Studi Penyempurnaan Jaringan 20 Kv pada Sistem Kelistrikan di ITS

Setyawan, Dany (2017) Studi Penyempurnaan Jaringan 20 Kv pada Sistem Kelistrikan di ITS. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November.

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ITS Surabaya merupakan salah satu konsumen listrik dengan konsumsi tegangan 20 kV. Sebagai sebuah institusi yang menjalankan berbagai kegiatan, maka perlu bagi kampus ITS untuk menyediakan sistem kelistrikan yang handal agar kontinyuitas pelayanan listrik dapat tercapai. Dalam kondisi yang ada saat ini, kontinyuitas dan selektifitas terhadap gangguan yang dapat terjadi pada sistem kelistrikan ITS belum tercapai. Maka dari itulah perlu dilakukan sebuah studi penyempurnaan sistem kelistrikan di ITS. Studi penyempurnaan ini mencakup kondisi temperatur dan kelembaban pada gardu listrik dan koordinasi rele overcurrent dan rele groundfault. Pada tugas akhir ini, nilai temperatur pada gardu yang telah disempurnakan memiliki rata-rata nilai temperatur 240C dan kelembaban 57%. Sedangkan pada gardu yang belum disempurnakan memiliki rata-rata nilai temperatur 330C dan kelembaban 65%. Dari hasil simulasi yang telah dilakukan, untuk setting peralatan dari eksisting rele overcurrent dan rele groundfaultnya terdapat kesalahan, terutama pada bagian grading time rele PLN. Setelah dilakukan resetting untuk koordinasi proteksi yang baru, koordinasi pengaman antar rele sesuai dengan standar IEEE 242. Dalam hal ini perlu adanya setting ulang rele dari pihak PLN agar rele PLN dapat dikoordinasikan dengan rele yang lain yang ada di kelistrikan ITS. Selain itu, pada masing-masing transformator distribusi sisi primernya ditambahkan rele overload sebagai pengaman beban lebih.


ITS Surabaya is one of consumer with consumption of 20 kV voltage. As an institution that performs various activities, it is necessary for the ITS campus to provide a reliable electrical system so that the continuity of electricity services can be achieved. At the moment,, continuity and selectivity to the disturbance that can occur in the electrical system of ITS has not been achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study to improvement the electrical system in ITS. This study includes temperature and humidity conditions in electrical substations and coordination of overcurrent relay and groundfault relay. In this final project, the temperature value of the substation that has been enhanced has an average temperature value of 240C and 57% humidity. Whereas in not enhunced substation has average temperature value 330C and humidity 65%. From the simulation results that have been done, for setting the equipment from the existing overcurrent rele and its groundfault relay there are an error, especially on the grading time PLN’s relay. After resetting for new protection coordination, the coordination of safety between relay in accordance with the standart IEEE 242. In this case the need to re-setting the relay of the PLN to PLN’s relay can be coordinated with other relay in the ITS’s electricity. In addition, in each of the primary side distribution transformers, there is added overload relay as a safety overload.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: rele overcurrent, rele groundfault, temperatur, kelembaban, humidity
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK5105 Data Transmission Systems
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Electrical Engineering > 20201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Dany Setyawan .
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2017 06:02
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2019 03:27

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