Kajian Efisiensi Penyisihan Mikroplastik Dalam Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah di Fasilitas Daur Ulang Plastik

Umarie, Winda Islamiyah (2024) Kajian Efisiensi Penyisihan Mikroplastik Dalam Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah di Fasilitas Daur Ulang Plastik. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Keberadaan mikroplastik terdeteksi bahkan dalam sumber air baku. Produsen daur ulang plastik menjadi salah satu sumber potensial efluen mikroplastik ke lingkungan. Studi telah mengungkapkan bahwa limbah dari produsen daur ulang plastik mengandung kelimpahan mikroplastik yang signifikan, dengan sebagian besar partikel berukuran di bawah 5 µm. Meskipun instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL) memiliki tahapan penyisihan mikroplastik, teknologi yang digunakan belum sepenuhnya efektif dalam mengatasi mikroplastik berukuran di bawah 1 mm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan kelimpahan, karakteristik dan distribusi mikroplastik dalam sistem pengolahan air limbah di fasilitas daur ulang plastik. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengkaji efisiensi penyisihan mikroplastik oleh berbagai tahapan IPAL serta potensi pelepasan mikroplastik ke lingkungan.
Metode penelitian ini melibatkan pengambilan sampel air limbah di 4 titik sampling dari tahap berbeda dalam pengolahan dan 4 titik sampling lumpur. Penggunaan teknik pengamatan mikroskop dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDS) untuk analisis morfologi dan unsur di permukaan mikroplastik. Pengamatan untuk analisis jenis polimer mikroplastik menggunakan Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR).
Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada influen IPAL sebesar 485 partikel/L (kondisi operasional) dan 65 partikel/L (non-operasional), sementara pada efluen floating clarifier 3 sebesar 98 partikel/L (operasional) dan 92 partikel/L (non-operasional). Kelimpahan pada lumpur mencapai 364,81 partikel/kg (operasional) dan 4.000 partikel/kg (non-operasional). Mikroplastik didominasi bentuk fragmen dan fiber, dengan ukuran dominan <2,5 µm hingga 0,2 µm. Jenis yang paling umum adalah HDPE. Pada effluen FC3 ditemukan warna mikroplastik yaitu hitam, bening, merah, biru dan kuning. Efisiensi penyisihan bervariasi antar unit pengolahan, dengan tube flocculator dan electrocoagulation menunjukkan efisiensi tertinggi pada kondisi operasional masing masing sebesar 54,43% dan 71,04%. Potensi pelepasan mikroplastik ke lingkungan signifikan, terutama dari unit MBBR dan lumpur. Lumpur MBBR mengandung kelimpahan mikroplastik tertinggi (150.000 partikel/kg pada kondisi operasional). Penanganan yang disarankan meliputi pembuatan standar operasional prosedur (SOP) disetiap unit dan pengolahan lumpur yang dapat diterapkan adalah metode termal serta stabilisasi/solidifikasi.
The presence of microplastics has been detected even in raw water sources. Plastic recycling facilities are a potential source of microplastic effluents into the environment. Studies have revealed that effluents from plastic recycling facilities contain a significant abundance of microplastics, with most particles measuring below 5 µm. Although wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have microplastic removal stages, the technology used has not been fully effective in addressing microplastics below 1 mm in size. This study aims to identify the abundance, characteristics, and distribution of microplastics in wastewater treatment systems at plastic recycling facilities. In addition, this study eexamines the removal efficiency of microplastics by various stages of the WWTP as well as the potential release of microplastics to the environment.
The research method involves sampling wastewater at four different stages in the treatment process and four sludge sampling points. Microscopic observation techniques using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDS) are employed to analyze the morphology and elements on the surface of microplastics. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used for the analysis of microplastic polymer types.
Identification results showed an abundance of microplastics in WWTP influent of 485 particles/L (operational conditions) and 65 particles/L (non-operational), while in the effluent of floating clarifier 3, there were 98 particles/L (operational) and 92 particles/L (non-operational). The abundance in sludge reached 364.81 particles/kg (operational) and 4,000 particles/kg (non-operational). Microplastics were predominantly in fragment and fiber forms, with sizes mostly ranging from <2.5 µm to 0.2 µm. The most common type was HDPE. In the effluent of FC3, microplastics were found in black, clear, red, blue, and yellow colors. Removal efficiency varied among treatment units, with the tube flocculator and electrocoagulation showing the highest efficiency under operational conditions, at 54.43% and 71.04% respectively. The potential release of microplastics into the environment is significant, especially from the MBBR unit and sludge. MBBR sludge contained the highest abundance of microplastics (150,000 particles/kg under operational conditions). Recommended handling includes establishing standard operating procedures (SOP) for each unit, and thermal methods and stabilization/solidification for sludge treatment.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: evaluasi instalasi pengolahan air limbah, fasilitas daur ulang plastik, mikroplastik, polyethylene. microplastics, plastic recycling facility, polyethylene, wastewater treatment plant evalution
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD420 Water pollution
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD427.P62 Microplastics--Environmental aspects.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Environment Engineering > 25101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Winda Islamiyah Umarie
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2024 13:09
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2024 13:09
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/111401

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