Analisis Pengaruh Temperature dan Holding Time Kalsinasi Pada Material Katoda LiNi0,8Mn0,1Co0,1O2 (NMC 811) Terhadap Performa Baterai Litium Ion

Hariyanto, Hariyanto (2024) Analisis Pengaruh Temperature dan Holding Time Kalsinasi Pada Material Katoda LiNi0,8Mn0,1Co0,1O2 (NMC 811) Terhadap Performa Baterai Litium Ion. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Baterai litium ion merupakan salah satu komponen penyimpanan energi listrik pada mobil listrik karena densitas energi tinggi dan siklus hidup yang panjang. Salah satu tipe material katoda yang paling banyak digunakan pada baterai litium ion yakni LiNi0,8Co0,1Mn0,1O2 (NMC 811) karena biaya produksi yang cukup murah dan kapasitas spesifik tinggi. Namun, jenis katoda ini masih memiliki permasalahan yakni kapasitas retensinya masih cukup rendah. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan siklus kerja yang berdampak pada kapasitas retensinya adalah dengan kalsinasi. Tahap kalsinasi yang berperan dalam pembentukan kristal yang lebih stabil (layered) telah menjadi perhatian utama dalam sintesis material katoda. Penelitian ini menjelaskan analisis pengaruh variasi temperature (750°C, 800°C, 850°C, 900°C) dan holding time (9 jam dan 12 jam) kalsinasi pada pembuatan katoda NMC 811 menggunakan metode kopresipitasi. Analisis data didukung dengan pendekatan desain eksperimen metode Taguchi orthogonal array L8 untuk mengidentifikasi parameter proses yang mempengaruhi performa baterai. Pengaruh pada beberapa parameter dianalisis dengan analysis of variance (ANOVA) melalui persentase kontribusi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sampel NMC 811 yang dikalsinasi pada temperatur 750°C dan holding time 9 jam memiliki kapasitas retensi baterai yang lebih tinggi sebesar 84,93% dibandingkan sampel lainnya. Sedangkan kapasitas retensi baterai terkecil pada sampel 900°C dan holding time 12 jam sebesar 57,97%. Pengujian ini dilakukan hingga siklus 100 dengan c-rate 0,5C. Hasil pengukuran CV menunjukkan selisih potensial puncak redoks terkecil diperoleh pada sampel 750°C-9 jam sebesar 1,82 V. Sedangkan selisih potensial puncak redoks terbesar didapat pada sampel 900°C-12 jam sebesar 2,30 V. Hasil pengukuran EIS, nilai konduktivitas ion terbaik didapatkan pada sampel 750°C-9 jam yaitu 0,713 S/cm. Hasil desain eksperimen dengan metode Taguchi, analisis parsial, simultan, dan analysis of variance (ANOVA) menunjukkan kontribusi keseluruhan faktor terhadap parameter respon, dimana faktor paling dominan berkontribusi yaitu temperatur sebesar 66,5%, diikut holding time sebesar 32,4%, dan residual sebesar 1,1%.
Lithium ion batteries are one of the electric energy storage components in electric cars due to their high energy density and long cycle life. One of the most widely used cathode material types in lithium ion batteries is LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NMC 811) because of its low production cost and high specific capacity. However, this type of cathode still has problems, namely its retention capacity is still quite low. One of the ways used to improve the stability of the working cycle which has an impact on its retention capacity is by calcination. The calcination stage which plays a role in the formation of more stable crystals (layered) has become a major concern in the synthesis of cathode materials. This study describes the analysis of the effect of temperature variation (750°C, 800°C, 850°C, 900°C) and holding time (9 hours and 12 hours) calcination on the preparation of NMC 811 cathode using the coprecipitation method. Data analysis was supported by Taguchi orthogonal array L8 method experimental design approach to identify process parameters that affect battery performance. The effect on several parameters was analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) through percentage contribution.
The results showed that NMC 811 sample calcined at 750°C and holding time of 9 hours had a higher battery retention capacity of 84.93% compared to other samples. While the smallest battery retention capacity is in the 900°C sample and 12 hours holding time of 57.97%. This test was carried out up to 100 cycles with a c-rate of 0.5C. The CV measurement results showed the smallest redox peak potential difference was obtained in the 750°C-9 hour sample of 1.82 V. While the largest redox peak potential difference was obtained in the 900 ° C-12 hour sample of 2.30 V. EIS measurement results, the best ion conductivity value is obtained in the 750°C-9 hour sample which is 0.713 S/cm. The results of the experimental design with the Taguchi method, partial, simultaneous analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) show the contribution of all factors to the response parameters, where the most dominant factor contributing is temperature by 66.5%, followed by holding time by 32.4%, and residual by 1.1%.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lithium ion battery, cathode, NMC, calcination, design of experiments, Baterai litium ion, katoda, NMC, kalsinasi, desain eksperimen
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ165 Energy storage.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Hariyanto Hariyanto
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2024 07:40
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2024 07:40

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