Hybrid Positioning Method Untuk Positioning Indoor/Outdoor Pada Quadcopter Menggunakan Ultra-Wide Band and Global Positioning System

Adytia, Martin (2024) Hybrid Positioning Method Untuk Positioning Indoor/Outdoor Pada Quadcopter Menggunakan Ultra-Wide Band and Global Positioning System. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dengan didukung oleh miniaturisasi dan penurunan biaya komponen elektronik, perkembangan drone indoor autonomous dan aman untuk manusia terus berkembang. Perkembangan tersebut juga menuntut penggunaan drone untuk berpindah antara ruangan indoor dan outdoor. Namun, teknologi GPS yang umumnya terdapat pada drone memiliki akurasi rendah dalam ruangan karena sinyal yang lemah diakibatkan terhalang objek. Oleh karena itu, metode sensor fusion antara UWB dan GPS untuk mengatasi keterbatasan GPS yaitu akurasi rendah di lingkungan kompleks dan juga mengatasi keterbatasan UWB dimana akurasi berkurang seiring bertambah jarak antar UWB serta mengurangi nilai eror posisi jika dibanding pengukuran GPS tunggal, tetapi teknologi ini masih jarang terdapat pada drone. Untuk itu, penulis merancang Hybrid Positioning Method untuk Positioning Indoor/Outdoor pada Quadcopter Menggunakan Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) dan Global Positioning System (GPS). Penelitian dilakukan di area dengan variabel atap terbuka, setengah terbuka, dan tertutup. Uji coba dilakukan dengan uji coba stasioner dan misi outdoor ke indoor dan indoor ke outdoor. Didapatkan eror RMS 14,77; 8,14; dan 8,67 cm untuk daerah outdoor, semi-outdoor, dan indoor pada uji coba stasioner. Kemudian, didapatkan peningkatan 68,13% pada misi autonomous quadcopter dari kondisi outdoor ke indoor dan 85,08% pada misi autonomous quadcopter dari indoor ke outdoor.
Supported by the miniaturization and cost reduction of electronic components, the development of indoor autonomous and safe drones for humans continues to evolve. This development also demands the use of drones to transition between indoor and outdoor environments. However, the commonly used GPS technology in drones has low accuracy indoors due to weak signals obstructed by objects. Therefore, the sensor fusion method between Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) and GPS is employed to overcome the limitations of GPS, namely low accuracy in complex environments, as well as to address the limitations of UWB, where accuracy decreases with increasing distance between UWB devices. This method aims to reduce position error compared to single GPS measurements. However, this technology is still rare in drones. Therefore, the author designed a Hybrid Positioning Method for Indoor/Outdoor Positioning on Quadcopters using Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) and Global Positioning System. The research was conducted in areas with variables such as open, semi-open, and closed roofs. Trials included stationary tests and missions transitioning from outdoor to indoor and indoor to outdoor. The results showed an RMS error of 14.77 cm, 8.14 cm, and 8.67 cm for outdoor, semi-outdoor, and indoor areas, respectively from the stationary tests. Following that, there was an improvement of 68.13% in autonomous quadcopter missions from outdoor to indoor conditions and 85.08% in missions from indoor to outdoor.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Quadcopter, Hybrid Positioning, UWB, GPS, Quadcopter, Hybrid Positioning, UWB, GPS
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL776 .N67 Quadrotor helicopters--Automatic control
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL798.N3 Global Positioning System.
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Electrical Engineering > 20201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Martin Adytia
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 04:22
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 04:22
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/110399

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