Redesain Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo dengan Implementasi Motif Batik Hokokai sebagai Bentuk Asimilasi Budaya Jawa dan Jepang Guna Meningkatkan Branding Restoran

Mustaqilla, Syakira (2024) Redesain Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo dengan Implementasi Motif Batik Hokokai sebagai Bentuk Asimilasi Budaya Jawa dan Jepang Guna Meningkatkan Branding Restoran. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan dengan berbagai suku dan etnis. Negara Indonesia sangat kaya akan seni dan budaya mulai dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Dengan beragamnya kebudayaan Indonesia, maka diperlukan apresiasi dan perlu dilestarikan, mengingat ke depan harus menjadi warisan. Keinginan pemerintah untuk melestarikan serta mengembangkan tradisi dan kebudayaan daerah terbukti dengan adanya TAP MPR RI no.IV/MPR/1999 yang membahas tentang masalah sosial budaya Indonesia. Restoran memiliki peluang untuk andil dalam melestarikan budaya. RM Handayani merupakan franchise speciality restaurant yang menyajikan kuliner khas Indonesia dan mempunyai sejarah lebih dari 50 tahun. Di sisi lain, Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo memiliki kesan yang unik dibandingkan dengan franchise Restoran Handayani yang lain. Selain ciri khasnya yakni menyajikan kuliner khas Indonesia, Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo ini juga menawarkan kuliner khas Jepang. Melalui tahapan metodologi Design Thinking, ditemukan konsep perancangan interior Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo dengan mengimplementasikan asimilasi budaya lokal Jawa dan Jepang berupa Batik Hokokai yang dapat meningkatkan branding restoran yang mampu menawarkan pengalaman bersantap yang lebih eksklusif dan terasa lebih autentik. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk redesain yang optimal dan efisien dengan pendekatan budaya tradisional Indonesia yakni budaya lokal Jawa dan juga budaya Jepang melalui Batik Hokokai sehingga menarik bagi pengunjung dan dapat meningkatkan branding restoran. Berdasarkan hasil validasi desain, didapatkan bahwa hasil desain mampu menjawab permasalahan eksisting.
Indonesia is an archipelago with various tribes and ethnicities. Indonesia is very rich in art and culture from Sabang to Merauke. With the diversity of Indonesian culture, appreciation is needed and needs to be preserved, considering that in the future it must become a legacy. The government's desire to preserve and develop regional traditions and cultures is evident in the existence of TAP MPR RI no.IV / MPR / 1999 which discusses Indonesian socio-cultural issues. Restaurants have the opportunity to take part in preserving culture. RM Handayani is a franchise specialty restaurant that serves Indonesian culinary specialties and has a history of more than 50 years. On the other hand, Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo has a unique impression compared to other Handayani Restaurant franchises. In addition to its characteristic of serving Indonesian specialties, Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo also offers Japanese specialties. Through the stages of the Design Thinking methodology, the interior design concept of Heritage of Handayani Sidoarjo was found by implementing the assimilation of Javanese and Japanese local culture in the form of Batik Hokokai which is expected to increase the branding of the restaurant which is able to offer a more exclusive dining experience and feel more authentic. This final project aims for an optimal and efficient redesign with an approach to traditional Indonesian culture, namely Javanese local culture and also Japanese culture through Batik Hokokai so that it is attractive to customers and can improve the branding of the restaurant. Based on the results of design validation, it was found that the design results were able to answer existing problems.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Restaurant, Heritage of Handayani, Culture, Batik, Branding, Restoran, Budaya
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK2115 Interior decoration
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK9503 Batik--Themes, motives.
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Interior Design > 90221-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Syakira Mustaqilla
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2024 01:29
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2024 01:29

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