Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Access Opening Terhadap Tegangan Skirt Pada Pressure Vessel Bertekanan 145,03 PSi Menggunakan Metode Finite Elemen Analysis (FEA)

Andini, Maulidiah (2024) Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Access Opening Terhadap Tegangan Skirt Pada Pressure Vessel Bertekanan 145,03 PSi Menggunakan Metode Finite Elemen Analysis (FEA). Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Bejana tekan (pressure vessel) dapat memiliki berbagai bentuk dan posisi peletakannya, seperti vertikal atau horizontal, tergantung pada desainnya dan penggunaan operasional. Desain dan pemilihan penyangga yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan keamanan dan stabilitas selama pressure vessel di operasikan. Akan tetapi desain bagian skirt belum tercakup dalam ASME Code sehingga dimensiya dihitung dengan prinsip-prinsip desain umum. Untuk desain dan ukuran access opening disesuaikan dengan jenis pressure vessel dan kebutuhan operasionalnya. Akibat adanya pemberian access opening berdiameter 500mm pada skirt pressure vessel dengan tinggi 1500mm dari base skirt yang akan menopang vessel dengan tinggi 3600mm. Akan ada kenaikan tegangan yang terjadi dikarenakan beban vessel berisi udara bertekanan 145,03 Psi ketika beroperasional. Agar kenaikan tegangan ini tetap aman berada pada safety factor (sf≤3) dimana tegangan yang terjadi tidak boleh melebihi 1/3 dari tegangan yield material. Pemodelan 3D dengan menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor. Perhitungan kekuatan dari skirt support ditinjau dari tegangan maksimum yang dihasilkan oleh simulasi software ANSYS dengan hasil tegangan harus kurang dari tegangan ijin material. Dari hasil simulasi dapat diketahui daerah yang mengalami tegangan maksimum sehingga penmbahan access opening pada skirt support dapat dinilai mampu menopang pressure vessel dalam kondisi kosong maupun operasional. Melalui metode FEA diketahui tegangan maksimum von misses yang terjadi pada pemberian 2 access opening adalah 23 Mpa dengan tegangan ijin material 86,67 Mpa. Deformasi yang terjadi 0,3 Mpa, mengalami kenaikan akan tetapi masih dinilai kecil. Sehingga proposal ini dapat menyimpulkan bahwa penambahan hingga 2 access opening pada skirt masih dapat dikatakan aman.


Pressure vessels can have various shapes and laying positions, such as vertical or horizontal, depending on their design and operational use. Proper design and selection of supports are critical to ensure safety and stability during pressure vessel operation. However, the design of the skirt section has not been covered in the ASME Code so the dimensions are calculated using general design principles. The design and size of the access opening is adjusted to the type of pressure vessel and its operational requirements. As a result of providing a 500mm diameter access opening on a pressure vessel skirt with a height of 1500mm from the base skirt which will support a vessel with a height of 3600mm. There will be an increase in stress that occurs due to the load of the vessel containing 145.03 Psi pressurised air when operating. In order for this stress increase to remain safe, it is within the safety factor (sf≤3) where the stress that occurs should not exceed 1/3 of the yield stress of the material. 3D modelling using Autodesk Inventor software. The calculation of the strength of the skirt support is reviewed from the maximum stress generated by the ANSYS software simulation with the result that the stress must be less than the material allowable stress. From the simulation results, it can be seen the area that experiences maximum stress so that the addition of access opening on the skirt support can be considered capable of supporting the pressure vessel in empty and operational conditions. Through the FEA method, it is known that the maximum von misses stress that occurs when providing 2 access openings is 23 Mpa with a material allowable stress of 86.67 Mpa. The deformation that occurs is 0.3 Mpa, an increase but still considered small. So this proposal can conclude that the addition of up to 2 access openings on the skirt can still be said to be safe.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Access Opening, FEA, Pressure Vessel, Skirt Support, Tegangan. Access Opening, FEA, Pressure Vessel, Skirt Support, Tension.
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS171 Product design
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS283 Pressure vessels.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Maulidiah Andini
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 07:59
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 07:59

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