Redesain Interior Lobi dan Restoran dengan Pengembangan Bentuk Ragam Hias Topeng Malangan untuk Optimalisasi Brand Identity "Ascent Hotel & Cafe"

Saputra, Miranda Sophie (2024) Redesain Interior Lobi dan Restoran dengan Pengembangan Bentuk Ragam Hias Topeng Malangan untuk Optimalisasi Brand Identity "Ascent Hotel & Cafe". Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Ascent Hotel & Café merupakan hotel bintang tiga yang terletak di tengah Kota Malang dan kini berada di bawah naungan Ascent Hospitality Group. Sejak bergantinya kepemilikan, pengelola melakukan rebranding menyesuaikan identitas hotel, yaitu hotel sustainable dan fokus pada kebudayaan lokal Kota Malang. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan optimalisasi brand identity melalui konsep interior yang mengangkat kebudayaan Kota Malang, yaitu ragam hias Topeng Malangan yang merupakan identitas sosial kota Malang. Agar dapat dilakukan secara optimal, redesain interior hotel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Interior Design Thinking dan fokus pada pengguna hotel. Data observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur yang terkumpul dianalilsis untuk ditemukan konsep yang sesuai, yaitu menerapkan ragam hias Topeng Malangan untuk optimalisasi brand identity dengan strategi multisensory serta meningkatkan fasilitas dan memperhatikan kondisi pasca covid. Ragam hias Topeng Malangan dianalogikan bentuknya menjadi lebih modern sesuai visi hotel dan diaplikasikan pada berbagai area untuk menciptakan kesinambungan antar ruang. Redesain interior dilakukan mencakup lobi dan restoran beserta fasilitas yang ada. Pemilihan area tersebut dikarenakan lobi merupakan tempat terbentuknya kesan pertama pengunjung terhadap citra dan kualitas brand hotel. Oleh karena itu, tugas akhir “Redesain Interior Lobi dan Restoran Dengan Pengembangan Bentuk Ragam Hias Topeng Malangan Untuk Optimalisasi Brand Identity "Ascent Hotel & Cafe"” diterapkan dengan harapan mengenalkan brand identity baru dan kebudayaan Kota Malang pada pengunjung, menciptakan rasa nyaman dan familiar, serta meningkatkan pamor hotel sebagai destinasi akomodasi wisatawan Kota Malang.
Ascent Hotel & Café is a three -star hotel located in the middle of Malang City and is now under the auspices of the Ascent Hospitality Group. Since the change of ownership, the manager has rebranded to adjust the hotel identity, namely the sustainable hotel and focus on the local culture of Malang City. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize brand identity through an interior concept that elevates Malang City culture, namely the Decorate the Malangan Mask which is the social identity of Malang City. In order to be done optimally, hotel interior redesign is done using the interior design thinking method and focusing on hotel users. Data on observations, interviews, and literature studies collected by dielilsis to find appropriate concepts, namely applying the Malangan Mask ornamentation to optimize the brand identity with a multisensory strategy and improve facilities and pay attention to post covid conditions. The ornament of Malangan Mask is analogous to its more modern shape according to the vision of the hotel and applied to various areas to create continuity between spaces. The interior redesign is carried out including lobby and restaurants along with existing facilities. The selection of the area is because the lobby is a place for the first impression of visitors to the image and quality of the hotel brand. Therefore, the final project "Redesign of Lobby and Restaurant Interiors Featuring Stylized Malangan Mask Ornamentation to Optimize the Brand Identity of "Ascent Hotel & Cafe"" is applied in the hope of introducing new brand identity and Malang City Culture to visitors, creating a sense of comfort and familiar, as well as increasing the prestige of the hotel as a tourist accommodation destination in Malang City.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Akomodasi, Budaya, Identitas, Lobi, Merek, Ragam Hias, Restoran, Topeng Malangan, Accommodation, Brand, Culture, Hotel, Identity, Lobby, Malangan Masks, Ornament, Restaurant.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA7820 Hotels. Inns. Hotel lobbies For resorts
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK2115 Interior decoration
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK9503 Batik--Themes, motives.
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Interior Design > 90221-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Miranda Sophie Saputra
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2024 17:01
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2024 17:01

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