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Risiko didefinisikan sebagai suatu kemungkinan dari
suatu kejadian yang akan mempengaruhi suatu tujuan.
Pembangunan Proyek Grand Taman Melati Margonda - Depok
merupakan proyek yang dinilai memiliki potensi risiko
kecelakaan kerja yang beragam. Setiap kecelakaan kerja dapat
menimbulkan berbagai macam kerugian yaitu perbaikan fasilitas
kerja sampai kematian pada pekerja. Pada awal pembangunan
proyek tersebut terjadi kecelakaan kerja yaitu pekerja kejatuhan
material dan pekerja terperosok ke dalam lubang galian, tetapi
dalam hal ini tidak ada korban jiwa.
Data eksisting yang diperoleh untuk mengetahui risiko
kecelakaan kerja yang paling dominan dengan penilaian risiko
yaitu perhitungan likelihood dan concequence menggunakan Risk
Management Standard AS/NZ 4360:1999 yang kemudian
didapatkan matriks analisa risikonya. Metode yang digunakan
untuk mengetahui sumber – sumber dan penyebab terjadinya
kecelakaan kerja yaitu menggunakan Metode Domino. Setelah
diketahui sumber penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja,
dievaluasi dengan menggunakan penilaian risiko menggunakan
tabel Risk Assesment dan untuk dapat meminimalisir risiko
kecelakaan kerja maka dilakukan respon risiko.
Hasil dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah mengetahui
risiko kecelakaan kerja yang paling dominan adalah mata
pekerja terkena debu dan kotoran pada pekerjaan pile cap, tie beam dan plat lantai LG, pekerja kejatuhan crane yang roboh pada pekerjaan lifting material menggunakan tower crane, dan pekerja kejatuhan material karena sling putus pada pekerjaan
lifting material menggunakan tower crane.
Faktor risiko kecelakaan kerja yang paling dominan
berdasarkan metode domino adalah Lack of control/management
yaitu safety management kurang memperhatikan dan
memperbanyak Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), Standar Operational
Prosedur (SOP) ada tetapi kurang disosialisasikan, safety talk
tidak rutin, alat kerja belum dicek/ dikondisikan, tidak
mengurus izin kerja berbahaya sebelum memulai pekerjaan.
Basic cause/origins yaitu faktor pribadi, kedisplinan kerja
kurang karena pekerja ingin cepat menyelesaikan pekerjaan
sehingga lupa menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD),
operator kurang memahami alat yang dipergunakan dan tidak
bersertifikat, pekerja mengantuk. Faktor pekerjaan, Alat
Pelindung Diri (APD) jumlahnya sedikit, alat berat sudah rusak
karena kurangnya perawatan. Immediate cause/symptoms, yaitu
sikap/tindakan tidak aman, pekerja bercanda saat melaksanakan
pekerjaan, tidak memakai Alat Pelindung Diri, tidak mematuhi
rambu-rambu keselamatan kerja, bekerja tanpa perintah dan
mengabaikan instruksi. Kondisi tidak aman, kurangnya
pemberitahuan ke pekerja tentang pentingnya penggunaan Alat
Pelindung Diri (APD), kurangnya rambu-rambu keselamatan
kerja/ hanya ada pada zona tertentu, mengangkat/mengangkut
bahan berlebihan. Incident yaitu mata pekerja terkena debu dan
kotoran, terlalu dekat dengan alat las, tower crane menimpa
pekerja/ bangunan sekitar, kejatuhan material yang sedang
diangkat. Loss yaitu pekerja terluka matanya, kehilangan waktu
kerja, pekerjaan tidak selesai, turunnya produktivitas.
Respon risiko dari risiko kecelakaan kerja yang dominan
adalah Lock of control/management yaitu safety management
harus memperhatikan dan memperbanyak alat pelindung diri,
melakukan pengawasan berkala, mensosialisasikan Standar
Operational Prosedur, melaksanakan safety talk secara rutin,
mengurus izin kerja berbahaya sebelum memulai pekerjaan,
melakukan pengecekan alat berat sebelum melaksanakan
pekerjaan, memakai operator yang bersertifikat. Basic
cause/origins yaitu menegur pekerja bila tak menggunakan
APD, melakukan pengawasan agar peraturan dipatuhi, menegur
pekerja yang tidak mematuhi rambu-rambu, melakukan
perawatan pada alat berat sebelum dan sesudah digunakan,
mengadakan olah raga seminggu sekali, memberikan
penghargaan kepada pekerja yang baik dalam bekerja.
Immediate cause/symptoms yaitu memperbanyak rambu-rambu di
tiap sudut proyek, melakukan apel rutin setiap pagi/sebelum
mulai pekerjaan, memberi peringatan pekerja yang tidak hati hati saat melaksanakan pekerjaan, mengadakan rapat membahas
K3 seminggu sekali. ========== Risk is defined as possibility of a case that will affect an
objective. The Development Apartment Project of Grand Taman
Melati Margonda-Depok is a project that has a diserve risk
potential crash working. Every risk working can cause many
kinds financial loss as improvement the facilities until the death
of workers. At the beginning of this development project, the
accident happened which worker had fallen out of material, and
workers had fallen down to the hole, but there is no victims.
Existing data that obtained to make sure the dominant
risk of working by calculating the risk that called likelihood
clculating and concequence using Risk Management Standard
AS/NZ 4360:1990 which established the analysis of risk matrix.
The method that finding out about the sources and the causes of
risk working is Domino Method. After knowing the causes of risk
working, then evaluated which using risk assessment list and to
make the risk working minimally then do risk responses.
Results of this research was to determine the risk of
workplace accidents is the most dominant eyes of workers
exposed to dust and dirt on the work pile cap, tie beam and the
floor plate LG, workers fall of the crane that collapsed on the job
of lifting the material using a tower crane, and workers fall of
material because the sling broke up on work using a tower crane
lifting materials.
Risk factors for occupational accidents predominant
based method domino is Lack of control / management that safety
management less attention and multiply the Personal Protective
Equipment, Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) exist but
are less socialized, safety talk is not routine, work tools have not
checked / conditioned, not taking care of hazardous work permit
before starting work. Basic cause / origins are personal factors,
discipline less labor because the workers wanted to quickly finish
the job that I forget to use Personal Protective Equipment,
operators do not understand the tools used and not certified,
sleepy workers. Factor work, Personal Protective Equipment are
few in number, the machine has been damaged due to lack of
maintenance. Immediate cause / symptoms, the attitude / unsafe
acts, workers joking when carrying out the work, not wearing
personal protective equipment, do not obey safety signs, working
without orders and ignored instructions. Unsafe conditions, the
lack of notification to the workers about the importance of the use
of Personal Protective Equipment, lack of safety signs / only in
certain zones, lifting / carrying excessive material. Incident ie
eyes of workers exposed to dust and dirt, too close to the welding
tool, tower crane override worker / building around, the fall of
the material being removed. Loss that injured workers eyes, lost
time at work, the work is not completed, the decline in
Risk response from the risk of workplace accidents is the
dominant Lack of control / management that safety management
must pay attention and multiply personal protective equipment,
perform periodic monitoring, disseminating the Standard
Operational Procedures, implementing safety talk on a regular
basis, take care of the work permit dangerous before starting the
job, check heavy equipment before carrying out the work, wear a
certified operator. Basic cause / origins, namely reprimands
workers if they are not using the Personal Protective Equipment,
perform surveillance in order to rule adhered to, reprimands
workers who do not obey signs, perform maintenance on heavy
equipment before and after use, holding exercise once a week, to
reward good workers in work. Immediate cause / symptoms are
multiplying signs at each corner of the project, performing
routine apples every morning / before starting work, warning
workers not careful when carrying out the work, held a meeting
to discuss safety and health once a week

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisa Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja, Likelihood Index, Consequences Index, Matriks, Metode Domino, Bird, Respon Risiko, Work Accident Risk Analysis, Likelihood Index, Consequences Index, matrix, Domino Methods, Bird, Risk Response
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55 Industrial Safety
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: - Davi Wah
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2017 08:56
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2018 02:42

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