the RTG trolley wheel. The results showed that this internship successfully improved students' technical and soft skills, provided an in-depth understanding of the work environment and port equipment, and facilitated improvements in company productivity through suggestions and recommendations. The implementation of Preventive, Corrective, and Breakdown Maintenance at PT TPS is effective in maintaining equipment performance and lifespan. Thus, this internship provides significant benefits for students, companies, and the industrial mechanical engineering department, creating a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Magang Industri, PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya, Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Maintenance ========================================================== Industrial Internship, PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya, Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Maintenance
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS155 Production control. Production planning. Production management
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS171 Product design
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Putri Febyanti Setya Darma
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 01:17
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 01:17

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