Pemetaan Dan Identifikasi Utilitas Bawah Permukaan Pada Lapangan Oxt Kasim Menggunakan Metode Ground Penetrating Radar

Ammar, Muhaiyaddeen (2024) Pemetaan Dan Identifikasi Utilitas Bawah Permukaan Pada Lapangan Oxt Kasim Menggunakan Metode Ground Penetrating Radar. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pemasangan jaringan utilitas dibawah permukaan seperti pipa, kabel telekomunikasi, saluran pembuangan, serat optik, dan lainnya terkadang belum terpetakan secara baik, sehingga banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan. Salah satu tidakan dalam upaya mengetahui posisi keberadaan utilitas, yaitu dengan mendeteksi posisi dan memetakan jaringan utilitas tersebut agar tidak menyebabkan masalah dikemudian hari. Pemetaan jaringan utilitas Lapangan OXT di Kilang Kasim memanfaatkan ilmu Geofisika menggunakan Metode Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Metode ini merupakan alat non-destruktif yang dapat mencitrakan kondisi bawah permukaan dan memiliki resolusi tinggi pada objek yang terletak di kedalaman dangkal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan utilitas dibawah permukaan kilang lapangan OXT Kasim. Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan instrumen GPR GGSI dengan frekuensi 350 Hz. Data hasil pengukuran diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak ReflexW dan Rockworks dengan tahap Static correction, bandpass filter, background removal, Gaining, 1-D Velocity Model, dan Time to Depth Conversion. Data kemudian dimodelkan dalam profil radargram 2,5-D untuk memvisualisasikan struktur jaringan pipa. Pada penelitian ini terdapat data yang diolah sebanyak 9 lintasan dimana 6 lintasan berarah timur laut-barat daya (NE-SW) dan 3 lintasan berarah Barat Laut-Tenggara (NW-SE). Metode GPR berhasil mengidentifikasi anomali yang menunjukkan keberadaan pipa beserta posisinya yang terlatak pada kedalaman 0,4 meter hingga 1 meter di bawah permukaan. Pipa yang terdeteksi tersambung dengan baik, terdiri dari 4 jalur anomali. Tiga jalur pipa berarah Barat Laut–Tenggara, sementara satu jalur pipa berarah Timur Laut–Barat Daya
The installation of subsurface utility networks such as pipes, telecommunications cables, sewer lines, fiber optics, and others is sometimes not well mapped, so there are many things that must be considered. One of the actions in an effort to find out the position of the utility is to detect the position and map the utility network so that it does not cause problems in the future. Mapping the OXT Field utility network at the Kasim Refinery utilizes Geophysical science using the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Method. This method is a non-destructive tool that can image subsurface conditions and has high resolution on objects located at shallow depths. The aim of this research is to identify and map utilities below the surface of the OXT Kasim field refinery. Measurements were carried out using a GGSI GPR instrument with a frequency of 350 Hz. The measurement data was processed using ReflexW and Rockworks software with the stages of Static correction, bandpass filter, background removal, Gaining, 1-D Velocity Model, and Time to Depth Conversion. The data is then modeled in a 2.5-D radargram profile to visualize the pipe network structure. In this study, data was processed for 9 trajectories, of which 6 trajectories were in a northeast-southwest (NE-SW) direction and 3 trajectories were in a northwest-southeast (NW-SE) direction. The GPR method succeeded in identifying anomalies that indicated the existence of the pipe and its position, which was located at a depth of 0.4 meters to 1 meter below the surface. The detected pipe is well connected, consisting of 4 anomalous lines. Three pipelines run northwest-southeast, while one pipeline runs northeast-southwest

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ground Penetrating Radar, Pipa Bawah Permukaan, Utilitas, Ground Penetrating Radar, Utilities, Subsurface Pipes
Subjects: T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements > TE250.P475 Pavements--Design and construction--Estimates.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geophysics Engineering > 33201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhaiyaddeen Ammar
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2024 08:45
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2024 07:08

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