Tambunan, Willy (2024) Total Worker Health (TWH) dengan Intervensi Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Perilaku Kerja Pada Industri Pertambangan Batubara. Doctoral thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena bahwa pemerintah, pengusaha, dan tenaga kerja terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, namun pelaksanaannya masih belum terintegrasi dengan kesejahteraan. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model Total Worker Health yang merupakan kebijakan, program, dan praktik yang mengintegrasikan perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja dari bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaannya agar terhindar dari bahaya maupun cedera serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja. Pada penelitian ini akan menggunakan studi kasus di industri pertambangan mineral batubara. Industri pertambangan dipilih karena meskipun industri pertambangan di Indonesia sudah meratifikasi standar International Labour Organization (ILO) namun jumlah kasus kecelakaan yang menyebabkan kematian sangat tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor apa yang menentukan kesejahteraan, merancang model integrasi TWH dengan intervensi , dan mengkaji hasil intervensi. Metode intervensi yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan Quasi Experimental dengan salomon four group design sedangkan pengukuran kesejahteraan menggunakan modifikasi Well-being Questionaire skala likert (1-6) dengan domain Work Evaluation and Experience (16 items), Workplace Policies and Culture (14 item), Workplace Physical Environment and Safety Climate (10 item), Health Status (23 item), Home, Community, and Society (5 item). Responden dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi 2(dua) yaitu kelompok control dan kelompok eksperimen. Kelompok eksperimen terbagi 2(dua) yaitu kelompok yang diberikan pretest dan posttest, dan kelompok yang hanya diberikan posttest. Kelompok control juga terbagi 2(dua) yaitu kelompok yang diberikan pretest dan posttest, dan kelompok yang hanya diberikan posttest. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan model integrasi dan pengukuran kesejahteraan tenaga kerja (employee wellbeing) menggunakan model reflective orde satu dan formative orde dua. Hasil pengukuran dengan Importance – performance map analysis bahwa pretest tidak mempengaruhi posttest, interpretasi dengan salomon four group design menunjukkan bahwa pretest tidak mempengaruhi posttest pada seluruh kelompok eksperimen dan control yang artinya tidak terjadi hubungan sebab akibat. Intervensi mempengaruhi hasil posttest dengan tingkat hubungan sebab akibat yang tinggi. Interpretasi hasil intervensi dengan pretest dan posttest menggunakan importance – performance map analysis dan salomon four group design menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pengaruh dan hubungan sebab akibat yang tinggi karena intervensi. Total efek setelah intervensi meningkat pada kelompok eksperimen dengan pretest dan tanpa pretest. Kinerja keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja meningkat 196% atau Safe T score 1,96 pada kelompok eksperimen dengan return of invesment implementasi total worker health 1:5,2
This research is motivated by the government, employers, and labor striving to improve occupational safety and health. However, its implementation is still not integrated with well-being research, which is motivated by the government, employers, and labor striving to improve occupational safety and health. However, its implementation is still not integrated with well-being. In this study, the Total Worker Health model was developed, which is a policy, program, and practice that incorporates the protection of workers from safety and health hazards related to their work to avoid risks and injuries and improve the well-being of the workforceIn this study, the Total Worker Health model was developed which is a policy, program, and practice that integrates the protection of workers from safety and health hazards related to their work to avoid risks and injuries and improve the well-being of the workforce. This study will use case studies in the coal mineral mining industry. The mining industry was chosen because even though the mining industry in Indonesia has ratified the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards, the number of accidents that cause death is very high. This study aims to examine what factors determine well-being, design a model of integration of TWH with interventions, and discuss the intervention results. The intervention method used was Quasi-Experimental with a Solomon four-group design, while the well-being measurement used a modification of the Well-being questionnaire scale of Likert (1-6). This study aims to examine what factors determine well-being, design a model of integration of TWH with interventions, and discuss the intervention results. The intervention method used was Quasi-Experimental with a Salomon four-group design. In contrast, the well-being measurement used a modification of the Well-being Questionaire scale of Likert (1-6) with domainsEvaluation and Experience (16 items), Workplace Policies and Culture (14 items, Workplace Physical Environment and Safety Climate (10 items), Health Status (23 items), Home, Community, and Society (5 items). The respondents in this study were divided into 2 (two), namely the control and experimental groups. The experimental group was divided into 2 (two), namely the group that was given a pretest and posttest and the group that was only given a posttest. The control group was also divided into 2 (two), namely the group that was given a pretest and posttest and the group that was only given a posttest. This study resulted in an integration model and measurement of employee wellbeing using a first-order reflective and second-order formative model. The measurement with Importance – performance map analysis results showed that the pretest did not affect the posttest. The interpretation of the Salomon four-group design showed that the pretest did not affect the posttest in all experimental and control groups, meaning there was no causal relationship. The intervention affected the posttest results with a high degree of causal relationship. Interpretation of intervention results with pretest and posttest using importanceperformance map analysis and Salomon's group design showed a strong influence and causal relationship due to the intervention. The total effect after the intervention increased in the experimental group with and without pretest. Occupational safety and health performance increased by 196% or a Safe T score of 1.96 in the experimental group with a return of investment in the implementation of total worker health of 1:5.2
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Total Worker Health, Intervensi, Well-being, Quasi Experiment, keselamatan, kesehatan, Intervention, Safety, Health |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55 Industrial Safety |
Divisions: | Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26001-(S3) PhD Thesis |
Depositing User: | Willy Tambunan |
Date Deposited: | 23 Dec 2024 07:20 |
Last Modified: | 23 Dec 2024 07:20 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/116040 |
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