Evaluasi Kelayakan Adopsi Kendaraan Listrik Pada Kendaraan Ride Hailing Roda 4 Berbasis Aplikasi

Suteja, Vincent Nathanael (2024) Evaluasi Kelayakan Adopsi Kendaraan Listrik Pada Kendaraan Ride Hailing Roda 4 Berbasis Aplikasi. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pemerintah Indonesia menargetkan penurunan intensitas emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 93,5% pada tahun 2045 dibandingkan tahun 2010, dengan sektor transportasi sebagai penyumbang terbesar emisi. Ride hailing berpotensi besar dalam mengurangi emisi karbon karena tingginya jumlah pengemudi dan jam mengemudi. Pengemudi ride hailing memiliki jarak tempuh harian yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan masyarakat umum, sehingga menjadi prioritas untuk beralih ke kendaraan listrik. Demi mewujudkan peralihan menuju kendaraan berbahan bakar listrik, diperlukan evaluasi kelayakan peralihan. Berbeda dengan kendaraan roda 2, roda 4 memiliki jarak tempuh maksimal dan waktu pengecasan, sehingga jarak tempuh harian dan batasan pengecasan pada setiap wilayah bisa berbeda. Studi ini akan melakukan komparasi perbandingan total cost of ownership dengan parameter net present value dan equivalent uniform annual worth dengan harapan untuk mengetahui apakah kendaraan berbahan bakar listrik merupakan opsi yang lebih baik bagi pengemudi ride hailing. Variabel yang dipakai dalam model total cost of ownership adalah acquisition cost, battery cost, carbon cost, fuel cost, insurance cost, maintenance cost, taxes, salvage value dan revenue. Perhitungan dilakukan terhadap 3 skenario jarak dan setiap tahun kepemilikan hingga 8 tahun. Objek amatan pada studi ini adalah Toyota Agya, Wuling Air EV, dan DFSK Seres E1. Pada skenario dengan jarak tempuh harian dibawah batas jarak tempuh battery electric vehicle, tidak ada kendaraan yang menang mutlak terhadap yang lainnya, namun pada skenario dengan jarak tempuh harian yang melebihi batas jarak tempuh battery electric vehicle, Toyota Agya menang mutlak atas Wuling Air EV dan DFSK Seres E1. Dilakukan what-if analysis mengenai penurunan battery cost sebesar 40% dan peningkatan revenue battery electric vehicle sebesar 20%. Kedua skenario tersebut berdampak signifikan terhadap daya saing battery electric vehicle, sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah, perusahaan ride hailing, dan perusahaan manufaktur baterai.
The Indonesian government aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity by 93.5% in 2045 compared to 2010, with the transportation sector being the largest contributor to emissions. Ride hailing has significant potential to reduce carbon emissions due to the high number of drivers and driving hours. Ride hailing drivers have higher daily travel distances compared to the public, making them a priority for switching to electric vehicles. To realize the transition to electric vehicles, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the transition. Unlike 2-wheeled vehicles, 4-wheeled vehicles have a maximum mileage and charging time, so the daily mileage and charging limits in each region can be different. This study will compare total cost of ownership with net present value and equivalent uniform annual worth parameters in the hope of finding out whether electric vehicles are a better option for 4-wheeled ride hailing drivers. The variables used in the total cost of ownership model are acquisition cost, battery cost, carbon cost, fuel cost, insurance cost, maintenance cost, taxes, salvage value, and revenue. Calculations were carried out for 3 distance scenarios and each year of ownership up to 8 years. The objects of observation in this study are Toyota Agya, Wuling Air EV, and DFSK Seres E1. In the scenario with daily mileage below the battery electric vehicle mileage limit, no vehicle wins absolutely over the others. However, in the scenario with daily mileage exceeding the battery electric vehicle mileage limit, the Toyota Agya wins absolutely over the Wuling Air EV and DFSK Seres E1. What-if analysis was carried out regarding the reduction in battery costs by 40% and the increase in battery electric vehicle revenue by 20%. These two scenarios significantly impact the competitiveness of battery electric vehicles. Therefore, the government, ride hailing companies, and battery manufacturing companies could consider those insights for making decisions. Improving the electric refueling infrastructure system and increasing the maximum mileage of battery electric vehicles can also increase the competitiveness of battery electric vehicles.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Feasibility Study, TCO, Ride Hailing, BEV, EUAW, Studi Kelayakan, TCO, Ride Hailing, BEV, EUAW
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HG Finance > HG4529 Investment analysis
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Vincent Nathanael Suteja
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2024 10:22
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2024 10:22
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/110093

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