Analisis Pengaruh Tegangan Sisa Terhadap Kekuatan Maksimum Pelat Berpenegar Kapal Tanker Akibat Beban Kompresi Siklik

Badriawan, Ferry (2024) Analisis Pengaruh Tegangan Sisa Terhadap Kekuatan Maksimum Pelat Berpenegar Kapal Tanker Akibat Beban Kompresi Siklik. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Sebagian besar konstruksi kapal disusun oleh panel pelat berpenegar. Proses pengelasan antara pelat dan penegar bisa menimbulkan tegangan sisa. Salah satu bagian kapal yang tersusun dari panel pelat berpenegar yaitu bagian alas kapal. Selama beroperasi kapal mengalami beban tekan siklik akibat kondisi hogging-sagging. Penting untuk mengetahui kekuatan panel pelat berpenegar yang dipengaruhi efek tegangan sisa terhadap beban siklik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek tegangan sisa pada pelat berpenegar terhadap kekuatan maksimum panel akibat beban siklik. Variasi model pada penelitian ini berupa variasi ketebalan pelat pada panel dan variasi level distribusi tegangan sisa. Variasi ketebalan pelat yang digunakan sebesar 9 mm, 11 mm, dan 13 mm. Variasi besar tegangan sisa yang diaplikasikan pada model yaitu slight, average, dan severe. Beban yang diaplikasikan pada model selama proses analisis merupakan beban tekan siklik. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan software ABAQUS dan Phyton untuk mempercepat proses pemvariasian model. Berdasarkan proses analisis yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil kekuatan maksimum panel terbesar terdapat pada model dengan ketebalan pelat 13 mm pada tiap variasi model. Tegangan sisa yang diaplikasikan pada panel mengurangi nilai kekuatan maksimum panel. Model dengan variasi tegangan sisa severe memiliki nilai kekuatan maksimum terendah pada tiap variasi ketebalan pelat. Untuk semua variasi model mengalami penurunan nilai kekuatan maksimum pada pembebanan kedua.
Most ship constructions consist of stiffened plate panels. The welding process between the plate and the stiffener can induce residual stress. One part of the ship that is composed of stiffened plate panels is the ship's bottom. During operation, the ship experiences cyclic hogging and sagging loads due to ocean waves. It is important to understand the strength of stiffened plate panels influenced by the effects of residual stress under cyclic loading. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of residual stress on stiffened plates on the maximum strength of the panel due to cyclic loading. The model variations in this study include variations in plate thickness in the panels and variations in the level of residual stress distribution. The plate thickness variations used are 9 mm, 11 mm, and 13 mm. The variations in the magnitude of residual stress applied to the model are slight, Average, and Severe. The load applied to the model during the analysis process is a cyclic compressive load. The analysis is performed using Abaqus software and Python software to expedite the modeling process. Based on the analysis process, the highest ultimate strength is found in the model with a plate thickness of 13 mm for each model variation. The residual stress applied to the panel reduces the ultimate strength of the panel. The model with Severe residual stress variation has the lowest ultimate strength for each plate thickness variation. All model variations experience a decrease in ultimate strength during the second loading.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: stiffened plate, residual stress, ultimate strength, cyclic compressive load, pelat berpenegar, tegangan sisa, kekuatan maksimum, beban tekan siklik
Subjects: V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM156 Naval architecture
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering > 36201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ferry Badriawan
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2024 02:31
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 03:01

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