Analisa Keandalan Untuk Menetapkan Strategi Pemeliharaan Menggunakan System Equipment Reliability Prioritization: Studi Kasus di Industri Semen

Arvianto, Dwi Agus (2024) Analisa Keandalan Untuk Menetapkan Strategi Pemeliharaan Menggunakan System Equipment Reliability Prioritization: Studi Kasus di Industri Semen. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November.

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Perkembangan pasar semen di Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan pasca covid 19 sehingga Industri semen di Indonesia harus bersiap untuk menghadapi peluang permintaan pasar semen. Untuk dapat mempertahankan posisi pasar di Indonesia, diperlukan strategy peningkatan operational excellence pada aktivitas produksi. Plant Performance yang baik akan menghasilkan biaya produksi optimal dengan indikator kelancaran pada Kiln di pyroprocessing system. Dalam Manajemen Pemeliharaan, Kiln berperan vital dalam pyroprocessing system dan menunjang kelancaran operational pada proses produksi semen. Apabila terjadi breakdown pada salah satu equipment di pyroprocessing system maka akan mengganggu proses produksi. Dari tahun 2016 atau sebelum era covid19 sampai dengan pasca covid19 tahun 2023 terjadi unpland shutdown pada Kiln di PT. DEF sebanyak 837 kali dengan durasi total selama 65,75 hari. Meskipun telah memiliki jadwal pemeliharaan preventif yang teratur, breakdown tetap terjadi sebelum jadwal pemeliharaan preventif tersebut dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi pemeliharaan yang lebih tepat pada sistem pyroprocessing untuk memastikan keandalan peralatan tetap terjaga, sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko terjadinya breakdown dan gangguan pada proses produksi secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan menentukan top ten maintenance priority index (MPI) peralatan utama pada pyroprocessing dengan metode System Equipment Reliability Prioritization (SERP), selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian distribusi data dan ditentukan parameter sesuai dengan jenis distribusinya. Kemudian menentukan keandalan sisa masing-masing peralatan pyroprocessing. Setelah itu dilakukan optimasi biaya perawatan dengan target sesuai kinerja manajemen PT. DEF. Kemudian ditentukan strategi pemeliharaan yang sesuai. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh peralatan pyroprocessing yang masuk peringkat sepuluh besar MPI dapat mencapai target keandalan system pada pyroproccessing yaitu sebesar 0,9 pada peralatan utama. Disamping itu, diperoleh maintenance strategy dengan interval waktu pemeliharaan pencegahan untuk masing-masing peralatan.
The development of the cement market in Indonesia has experienced growth post-Covid-19, so the cement industry in Indonesia must prepare to face opportunities in cement market demand. To maintain its market position, the Indonesian cement industry requires a strategy to enhance operational excellence in production activities. Good Plant performance will result in optimal production costs with an indicator of smooth kiln operation in the pyroprocessing system. In maintenance management, the kiln plays a vital role in the pyroprocessing system and supports the smooth operation of the cement production process. A breakdown of any equipment in the pyroprocessing system can disrupt the production process. From 2016 (pre-COVID-19) to 2023 (post-COVID-19), there were 837 unplanned shutdowns of the kiln at PT. DEF with a total duration of 65.75 days. Despite having a regular preventive maintenance schedule, breakdowns still occur before the scheduled preventive maintenance is carried out. Therefore, a more appropriate maintenance strategy is needed for the pyroprocessing system to ensure that the reliability of the equipment is maintained, thereby reducing the risk of breakdowns and disruptions to the overall production process. This study begins by determining the top ten maintenance priority index (MPI) of the main equipment in the pyroprocessing system using the System Equipment Reliability Prioritization (SERP) method. Next, data distribution testing is performed, and parameters are determined according to the type of distribution. Then, the residual reliability of each pyroprocessing equipment is determined. Maintenance cost optimization is then performed with a target in accordance with PT. DEF's management. Finally, it was found that the top ten MPI pyroprocessing equipment can achieve the target system reliability for pyroprocessing of 0.9 for the main equipment. In addition, a maintenance strategy with preventive maintenance intervals was obtained for each equipment.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: maintenance strategy, pyroprocessing, system equipment reliability prioritization, maintenance priority index, system equipment reliability prioritization.
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS174 Maintainability (Engineering) . Reliability (Engineering)
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT)
Depositing User: Dwi Agus Arvianto
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2025 01:38
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2025 01:38

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