Analisis Potensi Pasar Dan Model Bisnis Untuk Pendirian Startup Sparepart Otomotif Di Era Digital Dengan Metode Lean Startup

Mondra, Masril Novies (2024) Analisis Potensi Pasar Dan Model Bisnis Untuk Pendirian Startup Sparepart Otomotif Di Era Digital Dengan Metode Lean Startup. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Tesis Masril Novies Mondra 6047231043 Lean Startup with Pengesahan Dekan 260125.pdf - Accepted Version
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Tingginya populasi kendaraan di Indonesia membuka peluang besar dalam alur pendiristribusian suku cadang otomoti, khususnya di era digital yang menuntut efisiensi dan inovasi didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa potensi pasar dan merancang model bisnis bagi pendirian startup sparepart otomotif dengan menggunakan metode Lean Startup. Pendekatan ini melibatkan pengembangan Minimum Viable Product (MVP) untuk mendapatkan umpan balik awal dan iterasi produk berdasarkan validasi hipotesis awal. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahawa aplikasi memiliki potensi pasar yang signifikan dalam mendukung kebutuhan industry sparepart otomotif. Fiutr unggulan seperti pengelolaan inventori, pemesanan, informasi produk, layanan pengiriman, pelacakan pesanan, serta tranparansi harga berhasil menarik minat penggna, terutama UMKM bengkel otomotif. Uji validitas yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa fitur yang ditawarkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, dengan Tingkat kepuasan yang tinggi berdasarkan System Usability Scale (SUS). Penelitian ini juga memberikan rekomnedasi strategis berupa iterasi fitur dan edukasi pengguna untuk memstikan relevansi platform dengan kebutuhan pasar serta mendukung keberlanjutan bisnis startup ini.
The high population of vehicles in Indonesia opens up great opportunities in the distribution flow of automotive spare parts, especially in the digital era which demands efficiency and innovation in it. This research aims to analyze the market potential and design a business model for the establishment of an automotive spare parts startup using the Lean Startup method. This approach involves the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to obtain initial feedback and product iteration based on validation of initial hypotheses. The results showed that the application has significant market potential in supporting the needs of the automotive spare parts industry. Featured features such as inventory management, ordering, product information, delivery services, order tracking, and price transparency have succeeded in attracting users, especially automotive repair shop MSMEs. The validity test conducted shows that the features offered are able to improve operational efficiency, with a high level of satisfaction based on the System Usability Scale (SUS). This research also provides strategic recommendations in the form of feature iteration and user education to ensure the relevance of the platform to market needs and support the sustainability of this startup business.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Analisis Pasar, Era Digital, Inovasi, Lean Startup, Model Bisnis, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Potensi Pasar, Startup, Sparepart Otomotif, Keywords: Automotive Spare Parts, Business, Lean Startup, nnovation, Market Analysis, Market Potential, Startup, Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.8 Productivity. Efficiency
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL210 Automobiles--Lubrication systems.
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL440 Motorcycles.
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL445.M369 Motorcycles--Electric equipment--Maintenance and repair.
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 78201-System And Technology Innovation
Depositing User: Masril Novies Mondra
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2025 22:20
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2025 22:20

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