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Saat ini, bahan bakar fosil seperti batu bara minyak dan gas alam
merupakan 90% Kebutuhan energy dunia. Padahal cadangan bahan bakar fosil
sendiri telah semakin menipis. Selain itu, penggunaan bahan bakar fosil ini telah
meningkatkan total CO2 dalam atmosfer bumi dan meningkatkan pemanasan
global. Oleh karena itu, penggantian secara bertahap terhadap bahan bakar fosil
ini, beralih ke bahan bakar alternative yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan dapat
diperbaharui merupakan solusinya. Salah satu bahan bakar alternative yang ramah
lingkungan dan dapat diperbaharui adalah hydrogen yang diproduksi dari bagas
tebu. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 3
tahap, yaitu tahap pretreatment bagas tebu baik mekanik maupun kimia, tahap
hidrolisis bagas tebu dan tahap fermentasi hidrolisat bagas tebu menjadi hidrogen.
Proses pretreatment dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi hambatan dalam proses
hidrolisis. Metode pretreatment kimia yang dipelajari dalam penelitian ini adalah
kombinasi pretreatment basa dan ionic liquid. Dimana basa berfungsi
mendelignifikasi bagas tebu dan ionic liquid berfungsi mengubah struktur
kristalin selulosa menjadi lebih amorf. Pada tahap pretreatment secara mekanik,
bagase tebu digiling dan diayak untuk mendapatkan ukuran tertentu, kemudian
dilanjutkan dengan pretreatment secara kimia menggunakan NaOH 1% w/v,
dengan suhu 80oC, selama16 jam, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pretreatment
ionik liquid pada rentang suhu 100-120°C selama rentang waktu 10 menit - 15
jam. Selanjutnya tiap sampel dihidrolisis menggunakan enzim selulase dan
xilanase murni, pada suhu 60°C, pH 3 selama 12 jam. Selanjutnya hasil hidrolisat
bagas tebu difermentasi oleh bakteri Enterobacter Aerogenes untuk memperoleh
hidrogen. Hasil hidrolisis terbaik adalah pada Bagas Tebu yang dipretreatment
dengan NaOH 1% selama 16 jam pada suhu 80°C yang dilanjutkan dengan
pretreatment Ionic Liquid [DMIM]DMP selama 20 menit dengan suhu 120oC
(NaOH+IL treated 20 min, 120°C). Dengan perolehan Yield gula reduksi sebesar
0.556 gr gula reduksi / gr total selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Hasil fermentasi dari
hidrolisat bagas tebu terbaik, diperoleh yield hidrogen sebesar 0.463 mol
Hidrogen/mol gula reduksi terkonsumsi. Yaitu dengan waktu fermentasi selama
48 jam. ====================================================================================== Presently, Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) represent about 90% of
the world’s total commercial energy demand. But, they has limites resources.
Because of this and the fact that atmospheric carbon dioxide also increases that
caused by burning fossil fuels for energy, a gradual shift from fossil fuels to
renewable energy seems to be serious and the sole alternative for the world. One
of renewable energy that enviromentally friendly is hydrogen that is produce from
sugarcane bagasse. The methods that were used in this research, consisted of three
main steps. The first step was pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. The second was
hydrolysis step and the last was fermentation process. Pretreatment process
consisted of mechanical and chemical pretreatment, those pretreatments were
required to reduce some barriers in the hydrolysis process. Chemical pretreatment,
that were studied in this research was a combination of NaOH and ionic liquid
pretreatment. Where, NaOH function was to delignificate sugarcane bagasse and
ionic liquid serves to change the structure of crystalline cellulose becomes more
amorphous. Sugarcane bagase was ground and sieved to get a certain size, in
mechanical pretreatment step and then it was treated by chemical pretreatment
using NaOH 1% w / v, for 16 hours at 80oC, and then followed by ionic liquid
pretreatment at 100-120°C, and for 10 minutes - 15 hours. Furthermore, each
sample was hydrolyzed using pure enzyme (cellulase and xylanase), at 60°C, pH
3, for 12 hours. Furthermore, bagasse hydrolyzate was fermented using
Enterobacter aerogenes to obtain hydrogen. After Hydrolysis process, the highest
yield was 0.556 g reducing sugar / g of total cellulose and hemicellulose. This
yield was obtain by hydrolize Sugarcane Bagasse that have been treated with 1%
NaOH for 16 hours at 80°C, and followed by ionic liquid [DMIM]DMP
pretreatment for 20 minutes at 120°C (this sugarcane bagasse substrat was called
NaOH+IL treated 20 min, 120°C). The yield of fermentation of sugarcane bagasse
NaOH+IL treated 20 min, 120°C hydrolyzate, was 0.463 mol hydrogen / mol
reducing sugar consumed. This fermentation process was run for 48 hours.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTK 660.284 49 Agn p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Enterobacter Aerogenes, Bagas Tebu, Gula reduksi, Hidrogen, Pretreatment Ionic liquid, Pretreatment NaOH, Enterobacter Aerogenes, Sugarcane Bagasse, Reducing Sugar, Hydrogen, Ionic liquid Pretreatment, NaOH Pretreatment.
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP156 Crystallization. Extraction (Chemistry). Fermentation. Distillation. Emulsions.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Chemical Engineering > 24101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: - Davi Wah
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2017 03:09
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2024 11:30

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