Pengujian Sistem Dan Kalibrasi Sensor Tekanan Dialisat Pada Proses Ultrafiltrasi Mesin Hemodialisis

Firdausy, Alvina (2024) Pengujian Sistem Dan Kalibrasi Sensor Tekanan Dialisat Pada Proses Ultrafiltrasi Mesin Hemodialisis. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kesediaan mesin hemodialisa di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Berdasarkan data dari Indonesian Renal Registry, jumlah mesin hemodiasisa di Indonesia pada tahun 2018, memerlukan 10.492 unit tambahan agar pelayanan cuci darah optimal. Dalam pengoperasian mesin hemodialisia, nilai tekanan perlu diperhatikan karena berpengaruh terhadap proses pengeluaran kelebihan air dari darah. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah dilakukan kalibrasi tekanan dialisat di luar mesin dan didapatkan eror sebesar 0,002071417. Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya penelitian terkait pengujian sistem dan kalibrasi sensor tekanan dialisat, diharapkan nilai tekanan dialisat yang terbaca pada proses ultrafiltrasi dapat sesuai dengan range yang diperlukan oleh mesin. Kalibrasi yang digunakan menggunakan linier regresi dengan hasil pengujian air menunjukkan eror absolut rata-rata 24,29 mmHg dan persentase eror 24,93%, dengan akurasi 65% dan presisi 0,89. Pengujian darah dilakukan menggunakan darah asli dengan komponen whole Blood bergolongan darah A, B,O, dan AB dengan rhesus positif. Viskositas darah dalam pengujian diukur untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada tekanan dialisat. Pengujian dengan darah asli menunjukkan variasi eror, akurasi, dan presisi tergantung pada viskositas darah. Pada golongan darah A, eror pembacaan 36,3%, akurasi 74,3%, dan presisi 91,2%. Pada golongan darah B, eror 17,81%, akurasi 74,4%, dan presisi 79,2%. Pada golongan darah AB, eror 26%, akurasi 58%, dan presisi 87%. Hasil pengujian tekanan transmembran pada pengujian golongan darah A sebesar -132,415; - 192,21; -154,81; -163,91; dan -182,36. Kemudian, pada pengujian golongan darah B didapatkan nilai tekanan transmembran sebesar -7,56; -129,6; -128,48; -146,44; dan -144,47. Pada pengujian golongan darah AB, nilai tekanan dialisat yang diperoleh sebesar -101,41; -88,62; -71,88; -67,45; -65,23. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya cairan dialisat yang masuk ke dalam darah, yang mengindikasikan kemungkinan adanya kebocoran membran.
The availability of hemodialysis machines in Indonesia is still very limited. Based on data from the Indonesian Renal Registry, the number of hemodialysis machines in Indonesia in 2018, requires 10,492 additional units for optimal dialysis services. In operating a hemodialysis machine, the pressure value needs to be considered because it affects the process of removing excess water from the blood. In a previous study, dialysate pressure calibration was carried out outside the machine and an error of 0.002071417 was obtained. Therefore, with research related to system testing and calibration of dialysate pressure sensors, it is hoped that the dialysate pressure value read in the ultrafiltration process can match the range required by the machine. The calibration used uses linear regression with water test results showing an average absolute error of 24.29 mmHg and a percentage error of 24.93%, with an accuracy of 65% and precision of 0.89. Blood testing was carried out using real blood with whole blood components of blood groups A, B, O, and AB with positive rhesus. The viscosity of the blood in the test was measured to determine the effect on dialysate pressure. Testing with real blood showed variations in error, accuracy, and precision depending on blood viscosity. In blood group A, the reading error was 36.3%, accuracy was 74.3%, and precision was 91.2%. In blood group B, the error was 17.81%, the accuracy was 74.4%, and the precision was 79.2%. In blood type AB, the error was 26%, the accuracy was 58%, and the precision was 87%. The results of transmembrane pressure testing on blood type A testing were -132.415; -192.21; -154.81; -163.91; and -182.36. Then, in the blood group B test, the transmembrane pressure value is -7.56; -129.6; -128.48; -146.44; and -144.47. In the AB blood group test, the dialysate pressure values obtained were -101.41; -88.62; -71.88; -67.45; -65.23. The test results indicate the presence of dialysate fluid entering the blood, which indicates the possibility of membrane leakage.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pressure Sensor, Haemodialysis, Calibration, Sensor Tekanan, Hemodialisis, Kalibrasi
Subjects: Q Science
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Biomedical Engineering > 11410-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Alvina Firdausy
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2025 00:20
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2025 00:20

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