Simulasi Lalu Lintas di Perlintasan Sebidang JPL 67 Krian Sidoarjo dengan Program Bantu PTV Vissim

Hazizah, Ni'matul (2025) Simulasi Lalu Lintas di Perlintasan Sebidang JPL 67 Krian Sidoarjo dengan Program Bantu PTV Vissim. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Perkembangan transportasi darat seperti jalan raya sering kali membentuk pertemuan dengan jalan rel kereta api yang biasa disebut perlintasan sebidang dan tidak menutup kemungkinan memiliki potensi permasalahan lalu lintas seperti kemacetan. Sehingga dari permasalahan yang terjadi perlu dilakukan simulasi lalu lintas ditinjau dari karakteristik perlintasan sebidang. Pada tugas akhir ini metode yang dilakukan dengan survei pengambilan data di lokasi penelitian dengan menggunakan rekaman CCTV selama 1 x 24 jam. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan didapatkan beberapa karakteristik pada perlintasan sebidang, yaitu karakteristik jalan raya dengan volume rata-rata lalu lintas 1068 smp/jam dan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan sebesar 21 km/jam. Kemudian untuk karakteristik jalan rel memiliki arah perjalanan ke arah stasiun Kedinding dan stasiun Krian, serta untuk karakteristik penutupan palang pintu perlintasan terdapat panjang antrian kendaraan hingga mencapai 400 meter, dengan rata-rata lama penutupan ialah 120 detik. Dalam analisis ini, penulis menggunakan model simulasi lalu lintas dengan software PTV Vissim untuk memprediksi volume kendaraan, kecepatan kendaraan, panjang antrian, dan tundaan. Hasil dari pemodelan lalu lintas tersebut dibandingkan dengan hasil pengamatan di lapangan. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan karakteristik yang ada, dapat diketahui kondisi-kondisi yang perlu dimodelkan pada PTV Vissim, yaitu lalu lintas jam sibuk dari arah utara dan selatan, kereta api yang banyak melintas dalam rentang waktu 1 jam, serta antrian terpanjang baik dilihat dari arah utara maupun selatan. Dari kondisi yang dimodelkan diperoleh hasil simulasi dengan rata-rata akurasi persamaan untuk volume kendaraan (Vehicles), panjang antrian (Length), tundaan atau delay, dan kecepatan kendaraan berturut-turut, yaitu sebesar 97%, 41,6%, 418%, dan 109%. ===================================================================================================================================
The development of land transportation such as roads often forms a meeting with railroad tracks commonly called level crossings and does not rule out the possibility of having potential traffic problems such as congestion. So that from the problems that occur it is necessary to simulate traffic in terms of the characteristics of level crossings. In this final project, the method is carried out by surveying data collection at the research location using CCTV footage for 1 x 24 hours. The results of observations in the field obtained several characteristics at level crossings, namely highway characteristics with an average traffic volume of 1068 smp/hour and an average vehicle speed of 21 km/hour. Then for the characteristics of the rail road has the direction of travel towards Kedinding station and Krian station, and for the characteristics of the crossing gate closure there is a queue length of vehicles up to 400 meters, with an average closing time of 120 seconds. In this analysis, the author uses a traffic simulation model with PTV Vissim software to predict vehicle volume, vehicle speed, queue length, and delay. The results of the traffic modeling are compared with the results of field observations. From the research that has been done and the existing characteristics, it can be seen the conditions that need to be modeled on PTV Vissim, namely peak hour traffic from the north and south, trains that pass a lot in a span of 1 hour, and the longest queues both from the north and south. From the modeled conditions, simulation results are obtained with an average accuracy of equations for vehicle volume (Vehicles), queue length (Length), delay, and vehicle speed respectively, which are 97%, 41.6%, 418%, and 109%

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perlintasan sebidang, PTV Vissim, simulasi lalu lintas Level crossing, PTV Vissim, traffic simulation
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE355 Traffic engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ni'matul Hazizah
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 07:01
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 07:01

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