Identifikasi Zona Persebaran Profil Nikel Laterit Menggunakan Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Studi Kasus Blok "SR" Wilayah Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

Rofik, Shilfani Aisyah (2024) Identifikasi Zona Persebaran Profil Nikel Laterit Menggunakan Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Studi Kasus Blok "SR" Wilayah Bahodopi, Kabupaten Morowali, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Nikel merupakan salah satu bahan galian logam di Indonesia yang dapat dijumpai dalam bentuk endapan sekunder yaitu nikel laterit. Eksplorasi geofisika dengan metode Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) merupakan salah satu metode yang berkaitan dengan teknologi eksplorasi dan diterapkan dalam kegiatan eksplorasi nikel laterit. Penelitian dengan metode ERT ini mengaplikasikan konfigurasi gradient pada 24 lintasan ERT dengan panjang masing-masing lintasan adalah 390 meter untuk mengetahui profil nikel laterit berdasarkan penampang 2D resistivitas bawah permukaan di lokasi penelitian dan data bor sebanyak 471 data sebagai validator. Selain itu, hasil interpretasi ERT juga dipetakan melalui proses interpolasi kriging agar didapatkan peta persebaran ketebalan profil nikel laterit. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data resistivitas, klasifikasi sebaran nilai resistivitas untuk profil nikel laterit di daerah penelitian “SR” yaitu limonite (150 Ωm – 400 Ωm), saprolite (0 Ωm – 150 Ωm), dan bedrock (30 Ωm – 160 Ωm). Hasil validasi interpretasi ERT dengan data bor menggunakan Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) adalah interpretasi ERT terhadap limonite bottom dan saprolite bottom memiliki persentase berturut-turut sebesar 23% dan 27% sehingga kedua hasil tersebut dikategorikan dalam reasonable forecasting. Pada peta persebaran ketebalan profil nikel laterit, lapisan limonite memiliki ketebalan rata-rata 10,5 meter dan lapisan saprolite memiliki ketebalan rata-rata 14 meter yang tersebar di lokasi penelitian.
Nickel is one of the minerals in Indonesia that can be found in the form of secondary deposits, namely nickel-laterite. Geophysical exploration with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method is one of the geophysical methods related to exploration technology and applied in nickel exploration activities. Within this research, the ERT method applies gradient configuration on 24 ERT lines with the length of each other line is 390 meter to determine the profile of laterite nickel based on 2D cross section of subsurface resistivity at the research area and drillhole data as much as 471 data as a validator. Additionally, the ERT interpretation results were also mapped through the kriging interpolation process to obtain a map of the distribution of laterite nickel profile thickness. Based on the results of resistivity data processing, classification of the resistivity value range for laterite nickel profiles in the “SR” research area is limonite (150 Ωm – 400 Ωm), saprolite (0 Ωm – 150 Ωm), and bedrock (30 Ωm – 160 Ωm). The result of ERT interpretation validation with drillhole data using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is that ERT interpretation of limonite bottom and saprolite bottom has a percentage 23% and 27% respectively so both are included in reasonable forecasting. On the laterite nickel profile thickness distribution map, the limonite layer has an average thickness of 10.5 meters and the saprolite layer has an average thickness of 14 meters spread across the research area.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: ERT, Laterite Nickel, Limonite, MAPE, Resistivity, Saprolite, Nikel Laterit, Limonit, Resistivitas, Saprolit.
Subjects: Q Science > QE Geology > QE571 Sedimentation and deposition. Sediment transport. Erosion.
Q Science > QE Geology > QE601 Geology, Structural
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geophysics Engineering > 33201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Shilfani Aisyah Rofik
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2024 02:24
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2024 02:24

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