Widyaningsih, Rizqi Meuthia (2017) Pengaruh Bank Sampah terhadap Pengurangan dan Pengumpulan Sampah untuk Meningkatkan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat di Kecamatan Klojen Kota Malang. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Kecamatan Klojen merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Malang yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk paling tinggi dengan kontribusi sampah terbesar yaitu kurang lebih sekitar 38,00 m3/hari dengan jumlah penduduk terendah. Besarnya timbulan sampah mengakibatkan penumpukan sampah di TPS. Manajemen Bank Sampah Malang (BSM) merupakan salah satu program yang dibuat untuk membantu pemerintah daerah dalam mereduksi sampah khususnya yaitu sampah anorganik dan mendorong perilaku memilah sampah. Pengaruh bank sampah, petugas pengumpul sampah dan sektor informal dalam mereduksi sampah rumah tangga belum terukur dan tidak diketahui secara pasti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah adalah mengukur timbulan, komposisi, densitas dan reduksi sampah di Kecamatan Klojen; mengkaji kondisi eksisting sistem pengumpulan sampah rumah tangga dilihat dari aspek teknis dengan mengoptimalkan reduksi sampah.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yang dibutuhkan antara lain pengukuran timbulan dilakukan selama 8 hari. Pemilihan lokasi sampling berdasarkan hasil pemetaan TPS. Data reduksi sampah didapatkan dari wawancara dan pengukuran komposisi sampah tereduksi oleh bank sampah, petugas pengumpul sampah, dan sector informal. Data sistem pengumpulan sampah didapatkan dari pengukuran rute pengumpulan sampah berdasarkan jenis alat pengumpul. Sedangkan data sekunder yang dibutuhkan yaitu data kependudukan di Kecamatan Klojen, peta letak wilayah, lokasi TPS beserta jumlahnya, dan luas dan kapasitas TPS. Laju timbulan sampah rumah tangga di Kecamatan Klojen adalah sebesar 0,28 kg/orang/hari. Komposisi sampah sejenis sampah rumah tangga terdiri dari dikomposkan sebesar sebesar 67,29%, sedangkan komposisi lainnya terdiri dari sampah plastik 8,29%, diapers 8,00%, kertas 7,22%, kain 1,90%, logam 1,78%, kaca 1,06%, kayu 0,09%, karet 0,15%, residu 3,66%, dan B3 0,57%. Jenis alat pengumpul paling banyak di 8 TPS Kecamatan Klojen adalah jenis gerobak sampah, gerobak ditarik motor, kemudian motor roda tiga. Waktu total pengumpulan sampah (Tscs) dan ritasi menggunakan gerobak sampah adalah sebesar 1,33 jam dengan 2 ritasi. Gerobak ditarik motor sebesar 0,97 jam dengan 2 ritasi serta motor roda tiga sebesar 1,192 jam dengan 2 ritasi. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah masih rendah. Namun masyarakat antusias apabila sarana dan prasarana pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Klojen mendukung.
Subdistrict Klojen is one of the subdistricts in the city of Malang that have the highest population density with the contribution of the biggest solid waste that is more or less about 38.00 m3/day with the lowest population. The magnitude of the waste generation resulted in a buildup of waste in the transfer stations. Malang Waste Bank Management (BSM) is a program created to assist local governments in the reduction of wate in particular, namely inorganic waste and encouraging waste sorting behavior. The influence of the waste bank, garbage collectors and the informal sector in the reduction of household garbage has not been measured and is not known for sure. The purpose of this research was to measure waste generation, composition, density and tehe reduction of waste in Klojen Subdistrict; it examines existing conditions of household gabage collection system seen from technical aspects with the optimizing the reduction of waste. This research was conducted with the primary data collection and secondary data. Primary data is needed among other measurements of the waste generation done for 8 days. The selection of the sampling location based on the results of the mapping of the TPS. Waste reduction data obtained from interviews and measurements of the composition of the waste reduced by the waste bank, garbage collectors, and the informal sector. Waste collection system data obtained from measuremenets of the route of the waste collection based on the type of tool collecting. While secondary dta requires, namely data on population in Klojen Subdistrict, map layout of the area, the location of transfer station and their number, and the breadth and capacity of TPS.
The rate of household waste generation in the Klojen subdistrict is of 0.28 kg/person/day. The composition of the waste consists of biodegradable garden and park waste 67,29%, plastic 8,29%, diapers 8,00%, paper 7,22%, fabric 1,90%, metal 1,78%, glass 1,06%, wood 0,09%, rubber 0,15%, residue 3,66% and B3 0,57%.
This type of tool collecting the most numerous in the 8 TPS of Klojen Subdistrict are garbage carts, cartsdrawn by motorcycle, then motor tricycle. The total time collecting the garbage ( Tscs ) and ritasi means of a cart trash is as much as 1,33 hours rit with 2. Cart drawn motor 0,97 as much as an hour with 2 rit as well as motorcycle a tricycle 1,192 as much as an hour with 2 rit. Community participation in waste management is still low in Klojen Subdistric. But the community’s enthusiastic if there is waste management facilities and infrastructure in support of Klojen Subdisctrict.
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Waste bank, community participation, waste management, waste collecting, waste reduction, bank sampah, partisipasi masyarakat, sampah rumah tangga, sistem pengumpulan sampah, reduksi sampah |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD789 Refuse and refuse disposal |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Environment Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Rizqi Meuthia Widyaningsih |
Date Deposited: | 12 Sep 2017 07:48 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2024 06:45 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/43477 |
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