Experimental Study on Vibration Characteristics of Electrical Vehicle Battery Pack Using Polycal Wire Rope Insulator Vibration Shock Absorbers

Maheswari, Ajeng (2024) Experimental Study on Vibration Characteristics of Electrical Vehicle Battery Pack Using Polycal Wire Rope Insulator Vibration Shock Absorbers. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kendaraan listrik (EV) menawarkan banyak manfaat, termasuk biaya operasional yang lebih rendah, perawatan minimal, insentif pajak, serta pengurangan kebisingan dan polusi udara. Adopsi cepat EV di Indonesia, dengan 108.000 unit pada awal tahun 2024, mencerminkan kemajuan signifikan. Institusi seperti Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) menjadi pelopor pengembangan EV, menghasilkan berbagai model seperti Multipurpose Electric Vehicle ITS (MEvITS) dan sepeda motor listrik GESITS. Pengembangan baterai EV, terutama lithium-ion, melibatkan penanganan tantangan terkait berat, kepadatan energi, dan sensitivitas terhadap getaran. Penelitian saat ini berfokus pada peningkatan keamanan baterai dengan menguji dampak getaran menggunakan Electrodynamic Vibration Table Shaker sebagai mesin eksperimen. Penelitian ini menggunakan Polycal Wire Rope Insulator dan baterai kendaraan skuter listrik sebagai alat eksperimen. Tujuannya adalah mengidentifikasi efektivitas isolator untuk casing baterai dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan daya tahan di berbagai kondisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan isolator yang efisien untuk casing baterai dengan berbagai sumber getaran. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan memberikan variasi isolator pada casing baterai. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan getaran sinus dan kejut. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa menggunakan dua polycal wire ropes di sisi lebar (variasi 1) memberikan lebih banyak peredaman dan penyerapan getaran daripada sisi panjang (variasi 2), terutama dalam mempertahankan rentang percepatan aman dan stabilitas selama getaran sinusoidal dibandingkan dengan uji tanpa isolator. Perhitungan RMS menunjukkan peredaman yang efektif untuk kedua variasi, di mana RMS untuk uji tanpa isolator adalah 0,416 m/s² dan untuk variasi 1 mencapai 0,239 m/s² serta variasi 2 mencapai 0,234 m/s² dalam uji sinus. Pengurangan untuk variasi 1 adalah 43% dan untuk variasi 2 adalah 42%. Untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan penanganan getaran tinggi, variasi 1 direkomendasikan karena memiliki lebih banyak stabilitas daripada variasi 2. Penelitian masa depan harus mengeksplorasi peningkatan kemampuan penyerapan kejut dan getaran sinus dari variasi 2, dan temuan ini dapat membimbing desain casing baterai yang stabil dan aman dalam kendaraan listrik.
Electric vehicles (EVs) offer numerous benefits, including lower operational costs, minimal maintenance, tax incentives, and reduced noise and air pollution. Indonesia's rapid adoption of EVs, with 108,000 units by early 2024 reflects significant advancements. Institutions like Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) are pioneering EV development, producing a range of models such as Multipurpose Electric Vehicle ITS (MEvITS) and GESITS Electric Motorbikes. The development of EV batteries, primarily lithium-ion, involves addressing challenges related to weight, energy density, and sensitivity to vibrations. Current research focuses on improving battery safety by testing for vibration impacts using an Electrodynamic Vibration Table Shaker as the experiment machine. This research uses a Polycal Wire Rope Insulator and an Electrical Scooter Vehicle battery pack as the experiment tools. The goal is to identify the effectiveness of isolators for battery pack casings in enhancing performance and durability under various conditions. This research aims to find efficient isolators for battery pack casings with different vibration sources. This can be overcome by providing variations in isolators on the battery pack casing. The test is being conducted using sine and shock vibration. The study concludes that using two polycal wire ropes on the width side (variation 1) provides more vibration damping and absorption than the length side (variation 2), particularly in maintaining safe acceleration ranges and stability during sinusoidal vibrations compared to the test without any insulator. RMS calculations show effective damping for both variations, where the RMS for the one without any insulator is 0,416m/s2 and for variation 1 achieving 0,239 m/s² and variation 2 achieving 0,234m/s² in sine tests. The reduction for variation 1 is 43% and for variation 2 is 42%. For applications requiring high-vibration handling, variation 1 is recommended because it has more stability than variation 2. Future research should explore enhancing variation 2's shock and sine absorption capabilities, and these findings can guide the design of stable and safe battery packs in electric vehicles.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Battery Pack, Wire Rope Insulator, Electric Vehicle, Electrodynamic Shaker
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL152.5 Motor vehicles Driving
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL220 Electric vehicles and their batteries, etc.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ajeng Maheswari
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 07:55
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 07:55
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/113951

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