Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Produksi Gula Kristal Putih (GKP) di Pabrik Gula Ngadiredjo Kediri

Suseno, Synta Salsabila (2025) Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Produksi Gula Kristal Putih (GKP) di Pabrik Gula Ngadiredjo Kediri. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PTPN X mempunyai unit usaha produksi GKP yang didukung oleh 9 pabrik gula yang tersebar di wilayah Jawa Timur antara lain adalah PG Ngadiredjo yang terletak di Kabupaten Kediri. PG Ngadiredjo merupakan salah satu unit usaha yang produktivitasnya menempati urutan kedua tertinggi di antara 9 pabrik gula tersebut, yakni mencapai 6.250 ton tebu per hari. Hal tersebut yang mendasari penelitian ini dengan tujuan pengendalian kualitas produksi Gula Kristal Putih (GKP) secara statistik terutama melakukan analisis kapabilitas proses produksi gula menggunakan peta kendali M dan peta kendali T2 Hotelling. Selain itu analisis dilakukan menggunakan diagram sebab akibat (ishikawa) untuk mengetahui penyebab-penyebab terjadinya ketidaksesuaian hasil produksi dengan spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis maka diambil keismpulan kemampuan proses produksi GKP fase 1 menunjukkan nilai indeks kapabilitas multivariat MCp sebesar 24,150 dan MCpk sebesar 8,187 sedangkan pada fase 2 memiliki nilai indeks kapabilitas multivariat MCp sebesar 18,085 dan MCpk sebesar 6,453 artinya proses memiliki presisi dan akurasi yang baik karena memiliki nilai lebih dari 1 sehingga meskipun terjadi penurunan kualitas produk proses tetap kapabel.
PTPN X has a GKP production business unit supported by 9 sugar factories spread across East Java, including PG Ngadiredjo located in Kediri Regency. PG Ngadiredjo is one of the business units whose productivity ranks second highest among the 9 sugar factories, reaching 6,250 tons of sugar cane per day. This is the basis for this study with the aim of controlling the quality of white crystal sugar (GKP) production statistically, especially conducting a capability analysis of the sugar production process using the M control chart and the T 2 Hotelling control chart. In addition, the analysis was carried out using a cause and effect diagram (ishikawa) to determine the causes of the discrepancy between production results and the specifications determined by the company. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the production process capability of GKP phase 1 showed a multivariat capability index value of MCp of 24,150 and MCpk of 8,187, while in phase 2 it had a multivariat capability index value of MCp of 18,085 and MCpk of 6,453 this means that the process has good precision and accuracy because it has a value of more than 1 so that even if there is a decrease in product quality, the process remains capable.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Kapabilitas, Diagram Ishikawa, Gula Kristal Putih, Peta Kendali M, Peta Kendali T2 Hotelling, Capability Analysis, Ishikawa Diagram, M Control Chart, White Crystal Sugar.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HA Statistics
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 49501-Business Statistics
Depositing User: Synta Salsabila Suseno
Date Deposited: 25 Jan 2025 17:24
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2025 17:24

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