Penataan Koridor Mulyosari Terintegrasi Kampus ITS Dengan Konsep Complete Street

Thahira, Cut Salna (2024) Penataan Koridor Mulyosari Terintegrasi Kampus ITS Dengan Konsep Complete Street. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Selain pusat aktivitas, Jalan Raya Mulyosari berdekatan dengan kampus ITS yang menjadi pusat atraksi kawasan. Tingginya permintaan dari kawasan kampus untuk penyediaan fasilitas pedestrian tidak sebanding dengan kondisi koridor. BPBD Kota Surabaya mencatat frekuensi terbanyak kecelakaan lalu lintas Kecamatan Mulyorejo tahun 2022 mencapai 116 kasus. Tingkat kualitas udara menurut data IQ Air selama 2023 diperkirakan menyebabkan 2800 kematian di Surabaya. Complete street merupakan konsep jalan lengkap yang mengakomodasi berbagai pengguna jalan, serta memprioritaskan NMT. Dalam mengaplikasikan konsep tersebut di Jl Raya Mulyosari dan Jalan ITS, perlu mengetahui kriteria penting terhadap complete street dari wawancara stakeholder terpilih. Setelah itu, dilakukan observasi untuk melihat kondisi eksisting, diakhiri dengan perumusan arahan pengembangan dari kriteria dan hasil observasi didukung dengan regulasi dan best practice. Proses pertama menggunakan analisis Delphi, mendapatkan bahwa terdapat 17 kriteria berpengaruh terhadap penataan kawasan dengan 4 responden ahli. Observasi yang dilakukan mengetahui bahwa kondisi kawasan penelitian tidak sesuai dengan kondisi ideal dari parameter regulasi. Hasil arahan penataan menjelaskan bahwa terdapat 4 indikator beserta arahan yang diperlukan untuk menata kawasan yang di Koridor Mulyosari dan Terintegrasi Kampus ITS. Elemen complete street yang berpengaruh pada penataan kawasan di wilayah penelitian adalah jalur pedestrian, jalur penyeberangan, jalur sepeda, halte, penerangan, traffic calming, kamera keamanan, marka jalur sepeda, pedestrian refugee, street furniture, onstreet parking, pepohonan, active frontage, material trotoar, jalur difabel, signage, ramp. Dari variabel tersebut, terbentuk 49 arahan yang berorientasi pada peningkatan hak berbagai jenis pengguna jalan
Apart from being an activity center, Jalan Raya Mulyosari is close to the ITS campus which is the center of regional attractions. The high demand from the campus area for the provision of pedestrian facilities is not commensurate with the condition of the corridors. Surabaya City BPBD recorded the highest frequency of traffic accidents in Mulyorejo District in 2022 reaching 116 cases. Air quality levels according to IQ Air data during 2023 are estimated to cause 2800 deaths in Surabaya. Complete street is a complete road concept that accommodates various road users, while prioritizing NMT. In applying this concept on Jl Raya Mulyosari and Jalan ITS, it is necessary to know the important criteria for a complete street from interviews with selected stakeholders. After that, observations were carried out to see existing conditions, ending with the formulation of development directions from the criteria and observation results supported by regulations and best practices. The first process used Delphi analysis, finding that there were 17 criteria influencing regional planning with 4 expert respondents. The observations carried out revealed that the conditions of the research area did not comply with the ideal conditions of the regulatory parameters. The results of the planning direction explain that there are 4 indicators and directions needed to organize pedestrian-friendly areas in the Mulyosari Corridor and Integrated ITS Campus. Complete street elements that influence the arrangement of pedestrian-friendly areas in the research area are pedestrian lanes, crossing lanes, bicycle lanes, bus stops, lighting, traffic calming, security cameras, bicycle lane markings, pedestrian refugees, street furniture, on-street parking, trees, active frontage, sidewalk materials, disabled lanes, signage, ramps. From these variables, 49 directions were formed that were oriented towards improving the rights of various types of road users

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: complete street, arahan pengembangan, Jl Raya Mulyosari, Kampus ITS, development direction, ITS Campus.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE311.I4 Urban transportation
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Regional & Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Cut Salna Thahira
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2024 07:47
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 07:47

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