Penerapan Value Stream Mapping Untuk Mereduksi Lead Time Pengadaan Material (Studi Kasus: PT. PAL INDONESIA)

Ghazian, Afli Fakhri (2022) Penerapan Value Stream Mapping Untuk Mereduksi Lead Time Pengadaan Material (Studi Kasus: PT. PAL INDONESIA). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam proses pengadaan material untuk produksi kapal perang pada tahun 2021 mengalami keterlambatan, dari hasil wawancara awal dan studi lapangan sebesar 55% dikarenakan pemilihan supplier yang terlalu lama, 18% adanya kesalahan pemesanan material, 18% adanya perubahan design sehingga list material yang diperlukan perlu dibuat Kembali dan 9% adanya pandemi. Untuk mengkaji penyebab terjadinya keterlambatan dalam proses pengadaan material oleh divisi Supply Chain PT. PAL Indonesia maka diperlukan yang pertama yaitu studi lapangan dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab terjadinya permasalahan tersebut. Setelah melakukan studi lapangan serta pengumpulan data, maka tahap selanjutnya dilakukan pembuatan Big Picture Mapping. Kemudian setelah membuat Big Picture Mapping, tahap selanjutnya yaitu melakukan detail mapping menggunakan salah satu tools dari Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) yaitu Process Activity Mapping, dari metode tersebut kita bisa mengidentifikasi aktifitas yang bernilai tambah atau tidak yang biasanya disebut Value Added Activities dan Non-Value Added Activities. Dari sekian banyak faktor penyebab waste tersebut akan dipilih berdasarkan potensi perbaikan untuk Divisi Supply Chain PT PAL Indonesia. Hasil pilihan tersebut dikaji kembali sehingga dapat menentukan suatu rekomendasi yang tepat. Setelah dilakukannya penelitian, ditemukan penyebab terjadinya waste dalam proses pengadaan material tahun 2021 di PT. PAL Indonesia yaitu di bagian management, scheduling, dan human error dan dari faktor penyebab tersebut dihasilkan 5 rekomendasi perbaikan yang diajukan ke PT. PAL Indonesia. Rekomendasi tersebut dapat mengurangi waktu yang ada dalam proses pengadaan material kedepannya.
In the process of procuring materials for the production of warships in 2021, there were delays, from the results of initial interviews and field studies, 55% were due to the selection of suppliers that took too long, 18% were material ordering errors, 18% were design changes so that the list of materials needed needed to be remade and 9% were a pandemic. To examine the causes of delays in the material procurement process by the Supply Chain division of PT PAL Indonesia, the first required is a field study by collecting the data needed to identify the causes of the problem. After conducting field studies and collecting data, the next stage is making Big Picture Mapping. Then after making Big Picture Mapping, the next stage is to do detailed mapping using one of the tools from the Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT), namely Process Activity Mapping, from this method we can identify activities that are value�added or not which are usually called Value Added Activities and Non-Value Added Activities. Of the many factors that cause waste will be selected based on the potential for improvement for the Supply Chain Division of PT PAL Indonesia. The results of these choices are reviewed so that they can determine the right recommendation. After the research, it was found that the causes of waste in the 2021 material procurement process at PT PAL Indonesia were in the management, scheduling, and human error sections and from these causal factors, 5 recommendations for improvement were made to PT PAL Indonesia. These recommendations can reduce the time involved in the material procurement process in the future.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSM 658.7 Gha p-1 2022
Uncontrolled Keywords: Big Picture Mapping, Value Stream Mapping, Value Stream Analysis Tools (Valsat), Process Activity Mapping, Waste
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD38.5 Business logistics--Cost effectiveness. Supply chain management. ERP
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mr. Marsudiyana -
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2025 05:57
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2025 05:57

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