Sofi, Khalis (2025) Analisis Pengembangan Sistem Helpdesk di Perusahaan Manufaktur Menggunakan Pendekatan Design Thinking. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Peran IT (Information Technology) dalam perusahaan tentunya sangat dibutuhkan, termasuk di perusahaan manufaktur. Perusahaan manufaktur merupakan jenis perusahaan yang kegiatan operasionalnya mengelola raw material (bahan baku) menjadi finished goods (produk jadi). Dengan kompleksnya aktivitas yang ada di dalam perusahaan manufaktur, keberadaan departemen IT sangatlah diperlukan. Peran IT dikaitkan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan akan software dan hardware yang mendukung berlangsungnya proses bisnis. Namun dalam menjalankan operasionalnya, tidak jarang perusahaan mengalami kendala yang berkaitan dengan IT. Studi kasus dilakukan di PT XYZ, sebuah perusahaan manufaktur di Bekasi, dimana dalam menangani operasional IT, PT XYZ mengimplementasikan sistem helpdesk. Sistem helpdesk merupakan platform yang digunakan untuk mengelola layanan IT agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan bisnis. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap penerapan sistem tersebut dengan mewawancarai personil yang ada di departemen IT dan pengguna sistem yang berada di departemen lainnya. Selama sistem ini terimplementasi di PT XYZ, masih terdapat kendala komunikasi pada fitur ticketing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengintegrasikan komunikasi yang lebih terstruktur dan sistematis antara pengguna dengan administrator agar terciptanya efisiensi dan efektivitas pekerjaan dalam monitoring serta pemeliharaan software dan hardware.
Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan design thinking, metode ini dipilih karena prosesnya yang kolaboratif dalam mencari solusi, melibatkan fleksibilitas berpikir, dan kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap tantangan. Analisis design thinking dilakukan dimulai dari tahap empathize menggunakan usability scale dan in-depth interview dengan para pengguna. Kemudian tahap define, ideate, prototype dilakukan dengan brainstorming bersama personil departemen IT yang merupakan product owner dan administrator dari sistem helpdesk. Terakhir tahap testing dengan mendengarkan kembali perspektif dari pengguna setelah pengembangan dilakukan. Hasil dari proses design thinking adalah keberhasilan pengembangan sistem helpdesk dengan dibuktikan meningkatnya skala usabilitas sebanyak 12,27 poin, serta pengujian (usability testing) pada seluruh fitur yang menjadi komponen pengembangan dapat diterima oleh pengguna, sehingga penggunaan sistem helpdesk di PT XYZ lebih efektif dan efisien.
The role of IT (Information Technology) in a company is certainly needed, including in manufacturing companies. A manufacturing company is a type of company whose operational activities manage raw materials (raw materials) into finished goods (finished products). With the complexity of activities in a manufacturing company, the existence of an IT department is very necessary. The role of IT is associated with the company's need for software and hardware that supports business processes. However, in carrying out its operations, it is not uncommon for companies to experience IT-related problems. The case study was conducted at PT XYZ, a manufacturing company in Bekasi, where in handling IT operations, PT XYZ implemented a helpdesk system. The helpdesk system is a platform used to manage IT services in accordance with business needs and objectives. Researchers analyzed the implementation of the system by interviewing personnel in the IT department and system users in other departments. During the implementation of this system at PT XYZ, there are still communication problems with the ticketing feature. The purpose of this research is to integrate more structured and systematic communication between users and administrators to create efficiency and effectiveness of work in monitoring and maintaining software and hardware. The research used a design thinking approach. This method was chosen because of its collaborative process in finding solutions, involving flexibility of thinking, and adaptability to challenges. The design thinking analysis was carried out starting from the empathize stage using the usability scale and in-depth interviews with users. Then the define, ideate, prototype stage is done by brainstorming with IT department personnel who are product owners and administrators of the helpdesk system. Finally, the testing stage is done by listening back to the user's perspective after the development is done. The result of the design thinking process is the successful development of the helpdesk system as evidenced by the increase in the usability scale by 12.27 points, and usability testing on all features that are components of the development can be accepted by users, so that the use of the helpdesk system at PT XYZ is more effective and efficient.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Design Thinking, Manufacturing Company, IT Department, Helpdesk System, Design Thinking, Departemen IT, Perusahaan Manufaktur, Sistem Helpdesk |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.5 Information technology. IT--Auditing T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems |
Divisions: | Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT) |
Depositing User: | Khalis Sofi |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jan 2025 01:46 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jan 2025 01:46 |
URI: | |
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