Rekomendasi Penanganan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Melalui Integrasi Audit Reaktif dan Proaktif (Studi Kasus: DKI Jakarta)

Satyawadi, Daksa Lintang (2024) Rekomendasi Penanganan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Melalui Integrasi Audit Reaktif dan Proaktif (Studi Kasus: DKI Jakarta). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Jumlah kendaraan di perkotaan yang terus meningkat berimplikasi secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan jumlah kecelakaan. DKI Jakarta, sebagai metropolitan terbesar di Indonesia, menempati urutan ke-3 sebagai provinsi dengan jumlah kecelakaan tertinggi pada tahun 2023. Integrasi audit reaktif dan proaktif dinilai efektif dalam merumuskan rekomendasi peningkatan keselamatan jalan. Data kecelakaan lalu lintas dalam kurun 3 tahun terakhir (2020 – 2022) digunakan sebagai input audit reaktif. Teknologi GIS, meliputi metode Global Moran's I, Local Moran's (LISA), Getis-ord Gi*, dilakukan secara bertahap untuk mengidentifikasi persebaran dan korelasi antar titik insiden. Setelahnya, metode Network Kernel Density Estimation (NKDE) diterapkan untuk mengetahui nilai kepadatan berbasis jaringan. Hasil dari keduanya dilakukan penggabungan sehingga diperoleh informasi kepadatan dalam satuan jaringan beserta makna statistik di baliknya. Audit secara proaktif dilakukan dengan menilai indeks keselamatan dari sebuah segmen jalan. Asesmen audit dilaksanakan menggunakan teknik star rating berpedoman International Road Assesment Programme (iRAP). Hasil dari Global Moran's I melalui Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation menunjukkan fenomena klasterisasi terjadi secara maksimum pada tiga jarak: 350 meter, 700 meter, dan 1200 meter. Jarak 700 meter dipilih sebagai radius pencarian (bandwidth) karena dinilai tidak terlalu banyak menghilangkan karakteristik lokal tingkat bahaya suatu area. Total terdapat 10 klaster hotspot dan 3 klaster coldspot yang berhasil terdelineasi. Jakarta Utara teridentifikasi memiliki jumlah klaster hotspot paling banyak dibandingkan wilayah lainnya, yakni sebesar 5 klaster. Selanjutnya, hasil NKDE diperoleh dan mengungkapkan Klaster (Hj) sebagai klaster dengan nilai kepadatan tertinggi (max 0,159; min 0,000; SD 0,019). Hasil kedua analisis kemudian dilakukan penggabungan dengan tools Spatial Join ArcGIS. Sebanyak 160 titik sampel segmen jaringan jalan dipilih sebagai lokasi observasi audit. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa Jalan Akses Marunda, Jakarta Utara, dinilai sangat berbahaya bagi keselamatan pengendara kendaraan, motor, pesepeda, dan pejalan kaki. Dengan demikian, rekomendasi yang diberikan meliputi pengadaan sinyal lampu lalu lintas persimpangan, pengadaan traffic calming, hingga penggunaan road stud pada bahu jalan.
The increasing number of vehicles in urban areas significantly impacts the rise in traffic accidents. DKI Jakarta, the largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, ranked third among provinces with the highest number of accidents in 2023. Integrated reactive and proactive audits are considered effective for formulating recommendations to improve road safety. Traffic accident data from the last three years (2020 – 2022) was used for the reactive audit. GIS technology, including Global Moran's I, Local Moran's (LISA), and Getis-Ord Gi* methods, were utilized to identify the distribution and correlation between incident points. The Network Kernel Density Estimation (NKDE) method was then applied to determine network-based density values. The results were combined to obtain density information within network units and their statistical significance. The proactive audit assessed the safety index of road segments using the star rating technique based on the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). Results from Global Moran's I through Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation indicated maximum clustering phenomenon at three distances: 350 meters, 700 meters, and 1200 meters. The 700-meter distance was chosen as the search radius (bandwidth) to preserve the local characteristics of an area's risk level. A total of 10 hotspot clusters and 3 coldspot clusters were delineated, with North Jakarta having the highest number of hotspot clusters compared to other regions, amounting to 5 clusters. NKDE results revealed Cluster (Hj) with the highest density value (max 0,159; min 0,000; SD 0,019). The analyses were merged using Spatial Join ArcGIS tools. A total of 160 sample points of road network segments were selected for audit observation. Results showed that Jalan Akses Marunda, North Jakarta, was deemed very dangerous for vehicle drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Consequently, the recommendations provided include the installation of intersection traffic lights, implementing traffic calming measures, and using road studs on the shoulder of the road.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Audit Proaktif, Audit Reaktif, GIS, Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas, Network Density, Proactive Audit, Reactive Audit, Traffic Accident
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G70.212 ArcGIS. Geographic information systems.
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G70.217 Geospatial data
H Social Sciences > HA Statistics > HA30.6 Spatial analysis
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE311.I4 Urban transportation
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE355 Traffic engineering
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE5614.2 Traffic safety
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE5614.3.N5 Traffic accidents
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Regional & Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Daksa Lintang Satyawadi
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 01:47
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 01:47

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