Strategi Penurunan Kebocoran Di Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Kota Mataram

Febriany, Indah Eka (2015) Strategi Penurunan Kebocoran Di Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Kota Mataram. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kehilangan air dalam jaringan pipa distribusi air bersih merupakan salah satu masalah utama di
PDAM. Penelitian ini membahas upaya teknis untuk mengoptimalkan sistem distribusi air
minum dan menurunkan tingkat kebocoran teknis sehingga target pelayanan PDAM Menang
Kota Mataram dapat tercapai. Data primer diperoleh dari real demand survey dari 166
respondenbaik pelangganmaupun non pelanggan PDAM.Serta site-visit dari lokasi reservoir dan
kebocoran bersama tim dari PDAM Menang dan data sekunder diperoleh dari pihak-pihak terkait
seperti kantor BPS Mataram, serta Dinas PU Kota Mataram. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa
47,6 % pelanggan PDAM Menang menilai kualitas pelayanan tergolong baik, 48,8% sedang, dan
2,7% sangat baik. Pemakaian Air untuk Kota MatarambulanJuni 2014 adalahsebanyak 913.082,4
m3.Dengan tingkatkehilangan air yang dimilikiadalahsebesar30,6%. Hasil site visit
menunjukkan kehilangan air disebabkan oleh perembesan karena sambungan pipa tidak
sempurna (11,5%), pipa rusak (9,2%), pipa tertimbun (42,4%), dan pipa mati (36,9%). Untuk
memudahkan pemantauan dan penanganan kebocoran 2 zona pelayanan harus dibentuk. Selain
itu penanganan real losses dengan pendeteksian kebocoran, pemeliharaan dan rehabilitasi, dan
peningkatan responsivitas dalam penanganan pipa bocor. Penanggulangan apparent losses juga
diperlukan dengan menurunkan meter error, human error, computer error, pencurian air, dan
penurunan tingkat kebocoran pada sistem distribusi.Dari analisa aspek pembiayaan diketahui
diperlukanRp. 7,542,034,500untuk mengeksekusi strategi-strategipengurangan kebocoran pada
sistem distribusi dimana 23,9% diperoleh dari biaya penyambungan baru dan retribusi bulanan
serta 76,1% dari pemerintah. Analisa investasi menyebutkan Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
sebesar 20,3% dan Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR)> 1 yang berarti proyek diatas masuk kategori layak.
Selain itu, metode Net Present Value(NPV)menunjukkan nilai positif yang berarti akan
menguntungkan PDAM. Dalamaspekkelembagaan, kinerja PDAM
masihharusditingkatkanlagibaikdalambidangkeuangan, operasionalmaupunadministrasi.Salah
satu yang menjadipenyebabadalahkurangnya
ekrutan SDM yang sesuaidengankeahliannya, meningkatkantingkatkebocoranbaikteknismaupun
non teknis, sertapendataankembalijaringanpipa PDAM Kota Mataram, mengeksekusi programprogram
pengembangan/penyehatan PDAM,
ancakupanpelayananpendudukkarenamasihadapenduduk yang belumterlayani.


Water losses have been a major problem faced by district water companies in Indonesia.
Thisstudy will elaborate on the technical efforts to optimize the clean water distribution system
and reducing the leakage to fulfill the residents’ demand on district water company of Menang
(PDAM Menang), city of Mataram. Primer data was gathered by real demand survey from 166
respondents and site visit to the detectable leakage location with team from PDAM Menang.
While the secondary data was obtained from respectable party such as countyman office,
Mataram statistical bureau, and the office of public service department of Mataram city.
Analitical data has shown that 47,6% of PDAM Menang subscribers regard the service as good,
48,8% medium, and 2,7% as excellent. Total water usage for Mataram on June 2014 is 913.082,4
m3with 30,6% losses. On the site visit, it was found that water loss was caused by imperfection
in pipe joint seam and weld (11,5%), broken pipe (9,2%), buried pipe under ground (42,4%), and
plugged off pipe (36,9%). Is service zones were made up to make the monitoring and handly of
water losses of the city of Mataram. It was in line with capacity to cater residents as per 2024
projection along with several technical and service assumptions. Other than that real losses must
be handled by detection of losses, maintenance and rehabilitation, also reducing response time to
fix any reported water leakage. Apparent losses are to be addressed by decreasing the water
meter error, human error, computer error, water thievery, and reducing leakage in distribution
system.From financial aspect analysis, the calculated that Rp. 7,542,034,500investment is needed
to execute the implementation of water loss reducing strategies, whereby 23,9% will be taken
from new and monthly subscription costwhile the other 76,1% from the government. Further
calculation shown that Internal Rate of Return (IRR) value is 20,3% and Benefit Cost Ratio
(BCR)> 1 which means abovementioned project is feasible. Net Present Value (NPV) also
shown positive value that renders the project to be profitable. On the institutional aspect,
lackness of personnel quality due to education insufficiency, most of the employee are only high
school graduates. In order to improve organiziational quality, PDAM must create and make
training programs to increase skills and professionalism, a descent recruitment process must also
be conducted to reduce technical and non- technical losses, financial aid to conduct such
program can be provided by central or provincial governement, last but not leat is to increase the
number of subscriber while at the same time increase service area.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTL 628.144 Feb s
Uncontrolled Keywords: kehilangan air; distribusi; air bersih; PDAM; Kota Mataram; tingkat kebocoran; aspek teknis; aspek financial; aspek kelembagaan; Water losses; distribution system; clean water; district water company (PDAM); City of Mataram,leakage; technical aspect; financial aspect; institutional aspect.
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Environment Engineering > 25101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Anis Wulandari
Date Deposited: 18 May 2017 08:01
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2018 02:44

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