Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Persen Massa Al2O3 Sebagai Material Coating Pada Sintesis Katoda Lini0.9Mn0.05Co0.05O2 (Nmc955) Terhadap Performa Elektrokimia Baterai Ion Litium

Alfaridzi, Alvan (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Persen Massa Al2O3 Sebagai Material Coating Pada Sintesis Katoda Lini0.9Mn0.05Co0.05O2 (Nmc955) Terhadap Performa Elektrokimia Baterai Ion Litium. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Baterai lithium berbasis Nikel Mangan Cobalt (NMC) dengan kandungan Ni tinggi dapat menjadi pilihan dikarenakan memiliki kapasitas spesifik tinggi dan stabilitasi baterai lebih baik dibandingkan NMC dengan kandungan Co tinggi serta lebih ramah lingkungan. Indonesia dengan cadangan Nikel terbesar dunia dinilai mampu bersaing menyediakan katoda berbasis nikel sebagai bahan baku baterai lithium. Pada penelitian ini katoda NMC dimodifikasi untuk meningkatkan performa elektrokimia, karena katoda NMC Ni-rich sering terjadi penurunan performa selama proses cycling. NMC Ni-rich ditingkatkan performanya dengan memberikan surface coating pada katoda dengan Al2O3 nanopartikel. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh coating Al2O3 terhadap katoda NMC Ni-rich dengan variasi penambahan (1, 3, 5) wt%. Pelapisan dilakukan dengan metode dry coating menggunakan ballmill dengan kecepatan 600 rpm selama 1 menit kemudian dilanjut 1000 rpm selama 1 jam. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian karakterisasi, NMC murni (pure) memiliki struktur kristal heksagonal dan penambahan Al2O3 tidak mengubah struktur kristal. Pengaruh penambahan Al2O3 dapat mempengaruhi ukuran kristal dengan ukuran terkecil sebesar 45 nm pada penambahan 3 wt% Al2O3. Dari hasil SEM-EDX menunjukkan penyebaran Al2O3 pada permukaan berhasil dilakukan dengan hasil coating yang lebih merata yaitu dengan penambahan wt 3% Al2O3. Performa elektrokimia menunjukan bahwa surface coating dapat meningkatkan kapasitas baterai dengan diperoleh kapasitas sebesar 5.8 mAh.g-1 pada variasi 3 wt%, serta meningkatkan cycleability dengan capacity loss sebesar 40% dan nilai charge transfer resistance (Rct) sebesar 1664.7 Ohm.
Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) based lithium battery with high Ni content can be an option because it has a high specific capacity and better battery stability than NMC with high Co content and is more environmentally friendly. Indonesia, with the world's largest nickel reserves, is considered capable of competing in providing nickel-based cathodes as the raw material for lithium batteries. In this study, the NMC cathode was modified to improve the electrochemical performance, because the Ni-rich NMC cathode often experienced a decrease in performance during the cycling process. Ni-rich NMC improved its performance by providing a surface coating on the cathode with Al2O3 nanoparticles. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Al2O3 coating on Ni-rich NMC cathodes with various additions (1, 3, 5) wt%. The coating was carried out by dry coating method using a ball mill with a speed of 600 rpm for 1 minute then followed by 1000 rpm for 1 hour. Based on the results of the characterization test, pure NMC has a hexagonal crystal structure and the addition of Al2O3 does not change the crystal structure. The effect of the addition of Al2O3 can affect the crystal size with the smallest size of 45 nm at the addition of 3 w.t% Al2O3. From the SEM-EDX results, it shows that the Al2O3 spread on the surface was successfully carried out with a more even coating, namely the addition of w.t 3% Al2O3. Electrochemical performance shows that surface coating can increase battery capacity by obtaining a capacity of 5.8 mAh.g-1 at a variation of 3 w.t%, as well as increasing cycleability with a capacity loss of 40% and a charge transfer resistance (Rct) value of 1664.7 Ohm.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSMt 667.9 Alf a-1, 2022
Uncontrolled Keywords: Al2O3, Baterai, Coating, Katoda, NMC, Battery, Coating, Cathode
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA418.9.C57 Coatings
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Material & Metallurgical Engineering > 28201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mr. Marsudiyana -
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2024 06:16
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2024 06:16

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