Analisis Distribusi Semen Menggunakan Maritime Inventory Routing Problem: Studi Kasus Indonesia Timur

Sujono, Arimbi Puspitadewi Putri Maharani (2025) Analisis Distribusi Semen Menggunakan Maritime Inventory Routing Problem: Studi Kasus Indonesia Timur. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk merupakan perusahaan produsen semen terbesar dengan jaringan distribusi yang tersebar di kawasan Indonesia Timur. Sebagian besar produk semen didistribusikan dalam bentuk curah ke beberapa packing plant dengan kapal cement carrier. Seiring dengan berjalannya pembagunan di Indonesia, permintaan semen curah akan terus meningkat. Dalam operasinya, perusahaan ini dihadapkan dengan tantangan persediaan seperti stock out dan excess inventory (overstock) sehingga persediaan pada packing plant tidak terkontrol yang mengakibatkan kelebihan atau kekurangan pada persediaan. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, dilakukan perencanaan distribusi dari Pabrik Semen Tonasa (Biringkassi) ke 9 packing plant tujuan dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas penyimpanan di masing-masing packing plant tujuan di kawasan Indonesia Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah optimasi dengan Maritime Inventory Routing Problem. Pada penelitian ini, analisis dilakukan dengan 2 skenario yakni port to port dan multiport. Pada skenario port to port didapatkan biaya total sebesar Rp1,14 triliun dan skenario multiport didapatkan biaya total sebesar Rp532 milyar. Skenario terpilih pada penelitian ini adalah pola operasi multiport dimana terdapat penghematan biaya sekitar 57% dari total biaya kondisi eksisting serta tidak terdapat kondisi stok kurang dan stok berlebih dari opsi skenario yang diusulkan.
PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is the largest cement producer in Eastern Indonesia with integrated distribution network that spread across Eastern Indonesia. Most of the product is distributed in bulk form to several packing plants with cement carriers. Along with the development in construction sector in Indonesia, the demand for bulk cement will continue to increase. In its operations, the company is faced with inventory challenges such as stock out and excess inventory (overstock) so that the inventory at the packing plant is not controlled which results in excess and shortage in inventory. In this final project, distribution planning was carried out from PT. Semen Tonasa Plant (Biringkassi) to 9 destination packing plants by considering the storage capacity in each destination packing plant in Eastern Indonesia region. The method used is optimization with Maritime Inventory Routing Problem (MIRP). In this study, the analysis is carried out with 2 scenarios, namely port to port and multiport. Port to port scenario cost a total of Rp1,14 trillion while multiport scenario cost a total of Rp532 billion. The selected scenario in this study is multiport operating pattern where there is a cost saving around 57% of the total cost of existing distribution operation and there are no understock and overstock condition from the proposed scenario options.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Distribusi, Maritime Inventory Routing Problem, Optimasi, Semen Curah Bulk cement, Distribution, Maritime Inventory Routing Problem, Optimization
Subjects: V Naval Science > VK > VK570 Optimum ship routing.
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Transportation Engineering > 21207-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Arimbi Puspitadewi Putri Maharani S
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2025 10:25
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2025 10:25

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