Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi Cerium 2%; 2,5%; 3% Dan Temperatur Larutan Nacl 3,4% Terhadap Efisiensi Anoda Korban Aluminium

Amrulloh, M. Farian (2024) Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi Cerium 2%; 2,5%; 3% Dan Temperatur Larutan Nacl 3,4% Terhadap Efisiensi Anoda Korban Aluminium. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pada penelitian ini, ditambahkan unsur tanah jarang yaitu cerium (Ce) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi anoda korban Aluminium. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu komposisi cerium terhadap anoda korban aluminium 0%; 2%; 2,5%, dan 3%, sehingga terdapat empat sample, serta temperatur pengujian efisiensi yaitu 25oC dan 35oC. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan cerium dan temperatur dari paduan anoda korban aluminium. Didapatkan hasil bahwasanya terbentuk senyawa Al11Ce3 sebagai second phase di batas butir. Semakin meningkatnya kandungan Ce dalam paduan, akan memperkecil ukuran butir serta memperluas area batas butir. Hal ini terbukti menurunkan ketahanan lapisan pasif serta meningkatkan laju korosi. Efisiensi untuk sample 0%;2%;2,5%;3% masing-masing adalah 73,17%; 83,55%; 79,15%; 76,05%. Efisiensi yang semakin menurun setelah penambahan 2% cerium ini mengindikasikan bahwa arus yang melewati anoda tidak tidak sebanding dengan semakin banyak berat anoda yang hilang. Hasil yang serupa juga didapat pada temperatur 35oC. Efisiensi masing-masing sample adalah 77,09%; 84,39%, 78,02%; 71,63%. Ini menunjukan bahwa penambahan cerium akan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi anoda korban serta penambahan 2% cerium akan menghasilkan efisiensi anoda korban paling tinggi serta dapat mempertahankan efisiensinya walaupun temperatur naik sampai 35oC
In this study, the rare earth element cerium (Ce) was added to increase the efficiency of the Aluminum sacrificial anode. The variables used are the composition of cerium to the aluminum sacrificial anode 0%; 2%; 2.5%, and 3%, so that there are four samples, as well as the efficiency testing temperature, namely 25oC and 35oC. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the addition of cerium and the temperature of the aluminum sacrificial anode alloy. It was found that the Al11Ce3 compound was formed as a second phase at the grain boundary. The increasing Ce content in the alloy will reduce the grain size and expand the grain boundary area. This is shown to reduce the resistance of the passive layer and increase the corrosion rate. The efficiency for the 0%; 2%; 2,5%; 3% samples were 73,17%; 83,55%; 79,15%; 76,05% respectively. The decreasing efficiency after the addition of 2% cerium indicates that the current passing through the anode is not disproportionate to the more anode weight lost. Similar results were also obtained at 35°C. The efficiency of each sample is 77,09%; 84,39%, 78,02%; 71,63%. This shows that the addition of cerium will be able to increase the efficiency of the sacrificial anode and the addition of 2% cerium will produce the highest sacrificial anode efficiency and can maintain its efficiency even though the temperature rises to 35oC.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aluminium, Anoda Korban, Cerium, Efisiensi, Korosi Aluminum, Sacrificial Anode, Cerium, Efficiency, Corrosion
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ930 Pipelines (General). Underwater pipelines.
V Naval Science > VC Naval Maintenance
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Material & Metallurgical Engineering > 28201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: M. Farian Amrulloh
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2024 05:17
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2024 05:17

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