Perancangan Aspek Visual Motor Listrik Dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking dan Kansei Engineering

Rongre, Gabriella Inecia (2024) Perancangan Aspek Visual Motor Listrik Dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking dan Kansei Engineering. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pemerintah Indonesia mendorong transisi ke Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik Berbasis Baterai (KBLBB), khususnya sepeda motor listrik, melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 55 Tahun 2019. Perusahaan transportasi online juga ikut serta dalam inisiatif ini. Sepeda motor listrik NV, meskipun legal dan tersedia sejak 2017, memiliki beberapa kekurangan yang dikeluhkan pengguna, seperti jok sempit dan design yang kurang menarik, yang menurunkan kepuasan pengguna. Untuk mengembangkan design yang lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, penelitian ini menggabungkan metode kansei engineering dengan design thinking. Metode ini menghimpun kata kansei dan elemen design untuk mendukung perancangan design motor listrik NV. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan design sepeda motor listrik NV sesuai kebutuhan pengguna. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perancangan design baru motor listrik NV terhadap beberapa komponen agar menyerupai referensi motor listrik jenis lain, yaitu bagian jok menyerupai ST, body hood menyerupai YT, dashboard interface menyerupai FR, headlamp menyerupai ST, dan stir menyerupai ST. Hasil evaluasi usulan design baru motor listrik NV oleh responden, menunjukkan bahwa 73,32% menyukai hasil modifikasi design komponen jok, body hood, dashboard interface, headlamp, dan stir motor tersebut. Rekomendasi perancangan berikutnya, yang diberikan responden adalah meningkatkan kecepatan, meningkatkan kapasitas beban maksimal, menambah kapasitas daya baterai atau menyediakan 2 baterai, dan menambah lampu variasi warna cahaya kuning dan putih dan menyesuaikan daya watt lampu agar terang.
The Indonesian Government is encouraging the transition to Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB), especially electric motorbikes, through Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019. Online transportation companies are also taking part in this initiative . The NV electric motorbike, although legal and available since 2017, has several shortcomings that consumers complain about, such as a narrow seat and an unattractive design, which reduces consumer satisfaction. To develop designs that better suit consumer needs, this research combines the Kansei engineering method with design thinking. This method combines kansei words and design elements to support the design development of the NV electric motorbike. This research aims to develop the design of the NV electric motorbike according to consumer needs. This research resulted in designing a new design for the NV electric motorbike with several components to resemble other types of electric motorbike references, namely the seat resembles the ST, the body hood resembles the YT, the dashboard interface resembles the FR, the headlamp resembles the ST, and the steering wheel resembles the ST. The results of the evaluation of the proposed new design for the NV electric motorbike by respondents showed that 73.32% liked the results of modifications to the design of the motorbike's seat, body hood, dashboard interface, headlamp and steering wheel components. The next development recommendations given by respondents were to increase speed, increase battery power capacity, and add yellow and white light color variations.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sepeda Motor Listrik, Design Thinking, Kansei Engineering Electric Motorcycle, Design Thinking, Kansei Engineering
Subjects: T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL448 Electric motorcycles
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Gabriella Inecia Rongre
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2024 04:36
Last Modified: 01 Aug 2024 04:36

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