Peningkatan Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit Melalui Penerapan Standar Tata Kelola Industri Menggunakan Pendekatan Sistem Dinamik

Prihatina, Ocha Putri Perdana (2025) Peningkatan Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit Melalui Penerapan Standar Tata Kelola Industri Menggunakan Pendekatan Sistem Dinamik. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Tata kelola industri kelapa sawit di Indonesia menjadi perhatian utama pemerintah karena isu global seperti keberlanjutan dan deforestasi. Pemerintah menerapkan standar Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), sementara perusahaan besar juga mengikuti standar Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Namun, tantangan seperti ketidaksiapan pelaku usaha menghambat penerapan standar ini secara menyeluruh. Penelitian ini mengusulkan kombinasi tata kelola baru dengan simulasi model sistem dinamik, yang dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan berbasis hubungan antar-variabel untuk meningkatkan produktivitas industri kelapa sawit. Penelitian diawali dengan memodelkan proses yang ada dalam industri kelapa sawit, menguji validitas dari model, dan mengimplementasikan opsi-opsi skenario yang ada untuk melihat perubahan pada produktivitas kelapa sawit setiap tahunnya. Dari hasil simulasi, akan didapatkan informasi mengenai opsi skenario yang dapat memberikan manfaat berupa peningkatan produktivitas pada kelapa sawit dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor pendukung yang ada saat ini. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi yang dilakukan pada model, skenario yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu meningkatkan produktivitas kelapa sawit oleh para pemangku kepentingan adalah skenario collaborative governance dan government subsidies. Skenario collaborative governance mampu meningkatkan produktivitas kelapa sawit sebesar 19,4% dan produksi kelapa sawit naik sebanyak 21,4%. Sedangkan skenario government subsidies mampu meningkatkan pendapatan petani kelapa sawit sebesar 17,1% serta menurunkan total biaya produksi sebanyak 19,7%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan skenario yang tepat untuk mendapatkan tata kelola pada industri kelapa sawit yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan dapat diimplementasikan oleh seluruh pelaku usaha kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Manfaat dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk menunjang pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan data dan pemodelan serta memastikan seluruh pelaku usaha kelapa sawit di Indonesia memiliki acuan tata kelola dalam menjalankan proses bisnisnya.
The implementation of governance within the national palm oil industry stands as a pivotal concern for the government, propelled by global sustainability and deforestation issue within this sector. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Agriculture, has delineated the adoption of the Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) framework for farmers and corporations in the palm oil industry. In addition, leading palm oil companies have also implementing the Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) across their production chain to address these pressing global and regional challenges. However, the weakness and unpreparedness among palm oil farmers in adhering to these standards have resulted in inability to implement the standard among the smallholder and multinational corporations within Indonesia's palm oil landscape. Hence, this study aims to explore the feasibility of combining various governance to be applied within the palm oil industry. The existing scenario will be simulated in the palm oil industry model through a dynamic system. This method is selected because it offers a way to model and understand complex systems and their behaviour over time Thus, decision making for the establishment of appropriate governance in order to increase palm oil productivity must be carried out using methods that will consider the dependence between variables and the impact between one variable and another. The research initiated by constructing models of the existing process within the palm oil industry, validating these models, and subsequently executing alternative scenarios to see changes in palm oil productivity. Through the simulation results, insights will be derived concerning scenario alternatives that able to enhance palm oil productivity, by considering current supporting factors. Simulations conducted on the model suggest that two scenarios—collaborative governance and government subsidies—can significantly enhance palm oil productivity. The collaborative governance scenario resulted in a 19.4% increase in productivity and a 21.4% rise in palm oil production. On the other hand, the government subsidies scenario improved palm oil farmers' income by 17.1% while reducing total production costs by 19.7%. The goal of this study is to develop suitable scenarios to achieve governance in the palm oil industry that enhances productivity and can be implemented by all stakeholders in Indonesia's palm oil sector. The findings of this research provide data-driven and model-based decision-making tools to ensure effective operations within the palm oil industry.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tata kelola, produktivitas, sistem dinamik, scenario, governance, productivity, dynamic system, scenario
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.62 Decision support systems
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Information System > 59101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Ocha Putri Perdana Prihatina
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2025 01:48
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 01:48

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