Perancangan Sistem Serangan Salvo Multi-Rudal Menggunakan Metode Active Disturbance Rejection Control

Maulani, Rizal (2024) Perancangan Sistem Serangan Salvo Multi-Rudal Menggunakan Metode Active Disturbance Rejection Control. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Peluru kendali (rudal) telah menjadi salah satu aset paling kuat dan strategis dalam peperangan modern. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi komunikasi, topik pengendalian multi-rudal semakin menarik minat para peneliti. Salah satu topik pengendalian multi-rudal adalah pengendalian serangan salvo. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perancangan serangan salvo multi-rudal. Pada serangan salvo, kontrol kooperatif antar rudal dapat dilakukan dengan Cooperative Missile Thrust Control (CMTC) yang memandu percepatan tangensial rudal sehingga rudal tiba di target secara bersamaan. Selanjutnya, diperlukan sistem pemandu yang mampu memandu rudal untuk mengenai target pada sudut yang sama untuk memfokuskan ledakan pada satu area. Metode pemanduan Impact Angle Contrained Guidance (IACG) yang merupakan modifikasi geometris dari pemanduan proporsional akan memandu akselerasi normal rudal sehingga persyaratan sudut tumbukan dapat terpenuhi. Setelah pemanduan, diperlukan suatu metode untuk mengatur sistem rudal non-linier agar mampu mengikuti perintah pemanduan dihadapan gangguan. Salah satu metode kontrol yang mampu mengestimasi gangguan adalah Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC). ADRC merupakan metode kontrol bebas model berbasis kesalahan yang mampu mengestimasi dan menolak gangguan pada sistem dengan menggunakan Extended State Observer. Dari hasil simulasi, kontroler ADRC yang dirancang untuk pengendalian roll, percepatan normal, dan percepatan lateral memiliki performa yang serupa dengan kontroler pole-placement, tetapi bersifat lebih robust dalam manuver agresif yang non-linier. Untuk pemanduan IACG, sudut tumbukan rudal dapat dicapai dalam margin kesalahan ±1 derajat selama target berada di dalam range rudal yang dipakai. Kemudian, pemanduan CMTC dapat mewujudkan serangan salvo multi-rudal yang mana semua rudal menabrak target dalam jendela waktu lebih kecil dari 2 detik. Sistem alokasi rudal-target yang didesain mampu memberikan pasangan rudal-target dengan jarak yang paling kecil dan memenuhi objektif serangan salvo yang ditentukan.
Missiles have become one of the most powerful and strategic assets in modern warfare. As communication technology develops, the topic of multi-Missile control is attracting more and more interest from researchers. One of the multi-Missile control topics is salvo attack control. This research focuses on designing a multi-Missile salvo attack. In salvo attack, cooperative control between Missiles can be done by Cooperative Missile Thrust Control (CMTC) which guides the tangential acceleration of the Missiles so that the Missiles arrive at the target simultaneously. Furthermore, a guidance system is needed that is able to guide the Missiles to hit the target at the same angle to focus the explosion in one area. The Impact Angle Contrained Guidance (IACG) guidance method, which is a geometric modification of proportional guidance, is able to guide the normal acceleration of the Missiles so that the impact angle requirement can be met. After guidance, a method is needed to manage the non-linear Missile system so that it is able to follow the guidance commands in the presence of many disturbances. One control method capable of estimating disturbances is Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC). ADRC is an error-based model-free control method capable of estimating and rejecting disturbances in the system using the Extended State Observer. From the simulation results, the ADRC Controller designed for roll, normal acceleration, and lateral acceleration control has similar performance to the pole-placement controller, but more robust in extreme maneuvers which is highly non-linear. For IACG guidance, the Missile impact angle can be achieved within ±1 degree margin of error. Furthermore, CMTC guidance can realize a multi-missile salvo attack where all missiles hit the target simultaneously within a 2 seconds window. The misile-target allocation system is able to produce an optimal pairing of missile and their target which satisfies the objective of the salvo attack.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Active Disturbance Rejection Control, Cooperative Missile Thrust Control, Impact Angle Constrained Guidance, Salvo
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK3070 Automatic control
U Military Science > U Military Science (General)
U Military Science > U Military Science (General) > UG Military Engineering > UG1242.D7 Unmanned aerial vehicles. Drone aircraft
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Electrical Engineering > 20201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Rizal Maulani
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 08:36
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 03:07

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