Inter Vehicle Communication Menggunakan Sensor Fusion Untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Sistem EV

Ranggawidjaya, Yudhistira (2024) Inter Vehicle Communication Menggunakan Sensor Fusion Untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Sistem EV. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) adalah sistem komunikasi kendaraan yang menampilkan kondisi dan cara kerja kendaraan. Dengan munculnya Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), tanggung jawab IVC meningkat, yaitu memantau kondisi dan cara kerja kendaraan serta berkomunikasi dengan lingkungan kendaraan. Dalam kendaraan listrik, khususnya transportasi listrik, penting untuk memantau kondisi kerjanya. Karena sensitivitas Electric Vehicle (EV), ada ratusan sistem pintar dalam EV yang sensitif terhadap Kesalahan dan tidak dapat bekerja dengan komponen Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) dari produsen lain. Hal ini menyebabkan sistem EV sensitif terhadap mati, dan mengalami kecelakaan yang terjadi selama dan setelah penggunaan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, IVC bus Listrik disetel untuk memantau dan menjaga sistem EV bekerja secara harmonis. Untuk melakukan ini, Sensor Fusion digunakan untuk menganalisis dan memproses data sistem kontrol EV dari Controlled Area Network (CAN) EV. Hasilnya adalah IVC dapat beradaptasi dengan sistem CAN EV dan mengelola alur kerja unit kontrol, yang dapat menjaga kendaraan dalam kondisi kerja yang terhambat. IVC juga mampu mendeteksi, mencegah, dan menganalisis kesalahan dan eror yang terjadi pada EV, menjaga kesehatan sistem EV, dan menjaga kondisi EV. IVC mampu menjaga efisiensi kendaraan tetap berjalan sebesar 96% selama terjadi kesalahan, sedangkan ketika kesalahan terjadi, efisiensi turun hingga 95% atau kurang. Hal ini meningkatkan kinerja EV. IVC juga mampu mencegah banyak kesalahan yang terjadi pada EV, IVC berhasil mengatasi sebagian besar kesalahan yang terjadi, menyelamatkan Sistem Tegangan Tinggi dari panas berlebih atau rusak, sehingga EV berada dalam situasi berbahaya.===========================================================================================================================
Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) is a vehicle communication system that displays the vehicle's working and state. With the rise of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS), the responsibility increases the IVC job is monitoring the vehicle state and conditions and communicating with the vehicle environments. In an electric vehicle, especially in electric transportation, it is important to monitor its working condition. Because of the sensitivity of an EV, there are hundreds of smart systems in an EV that are sensitive to Faults and cannot work with other Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts from other manufactures. This leads to the EV system is sensitive to shut down, and experience any mishaps that happen during and after use. To solve this problem, the IVC of the Electric bus is tune to monitor and keep the EV system working in harmony. To do this the use of Sensor Fusion is use to analyze and process the data of the EV control systems from the Controlled Area Network (CAN) bus of the EV. The result from this is that the IVC can adapt to the EV CAN bus system and manage the control unit workflow, which can keep the vehicle in stunting working conditions. The IVC also able to detect, prevent, and analyze the faults and error that is happened in the EV keeping the health of the EV system and maintaining the condition of the EV. The IVC able to maintain the vehicle running efficienct of 96% during a fault where when a fault coccurs the fficiency drops to 95% and less. This increases the EV performance. The IVC also able to prevent many nuber of faults occurs in the EV, the IVC successfully counter most of the fault that occurs saving the High Voltage System from overheating or broken making the EV in a dangerous situation.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Inter-vehicle Communication, ITS, CAN, Sensor Fusion
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL220 Electric vehicles and their batteries, etc.
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL521.3 Automatic Control
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 36304-Automation Electronic Engineering
Depositing User: Yudhistira Ranggawidjaya
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2024 06:14
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2024 06:14

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