Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Produksi Paving di CV Surya Buana

Cahyani, Cicilia Regita (2024) Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Produksi Paving di CV Surya Buana. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Paving memiliki banyak karakteristik kualitas, beberapa diantaranya yaitu kuat tekan, berat, dan kepadatan. Ketiga karakteristik kualitas tersebut dapat berpengaruh pada daya tahan, stabilitas, dan performa saat sudah dipasang nantinya. CV Surya Buana merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi paving. Pengendalian kualitas yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan hanya dibandingkan dengan spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan dan tidak dianalisis secara statistik. Sehingga analisis kapabilitas proses produksi dari paving di CV Surya Buana belum pernah dilakukan, padahal analisis kapabilitas merupakan hal yang penting untuk mengetahui apakah proses produksi sudah baik atau masih perlu peningkatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah proses produksi sudah kapabel atau belum. Suatu proses dapat dikatakan kapabel jika terkendali secara statistik dan memiliki indeks MCp > 1 serta MCpk > 1. Analisis dilakukan dengan 2 fase, fase 1 yaitu bulan Juli 2021- Juni 2022 dan fase 2 yaitu bulan Juli 2022-Juni 2023. Menggunakan peta kendali M, diperoleh proses produksi paving pada fase 1 terkendali dan peta kendali T2 Hotelling terkendali. Pada fase 2 diperoleh proses produksi dengan peta kendali M sudah terkendali dan peta kendali T2 Hotelling terkendali. Karakteristik kualitas yang digunakan ada tiga yaitu kuat tekan, berat, dan kepadatan paving, Hasil analisis yang didapatkan yaitu pada fase 1 tidak kapabel karena nilai MCp sebesar 0,518 dan MCpk sebesar 0,476. Kemudian untuk fase 2 tidak kapabel karena nilai MCp sebesar 0,676 dan MCpk sebesar 0,583. Penyebab proses masih kurang kapabel yaitu karena mesin pengaduk kondisinya kurang baik dan kurangnya pengawasan dari pegawai dalam proses produksi.
Paving has many quality characteristics, some of which are compressive strength, weight, and density. These three quality characteristics can affect durability, stability, and performance when installed later. CV Surya Buana is a manufacturing company that produces paving. The quality control that has been carried out by the company is only compared to the specifications that have been set and is not statistically analyzed. So that the analysis of the production process capability of paving at CV Surya Buana has never been done, even though the capability analysis is important to find out whether the production process is good or still needs improvement. This study aims to find out whether the production process is capable or not. A process can be said to be capable if it is statistically controlled and has an MCp > 1 and MCpk > 1 index. The analysis was carried out in 2 phases, phase 1 is July 2021-June 2022 and phase 2 is July 2022-June 2023. Using the M control map, the paving production process in phase 1 is controlled and the T2 Hotelling control map is controlled. In phase 2, the production process with the M control map is already under control and the T2 Hotelling control map is controlled. There are three quality characteristics used, namely compressive strength, weight, and paving density, The results of the analysis obtained are that in phase 1 it is not capable because the MCp value is 0,518 and MCpk is 0,476. Then for phase 2 it is not capable because the MCp value is 0,676 and MCpk is 0,583. The reason why the process is still incapable is because the mixer machine is in poor condition and lack of supervision from employees in the production process.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Indeks Kapabilitas Proses, M Control Chart, Multivariate Control Chart, Peta Kendali M, Peta Kendali Multivariat, Peta Kendali T2Hotelling, Process Capability Index, T2Hotelling Control Chart
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD56.25 Industrial efficiency--Measurement. Industrial productivity--Measurement.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 49501-Business Statistics
Depositing User: Cahyani Cicilia Regita
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2024 05:46
Last Modified: 01 Aug 2024 05:46

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