Analisis Dimensionalitas Berdasarkan Tensor Fase Data Magnetotelurik di Daerah Prospek Panas Bumi Wai Selabung

Dhiya'Ulhaq, Syahda Hanina (2024) Analisis Dimensionalitas Berdasarkan Tensor Fase Data Magnetotelurik di Daerah Prospek Panas Bumi Wai Selabung. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Data magnetotelurik hasil akuisisi seringkali terpengaruh oleh distorsi yang dapat mengakibatkan ketidakcocokan dimensionalitas sebenarnya. Tensor fase merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan dimensionalitas struktur pada bawah permukaan karena dianggap tidak terpengaruh oleh distorsi galvanik. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah prospek panas bumi Wai Selabung yang ditandai dengan keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas sebagai dugaan adanya keberadaan dari sistem panas bumi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dimensionalitas dan melakukan interpretasi pada hasil pemodelan inversi 2D. Data magnetotelurik dirotasi berdasarkan sudut geoelectrical strike 312.5° dengan validasi geological strike. Berdasarkan hasil tensor fase, zona konduktif di rentang periode sekitar 0.001 – 0.1 s memiliki struktur dimensionalitas 2D. Dominan zona konduktif pada periode < 0.1 s tersebut berada di sebelah barat daya daerah penelitian. Zona resistif pada rentang periode > 0.1 s dominan memiliki struktur dimensionalitas 3D. Hasil penampang 2D menunjukkan lapisan caprock dengan rentang nilai resistivitas < 29 Ωm dengan ketebalan 800 - 2000 meter, zona reservoir dengan rentang resistivitas 29 – 106 Ωm dengan ketebalan 1000 hingga 1250 meter, dan sumber panas dengan rentang resistivitas >106 Ωm.
Acquired magnetotelluric data is often affected by distortions that can result in mismatching in true dimensionality. The phase tensor is one solution that can be used to determine the dimensionality of structures in the subsurface because it is considered unaffected by galvanic distortion. The research was conducted in the Wai Selabung geothermal prospect area which is characterized by the presence of hot spring manifestations as a suspected existence of a geothermal system. The purpose of the research is to analyze dimensionality and interpretation of 2D inversion modeling results. Magnetotelluric data were rotated based on geoelectrical strike angle of 312.5° with validation of geological strike data. From the phase tensor results, the conductive zone in the period range around 0.001 – 0.1 s has a 2D dimensionality structure. The dominant conductive zone in the period < 0.1 s is located in the southwest of the research area. The dominant resistive zone in the period range > 0.1 s shows a 3D dimensionality structure. The 2D cross section results show a caprock layer with a resistivity value range of < 29 Ωm with a thickness of 800 - 2000 meters, a reservoir zone with a resistivity range of 29 - 106 Ωm with a thickness of 1000 to 1250 meters, and a heat source with a resistivity range of > 106 Ωm.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dimensionalitas, Tensor Fase, Panas Bumi, Wai Selabung Dimensionality, Phase Tensor, Geothermal, Wai Selabung
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC610.3 Electric conductivity
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1318 Geothermal Power Plants
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geophysics Engineering > 33201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Syahda Hanina Dhiya 'Ulhaq
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2024 08:28
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2024 08:28

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