Pengembangan Sistem Provisioning Perangkat Internet Of Things Menggunakan QR Code Authentication Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile Pada Ekosistem Startup Include Technology

Ardiansyah, Singgih (2024) Pengembangan Sistem Provisioning Perangkat Internet Of Things Menggunakan QR Code Authentication Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile Pada Ekosistem Startup Include Technology. Other thesis, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sistem provisioning perangkat Internet of Things (IoT) yang cepat dan mudah menggunakan autentikasi QR Code berbasis aplikasi mobile pada ekosistem startup INCLUDE Technology. INCLUDE Technology adalah startup yang menyediakan solusi IoT end-to-end, fokus pada pengurangan downtime dan peningkatan efisiensi industri di Indonesia. Produk utamanya IncludeBox, perangkat IoT dengan sensor customizable dan plug-and-play, serta IncludeApps, platform aplikasi IoT untuk memonitor, mengontrol, memberi notifikasi kerusakan, dan melakukan predictive analytics. Masalah teknis yang muncul seiring perkembangan startup ini adalah proses provisioning perangkat IoT yang kompleks dan tidak efisien. Provisioning melibatkan pendaftaran perangkat agar dapat digunakan oleh pelanggan, biasanya memerlukan perubahan kode firmware untuk pengaturan SSID, Password, API server dan Autentikasi yang sering menjadi celah kesalahan dan keamanan, terutama dalam produksi skala besar. Proses ini juga tidak user-friendly, sehingga dapat menurunkan minat pelanggan. Solusi yang dikembangkan yaitu provisioning menggunakan autentikasi QR Code berbasis aplikasi mobile IncludeApps. Informasi deviceName dan secretKey diterbitkan oleh akun admin di server IncludeApps dan dikemas dalam QR Code. Ketika pelanggan memindai QR Code dengan aplikasi IncludeApps, server akan melakukan validasi. Jika validasi berhasil, server akan melakukan provisioning dan menetapkan akses perangkat IoT IncludeBox menjadi milik pelanggan tersebut. Pengujian sistem ini menggunakan metode Quality Assurance (QA) fungsional menunjukkan sistem ini terbukti mampu melakukan provisioning perangkat dengan lebih mudah, aman dan cepat dengan efisiensi waktu hingga 69.5% dari metode tradisional sebelumnya.
This research aims to develop a fast and easy Internet of Things (IoT) device provisioning system using mobile application-based QR Code authentication in the INCLUDE Technology startup ecosystem. INCLUDE Technology is a startup that provides end-to-end IoT solutions, focused on reducing downtime and increasing industrial efficiency in Indonesia. The main products are IncludeBox, an IoT device with customizable and plug-and-play sensors, and IncludeApps, an IoT application platform for monitoring, controlling, providing damage notifications and performing predictive analytics. The technical problem that emerged as this startup developed was the complex and inefficient IoT device provisioning process. Provisioning involves registering a device for use by customers, usually requiring changes to firmware code for SSID, Password, server API and Authentication settings which often provide security and error vulnerabilities, especially in large-scale production. This process is also not user-friendly, so it can reduce customer interest. The solution developed is provisioning using QR Code authentication based on the IncludeApps mobile application. DeviceName and secretKey information is published by the admin account on the IncludeApps server and packaged in a QR Code. When customers scan the QR Code with the IncludeApps application, the server will validate it. If validation is successful, the server will provision and assign access to the IncludeBox IoT device as the customer's property. Testing this system using the functional Quality Assurance (QA) method shows that this system is proven to be able to provision devices more easily, safely and quickly with time efficiency of up to 69.5% compared to traditional methods before. Provisioning a QR Code that can only be done once in the IncludeApps application also prevents unauthorized access and increases security in the INCLUDE Technology ecosystem.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: INCLUDE Technology, Internet of Things, Mobile Apps, Provisioning, QR Code Authentication
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T57.5 Data Processing
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T57.83 Dynamic programming
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.8 Productivity. Efficiency
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T59.7 Human-machine systems.
T Technology > TH Building construction > TH9737 Electronic security systems
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Computer Engineering > 90243-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Singgih Ardiansyah
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2024 03:00
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2024 03:00

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