Perancangan Identitas Visual PT. Kertas Leces

Pradayana, Rizki Juita (2016) Perancangan Identitas Visual PT. Kertas Leces. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT. Kertas Leces adalah pabrik kertas tertua nomor dua di Indonesia, setelah
pabrik kertas Padalarang, yang mana didirikan pada masa penjajahan Belanda. PT. Kertas
Leces merupakan salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang berada dalam kondisi `tidak prima`.
Selain produksi rendah, mereka pun terlilit beban Rekening Dana Investasi dan Subsidiary
Loan Agreement (SLA). Pada tahun 2010 PT. Kertas Leces mengalami kemunduran dan
sempat memberhentikan produksi kertasnya.
PT. Kertas Leces membutuhkan identitas untuk mendukung beroperasinya kembali
berproduksi dengan bahan baku yang baru yang nantinya dapat di ketahui oleh masyarakat,
maka pada tahap selanjutnya akan dirancang identitas visual PT. Kertas Leces. Menurut Bapak
Syarief Hidayat selaku Direktur Produksi di Perusahaan Leces menjelaskan bahwa identitas
visual sekarang yang digunakan masih kurang memenuhi standart, desain logo masih dibuat
sederhana dan hanya di edit sedikit-sedikit, tidak ada yang istimewa, warna biru pada logo
hanya menggambarkan warna seragam karyawan PT. Kertas Leces.
Pegumpulan data dalam perancangan ini menggunakan dan mengintegrasikan
pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif melalui proses transformative. Menggunakan kombinasi
data kualitatif dan kuantitatif dapat meningkatkan evaluasi dengan memastikan bahwa
keterbatasan informasi satu jenis data dapat diseimbangkan antar satu dengan lainnya. Data
kualitatif didapatkan dari depth interview kepada stakeholder sedangkan data kuantitatif
didapatkan dari kuisioner dan wawancara pengunjung. Identitas visual baru PT. Kertas Leces
nantinya diharapkan lebih mewakilkan perkembangan yang terjadi di PT. Kertas Leces.


PT. Kertas Leces is the second oldest paper mill in Indonesia, after Padalarang paper
mill, which was established in the Dutch colonial period. PT. Leces paper is one of the stateowned
company in a state of bad condition. In addition to low production, they were
entwined load Investment Fund Account and Subsidiary Loan Agreement (SLA). In 2010 PT.
Paper Leces setbacks and had to lay off its paper production.
Corporate Identity of PT. Kertas Leces will support the operation back into
production with a new raw material that can later be known by the public, then the next
stage will be designed corporate identity PT. Kertas Leces . According to Mr. Syarif Hidayat as
Director of Production at the Company Leces explained that the corporate identity is now
being used is still not meet the standard, the logo design was kept simple and just edited a
little bit, nothing special, the blue color of the logo only describe the color of uniforms of
employees of PT. Kertas Leces.
This study assesses the utility of mixed methods designs that integrate qualitative
and quantitative data through a transformative process. Using a combination of qualitative
and quantitative data can improve an evaluation by ensuring that the limitations of one type
of the data are balanced by the strengths of another. This will ensure that understanding is
improved by integrating different ways of knowing. Qualitative data obtained from depth
interviews to stakeholders while quantitative data obtained from questionnaires and
interviews of visitors. To complement other data required, also conducted secondary data
collection and observations directly related to the design objects.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSDP 741.67 Pra p
Uncontrolled Keywords: identitas visual; ramah lingkungan; modern; berkembang; kertas; corporate identity; ecolabelling; modern; evolve; paper
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races > HT166 City Planning--Environmental aspects
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK2115 Interior decoration
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Interior Design > 90221-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Anis Wulandari
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2017 06:50
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2018 04:14

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