Studi Eksperimental Karakterisasi Dasar Sifat Mekanis Komposit Berpenguat Bambu Jenis Anyaman Plain Dan Twill Dengan Matriks Polyurethane

Febriansyah, Farrel Trisna (2022) Studi Eksperimental Karakterisasi Dasar Sifat Mekanis Komposit Berpenguat Bambu Jenis Anyaman Plain Dan Twill Dengan Matriks Polyurethane. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pemilihan material di bidang industri merupakan suatu hal yang krusial. Material komposit semakin berperan dan semakin dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan sifat mekanis baru yang kuat, namun juga ringan dan hemat. Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan aneka tumbuhan, yang salah satunya adalah bambu. Dalam kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan di Indonesia, bambu memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Bahan bambu dikenal oleh masyarakat memiliki sifat-sifat yang baik untuk dimanfaatkan karena batangnya kuat, lurus, rata, keras, mudah dibelah, mudah dibentuk, dan mudah dikerjakan. Komposit yang dibuat dan diuji pada penelitian ini terbuat dari matriks resin polyurethane dan anyaman bambu akan dimanfaatkan menjadi material penguat komposit alami dan menganalisis sifat mekanis yang ada pada komposit alami tersebut. Anyaman serat bambu pada penelitian ini melewati proses alkalisasi untuk meningkatkan wettability serat dan memaksimalkan terbentuknya interface pada komposit Penelitian ini memvariasikan jenis anyaman serat bambu yaitu anyaman plain dan twill, serta variasi orientasi sudut anyaman bambu sebesar 45° dan 90° dengan proses alkalisasi NaOH 5% selama 2 jam. Alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan yaitu anyaman bambu, resin polyurethane, pelapis wax, cetakan, pompa vacuum, vacuum catch pot, selang infusion house, selang spiral tube, T connector, peel ply, vacuum bagging film, perforated release film, flow
media infusion mesh, sealant tape, timbangan, NaOH, sarung tangan. Tahapan dalam penelitian yaitu melakukan studi literatur, mencari properties material, dan menyiapkan alat dan bahan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses alkalisasi anyaman bambu dan pembuatan komposit. Setelah komposit dibuat, komposit dipotong sesuai standar uji tarik dan uji impak. Pada uji tarik didapatkan kekuatan tarik komposit anyaman bambu pada anyaman Plain 45°, Plain 90°, Twill 45°, Twill 90° sebesar 13,55 MPa, 42,40 MPa, 23,66 MPa, sebesar 54,12 MPa. Didapatkan kekuatan luluh komposit sebesar 6,75 MPa, 9,28 MPa, 9,37 MPa, 7,71 MPa. Didapatkan modulus elastisitas sebesar 5,35 MPa, 14,36 MPa, 7,77 MPa, 14,66 MPa. Didapatkan pemanjangan komposit sebesar 7,2 %, 19,2 %, 10,8 %, 24,7 %. Pada pengujian impak didapatkan energi terserap oleh komposit anyaman bambu pada anyaman Plain 45°, Plain 90°, Twill 45°, Twill 90° sebesar 1,266 J, 0,878 J, 03,20 J, 2,146 J dan didapatkan kekuatan impak sebesar 0,0162 J/mm², 0,014 J/mm², 0,042 J/mm², 0,028 J/mm². Mekanisme kegagalan komposit berdasarkan pengujian SEM adalah patah ulet, debonding, patah pada matriks (translaminar), dan fiber pullout.
The selection of materials in the industrial field is a crucial thing. Composite materials are increasingly playing a role and are increasingly needed to create new mechanical properties that are strong, yet also lightweight and cost-effective. Indonesia is a country rich in various plants, one of which is bamboo. In the life of rural communities in Indonesia, bamboo plays a very important role. Bamboo material is known by the public to have good properties to be utilized because the stems are strong, straight, flat, hard, easy to split, easy to form, and easy to work with. The composites made and tested in this study are made of polyurethane resin matrices and woven bamboo will be used as a natural composite reinforcing material and analyze the mechanical properties of the natural composite. The woven bamboo fibers in this study went through an alkalization process to increase the wettability of the fibers and maximize the formation of interfaces in the composite This study varied the types of woven bamboo fibers, namely plain and twill webbing, as well as variations in the orientation of bamboo webbing angles of 45° and 90° with a 5% NaOH alkalization process for 2 hours. The tools and materials needed are bamboo matting, polyurethane resin, wax coating, mold, vacuum pump, vacuum catch pot, infusion house hose, spiral tube hose, T connector, peel ply, vacuum bagging film, perforated release film, flow media infusion mesh, sealant tape , scales, NaOH, gloves. The stages in the research are conducting literature studies, looking for material properties, and preparing tools and materials. Then proceed with the process of alkalizing bamboo matting and making composites. After the composite is made, it is cut according to the standards of tensile test and impact test. In the tensile test, the tensile strength of bamboo woven composites was obtained on woven Plain 45°, Plain 90°, Twill 45°, Twill 90° by 13.55 MPa, 42.40 MPa, 23.66 MPa, by 54.12 MPa. Composite yield strength was obtained at 6.75 MPa, 9.28 MPa, 9.37 MPa, 7.71 MPa. The modulus of elasticity was obtained by 5.35 MPa, 14.36 MPa, 7.77 MPa, 14.66 MPa. Composite elongation was obtained by 7.2%, 19.2%, 10.8%, 24.7%. In the impact test, energy was absorbed by bamboo woven composites on woven plain 45°, Plain 90°, Twill 45°, Twill 90° by 1.266 J, 0.878 J, 03.20 J, 2.146 J andd gained an impact strength of 0.016 2 J/mm², 0.014 J/mm², 0.042 J/mm², 0.028 J/mm². The mechanism of composite failure based on SEM testing is ductile fracture, debonding, fracture of the matrix (translaminar), and fiber

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSM 620.118 Feb s-1 2022
Uncontrolled Keywords: Komposit Alam, Resin Polyurethane, Anyaman Serat Bambu, Alkalisasi, vacuum bagging, Natural Composites, Polyurethane Resins, Woven Bamboo Fibers, Alkalization, vacuum bagging
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA418.9 Composite materials. Laminated materials.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mr. Marsudiyana -
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2025 07:56
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2025 07:56

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