Evaluasi dan Redesain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Rumah Sakit Mata Kelas B di Kota Surabaya

Purba, Pazya Liora (2025) Evaluasi dan Redesain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Rumah Sakit Mata Kelas B di Kota Surabaya. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Rumah Sakit Mata X merupakan Rumah Sakit Mata Kelas B di Kota Surabaya yang memiliki IPAL sebagai upaya untuk meminimalisir timbulnya pencemaran lingkungan dari aktivitas didalamnya. IPAL RS Mata X Kota Surabaya memiliki daya tampung sebesar 220 m3 dengan rata-rata volume air limbah sebesar 24,93 m3/hari. Unit pengolahan pada IPAL eksisting terdiri dari grease trap, sand trap, anaerobik tank, aeration tank, lamela tank, holding tank, carbon filter, sand filter, kolam indikator, dan kemudian menuju ke saluran drainase kota Jl. RP. Soenario Gondokoesomo. Akan tetapi, rumah sakit ini mengalami persoalan pengolahan yang kurang efisien karena banyaknya unit pengolahan, sedangkan belum diketahuinya kuantitas dan kualitas air limbah. Selain itu, belum adanya unit desinfeksi untuk mengurangi atau membunuh mikroorganisme patogen yang ada di dalam air limbah. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas air limbah dengan metode sampling, mengevaluasi kinerja, dan redesain IPAL. Evaluasi kinerja teknis unit IPAL terdiri dari dimensi unit IPAL, beban pengolahan, waktu detensi, dan persentase penyisihan. Redesain IPAL terdiri dari perhitungan teknis, gambar teknis, dan perencanaan profil hidrolis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kualitas air limbah pada efluen IPAL RS Mata X Kota Surabaya memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur Nomor 72 Tahun 2013 kecuali parameter NH3, PO4, dan Total Coliform. Desain bangunan IPAL eksisting keseluruhan belum memenuhi kriteria desain. Rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah melakukan redesain terhadap sistem pengolahan, pemantauan serta pembersihan lumpur tiap unit, penambahan proses desinfeksi untuk membunuh mikroorganisme patogen, dibutuhkannya proses return sludge pada tangki aerasi. Unit IPAL perencanaan yang digunakan terdiri dari unit grease trap, sand trap, extended aeration tank III, lamella tank, sludge holding tank, sand filter dan carbon filter, dan desinfeksi.
Eye Hospital X is a Class B Eye Hospital in Surabaya City that has a wastewater treatment plant as an effort to minimize environmental pollution from activities in it. The wastewater treatment plant of Eye Hospital X in Surabaya City has a capacity of 220 m3 with an average wastewater volume of 24.93 m3/day. The processing unit in the existing wastewater treatment plant consists of a grease trap, sand trap, anaerobic tank, aeration tank, lamella tank, holding tank, carbon filter, sand filter, indicator pool, and then goes to the city drainage channel Jl. RP. Soenario Gondokoesomo. However, this hospital experiences problems with inefficient processing due to the large number of processing units, while the quantity and quality of wastewater are not yet known. In addition, there is no disinfection unit to reduce or kill pathogenic microorganisms in wastewater. Therefore, this study aims to determine the quantity and quality of wastewater using the sampling method, evaluate performance, and redesign the wastewater treatment plant. The technical performance evaluation of the wastewater treatment plant unit consists of the dimensions of the wastewater treatment plant unit, processing load, detention time, and percentage of removal. Redesigning of wastewater treatment plant consists of technical calculations, technical drawings, and hydraulic profile planning. The results of this study are that the quality of wastewater in the effluent of the Eye Hospital X Surabaya City Wastewater Treatment Plant meets the quality standards of the East Java Governor Regulation Number 72 of 2013 except for the parameters NH3, PO4, and Total Coliform. The overall design of the existing wastewater treatment plant building does not meet the design criteria. The recommendations given are to redesign the processing system, monitoring and cleaning of sludge in each unit, adding a disinfection process to kill pathogenic microorganisms, and the need for a return sludge process in the aeration tank. The planned wastewater treatment plant units used consist of a grease trap unit, sand trap, extended aeration tank III, lamella tank, sludge holding tank, sand filter and carbon filter, and disinfection.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aerobic Tank, Influent Flow Rate, Evaluation, Hospital WWTP, Redesign, Debit influen, Evaluasi, IPAL Rumah Sakit, Redesain
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD433 Water treatment plants
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Pazya Liora Purba
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 14:22
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 14:22
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/117173

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